This is why I suggested there was probably one person they were catering to when they fixed balance S4, I mean, there’s only one balance druid that interviews everyone, right?
Why are we nerfing Brewmaster, the least popular, most complex tank in the game? where the only plus to playing the class is that you do great damage as a tank.
Blizz… I speak for all of us survival hunters… (In my Kevin Hart Voice) … Help us, Help us please… HELP US… you see us out her struggling barely surviving. Its wild that you wont even acknowledge it. WHO DO WE NEED TO TALK TO?
The last 12 playing brewmasters got nerfed, sad.
Short answer: No.
Long Answer: Absolutely not. From what I’m seeing, all tanks are actually really close. There are some outlier logs for Brew run by Equinox (Hannahbrew) using Storm-Eater’s Boon to pad as much damage as possible. But taking that out of the equation, basically every tank spec is in the same ballpark, EXCEPT Prot Paladin bringing up the rear by a pretty significant margin. Most other tanks appear to be doing 50-100% more damage than Prot Paladin for the same dungeon/key level. I think I know what tank spec needs a damage buff next (and a certain mana cost removed…)
And only “great” damage, not even “the best” damage. Imagine the only drawing point for the spec being done better by a different spec, but having that one thing the spec had going for it nerfed anyway when it wasn’t the best.
hes not even the best brew in the world fyi, also lol
To be fair, we should give blizzard SOME credit…
Because it is truly impressive how bad they are at their jobs.
This is such a joke… You are literally unable to keep initial aggro from a pack just by a drive by SCK against a healer and you guys are going to nerf it… SCK needs a buff, not a nerf.
Where is the reason of nerfing BRM damage? Take a look into warcraftlogs… The only dominating tank in dps is VDH… Just because Equinox is hitting crazy numbers you are going to nerf the other 99.9999% of all BRM players? Solve the base issues of this class!
- Increase the baseline Armor and Stamina: we need a better pre stagger mitigation and bigger lifepool!
- Stop increasing our selfheal! We don’t need more heal, we are already the little, handicapped brother of the BDK (with a 5s cd “Death Strike” lol).
- Remove RJW, its boring and annoying! (or make it at least passive like the WW version)
- Remove RSK, it feels just clunky and useless in our rotation. (Pls free some keybinds… PLS)
Do at least something to make BRM more enjoyable for a larger amount of ppl instead of nerfing the already baddest tank ingame.
There is someone in the balance team that listens to all the complaints that HP mains have, and goes out of their way to ignore them. Purely out of spite.
Why is this not a buff for PVE as well? People have been complaining about Holy Power spells feeling weak for MONTHS
It seems obvious that developers do not play BM Hunter or Demo Warlock in PVP… Hate to say it but you buffed Affliction Damage, when the mastery build now kills all lobbies? You continue to let imps dire beasts, fel guard, all pets get cc’d by nova, fear, and snares and even if it were possible to dispel them, you made it so each instance of CC eliminates 75% of all possible damage during the 3-12 seconds pets are just standing there… and you’ll probably say you can talent into removing the snares or magic, and by this (coupled with the GCD and % chance to dispel), the possible damage reduction is mitigated to 55%… No other classes suffer this… And no wonder… Nice to see the Devs still playing DH, Ret Pally, and Druid while a few have changed over to Afflicition.
Blizzard doing blizzard things and ignoring hunters
These changes are an absolute joke
And if this is all that is done, bet on that number going up.
Someone at Blizzard… “Wait, Shaman still exist? I thought we deleted that class years ago.”
This is coming in TWW.
Rather sooner than later.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: They balance the game for the top 0.1%. Everything else trickles down to the rest of the players.
Sadly they remembered us and gave us some attention a couple weeks before 10.2.6 when they nerfed our healing by 5% =/
Arcane mage PVE could use some buffs. In particular AOE. A 1000% dmg increase (10x) for nether tempest would actually be about right for competing with all other classes at the moment.
This was close, but not the fix moonkins actually wanted.
Just revert it to it’s S1 state: When entering eclipse, your next Starsurge/Starfall is free, and does 35% more damage.