Dragonflight codex SPOILER

True and try as we might we still haven’t figured out how to replicate Roman concrete.

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Well, not all Horde races. The pretty, westernized ones always seem to get a pass.

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Well, everyone but the Blood elves than :stuck_out_tongue:

Still though, this constant mistreatment is why I always been more sympathetic to the horde. Blizz keeps finding new ways they can mistreat an entire faction

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What I’m learning is that when I make my fantasy world all the races have to be bland and not be based on any real cultures or I will be racist.

tfw to intelligent to believe in loas
gonna follow the arcane sciences

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IIRC part of this is because we no longer have access to the specific mix of materials, they had access to. I believe they were mining some of the components from a specific volcano that either erupted or was mined out.

For example, Damascus Steel was a very different thing to the version that exists today and that was because the mine that supplied the materials being used by the Damascus Smiths was a unique mixture of materials that even now, we aren’t certain of. On top of that the Damascus Smiths used unique techniques that when applied to that unique mixture of materials produced, nano scale microstructures that changed the properties of the ancient Damascus Steel resulting in a unique mixture of strength and durability/flexibility that was unheard of before and for ages after.


Or just do some basic research on the irl groups you want to take inspiration from.

Y’know, just the bare minimum.


The book words it terribly, but canonically speaking, Dark Trolls did evolve into Night Elves, which automatically makes them “better”. Same way humans and dwarves are devolved and “worse” than the Titan-forged versions of them. (That one actually has come up a few times).

What they really needed to do is just also say/add Dark Trolls evolved into Zandalari Trolls from which all other modern Trolls descended. And the remaining Dark ones are the “missing link”.

Unless they fully retcon the “Dark Trolls evolved into Night Elves” thing, (not a bad idea) it’s going to be problematic since there’s no other way to interpret it except Night Elves > Dark Trolls.

Using the Trolls’ inspiration here: if the Spanish didn’t come and wreck everything, my goodness were the Maya advanced. About the only reason they didn’t have contemporary 1500s technology like metal tools is they just didn’t exist where they lived.

But they had a full written language with real books, not scrolls, just like ours today with book binding, read left to right, written on both sides. Extremely proficient with astronomy. Obviously their pyramids. Very good roads for living in a jungle. What else is needed to describe an advanced civilization?

Our modern interpretation of Mesoamerican culture would be veeeery different if their culture hadn’t been burnt to cinders as being “heretical”. (Book burning, bad). Probably would be presented very differently in WoW. Though the human sacrifice was real. That probably would’ve stayed but more accurate?

You’re clearly learning the wrong thing. If you’re going to take cultural influences for your fantasy race then do your research and be aware of the nuances and stereotypes that you’re using. The story would benefit significantly more from the writers having this awareness because the story is bland now because of a lack of it and has coalesced into generic and boring fantasy.


Personally I’d be looking to more make sure you’re not messing it up terribly (hi Trolls) and less on using it for “avoiding familiar tropes” since tbh, most stories worldwide have the same tropes in the end. Unsurprisingly things like self-sacrifice, love, justice, sadness, etc. are pretty universal places to start for writing a story.

Using accurate world building from other cultures does require a lot of research however. Which… WoW could really use.


was anything about oathstones in there

Generally speaking, nothing, because Tauren Druids didn’t come back en masse until Hamuul learned it post Warcraft 3, when NE’s lost the blessing Ysera gave them that did this.

Granted from what we see from the books, the meditation isn’t even the hard part, it’s navigating a spirit realm shaped by your own perception and being able to see past them to understand it in full without becoming wayward and lost.

? Evolution doesn’t make you inherently “better” or “worse” than your progenitor, that’s a silly thought. At best it makes you better suited to your new environment in the case of adaptative evolution, which isn’t even the case here. Following this logic, are Blood Elves inherently “better” than Night Elves ?


They fit in smaller spaces.

he put that statemant out of context. Malfurion is still the first druid.

The context of that statement was in regard to highborne and druids. Its a shame that baal never learned to be accurat in analytics of the material right before him because he´s blinded by his desire of search of racism and he simply wished that trolls or tauren are the first druid, even if there is no confirmation even anywhere that this would be the case.

“Those dedicated to preserving the raw power and splendors of the wilds came to be known as druids, while elves with an apitude for magic adopted the name highborne”:

Its still about the night elves, thats out of the book.

It was never changed.

in terms of magic the troll empire stood no chance against the uprising kaldorei empire, all troll empires grumbled in a few years against their new enemy and lost battlefield after battlefield.

until azshara herself gave them their ultimatum to admit their defeat or be wiped out from existence. and the trolls accepted because they had no chance and thats the reason they hated the night elves so much because this loss/defeat was their biggest shame.

There’s no records of any Troll vs. Night Elf wars that I know of.

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Well yeah, obviously!! High/Blood/Void elves are the most superior race of all, and I choose to die on that hill for no reason whatsoever, because it is factually accurate and completely true. We, I mean they, are the apex of WoW evolution, with superior intellect, superior physical form, and superior everything. This is 1000% canonically true.

Ahem. Ok, goofiness out of the way, time for some serious.

The root of the issue is that Blizzard writers and developers use the word “evolution” but they don’t actually mean actual evolution. They mean a more pop culture, Pokemen/X-Men/InsertSci-FiMovie version of evolution that has nothing at all to do with natural selection based on environmental adaptation. They use the word “evolution” as a surrogate for “make better, instantly and completely”. Actual evolution doesn’t “make better”. It involves passing on traits better adapted to the local environment. It made humans smarter, sure. It also made humans physically weaker (because physical strength was less important). Environmental factors favored a smaller, smarter human over a bigger, dumber one.

Alligators haven’t needed to adapt or change for something like six million years. Great White Sharks have them beat at around 45 million years without much change, if any. Both are very well suited to their environment. They have not had to adapt to much (well, until humans came around), survived a few ice ages and come out the other side no problem.

Because that’s what evolution does. It’s selective adaptation, based on environmental pressures, that allows a critter a longer time than other critters like it but without the adaptation to pass on its genes and spreading that mutation.

Evolution isn’t super-powers and mega-intelligence, laser-eyes and Suramar-building.

Just wanted to get that little rant out of the way. Blizzard isn’t just doubling down on stereotypes; they’re also abusing the word evolution.


then you should reread the lore before the war of the ancient.

The night elf empire rise up ca 15.000 years ago by defeating all troll empire at once and giving zandalar an ultimatum to admit defeat or be destroyed until nothing remained. The troll accepted because they knew the night elfs could do that.

The reason the night elf were in such a position was their magic knowledge superior toward the trolls.