Dragonflight Class Tuning Incoming - May 7

that only tells me that your tanks dont know how to press their buttons right

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Wow this seems like a horrible update. Talk about a complete disconnect.

Thank you for nerfing brewmaster damage significantly. I’ll make sure to tell the other dozen of us at our weekly meeting.

I guess 93% of tanks playing VH isn’t enough gotta pump those numbers up. Oh wait I’ll just unsub.


Hey, just throwing out there that it would be super awesome if I could do a key or two as Survival without having to take the Stamina penalty of wearing last season’s gear.


This is what happens when players pick their own tier sets, blizz fails balance on everything and refuses to work on anything lol.

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Agreed. Thank you Blizzard for the Destro buffs.


As one of the dozens of fellow BrM tanks: Huh?


It’s bad enough we have to use a tank trinket to survive

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buff bdk s4 4-piece pls or do something / the BRM stagger magic damage should be higher than 55% for those damage nerfs

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one is aoe and is a blanket silence. the other is rng garbage outside of divine toll.

Blizzard: Brewmaster is the lowest represented tank in all keys, what can we do to help?
Also Blizzard: Guts Brewmaster’s damage profile making them even less desirable.


So once again ignoring shamans right, enhancement right now is just a windfury totem that walks, we are hardcapped on 5-6 targets and lose to every single uncapped class in 5-6 targets, our “funnel” is a joke, we are still the squishiest class… but sure Destrolock need buffs… you know what what about buffing Spries Fire Mage and Augvoker since you’re at it

  • Best Brewmaster in the world tweets about his incredible DPS in a high key - Bliz responds with nerf.

  • The rest of us bring the facts about the current state of the class to the attention of Bliz through their official forums - Bliz does nothing

Makes you wonder what they’re actually paying attention too.


Me, as a Feral druid main who gets rejected from all my m+ applications, because of the spec low damage and survivability, I found this changes incomplete.
Mostly when broken easy specs like ret pally and destro lock keep getting support. If I wasn’t playing other over busted specs, I would have left this game already. Sadly the one I enjoy the most it’s been trash in all 4 seasons.


Reminds me of that one Resto Shaman player who wrote an article on WowHead about how healing is still too easy in season 3, so they nerfed Resto Shaman and he complained.

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Please, can we undo these changes and just do a % aura nerf, or perhaps a nerf to some other area of outlaw’s kit? These changes are awful, in particular the nerfs to Ace proc chance and combo point generation.

These changes double dip on nerfing outlaw burst by hitting both BTE damage directly and the chance for BTE to reset combo points due to Ace, which will make the gameplay feel significantly worse. Outlaw burst is not even that strong and is not even remotely what makes the spec good in pvp. Regardless, nerfs should be done for overall game balance, not to make one particular spec feel bad to play. This reads more as a punishment to outlaw players than as balance changes.

Furthermore, how is outlaw damage getting nerfed and DH is untouched? Did we not watch the same AWC games where DH is doing more than double the total damage of outlaw, yet outlaw gets a nerf and DH does not?

Look here, end of the first match of The Move vs Le Pump this last weekend:

Outlaw: 26.23 million total damage (59.9k dps)
DH: 57.47 million total damage (102k dps)

Where are the DH nerfs???

Blizzard, something needs to change.

This tuning is entirely random and solves nothing. Nothing. It addresses none of the big issues with class balance.

Further, class balancing has been the WORST part of this expansion. It has been exceptionally bad, exasperated by the complete travesty that is augmentation. Tuning passes should be happening weekly and should be the highest priority thing happening in between large patches.

I have quit every season this expansion halfway through because of tuning. And at this point, I have such little confidence I am not going to be playing the next expansion. Absolutely no thank you to more of this crap.

We’re approaching god comp status again and I doubt those balance changes are enough to go further away from it but I’ll still welcome the vdh nerfs. Like the fire mages buffs in last season I’m not sure buffing destruction was a high priority.


Nothing for Shamans? Really? :frowning:

Brewmaster nerfs?! Why??

For anyone who doesn’t follow any class discord stuff:

This is about a ~6.5% buff to Boomkin’s ST and it makes the S4 tier strictly better than 2pc/2pc in all situations, which is nice for them.

This is a ~2.3% buff to Destro’s single-target and is honestly a bit of a headscratcher; when Destro can stand still it’s by far the best Warlock spec and on the bosses where Demo is better Destro usually isn’t even that far behind.

This is a ~1.5% ST increase and a ~2.5% AoE increase before factoring in the Soul Flame buffs, and is probably a lot more than that when you factor in Soul Flame (in other words, this spec takes Tindral to the slaughterhouse). You won’t really play this over Demo or Destro in keys though since the spec gives up too much ST to do the AoE it does.

This is about a ~3.8% buff and most folks will see slightly bigger buffs than this since most people don’t have a high ilvl Eranog ring yet. Arms is still strictly better so you should probably just play that.

This spec is still completely mandatory in any M+ setting without fail. Anyone who expected VDH to get kicked out of the M+ meta was expecting a borderline rework for the spec which you’d never get.

Roughly a ~5.5% buff before factoring in the 2pc bugfix. It’s about as good as Subtlety or Marksmanship before factoring in PI and gains enough from PI to be about as strong as Havoc or Enhancement, which are solidly middle of the pack. Nothing groundbreaking, but Assassination is no longer a throw pick since it’s no longer strictly worse than Subtlety and if you play it you’re a good enough PI recipient to warrant actually getting it.

Why is this spec getting nerfed harder than VDH??? LMAO

Brew’s damage is still gonna be very good but this seems overkill for a spec that has nearly no representation.