Dragonflight Class Tuning Incoming - June 4

You just don’t like having to run into melee huh

Nah, I just think it’s super clunky and not fun. I don’t want to be watching 4/5 dots as a healer, applied in two diff forms, also I can’t dispel in catform for some reason.

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No improvements to fury warriors, I sad :disappointed:

Ngl I’m having more fun doing it. You can do crazy dps with HOTW and Tome of Unstable Power. Can’t wait to get Vakash.

This definitely needs to change too

That’s fine, and I want people who enjoy it to still be able to enjoy it! I just want the humanform cast spells to be buffed a bit so they’re less far behind and cost no mana.

Most tank players play all the tanks. Most of us have switched to maining our VDH, so that’s what most keys will be tanked on. I agree more tuning needs to happen. Hoping it will be smart tuning not clumsy. But I don’t think it would change much this season because mains are pretty set at this point.

What kind of person complains about PvE not getting nerfs? Just enjoy it.

You clearly haven’t looked at the ladder. Top 4 of the 5 most represented specs at 2400+ in 3’s are all melee. There’s 379 total melee specs vs 276 ranged specs at that rating. This is only even this close because Boomy is completely busted.

Same usual overtuned suspects running amok two season in a row and we get some lazy changes after a month.

It’s also in the spot where it’s insane DPS is maximized in a coordinated group. Destro can still do good in PUGS, but it’s still best utilized when in coordination with the tank.

So it’s not OP enough for the casuals to scream OP but in coordinated groups it’s the undisputed best spec for big overalls.

Wait whats that on my backyard? A Raccoon?


Either remove illuminated Sigils or give every tank 2 charges of their CC kit.

wait, people still pvp in this game? That’s my bad, I’m talking purely M+. I should have qualified. I don’t ever look at pvp stats, Blizz is somehow even worse at balancing PvP than M+.

Easy, make every bounce of avenger’s shield silence.

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Why? It’s not OP enough to where it’s game breaking the M+ Leaderboards over every other Ranged/Magic specs.

S-Tier = Spriest
A-Tier = Frost + Fire Mage, Destro Lock.
B-Tier = Demo Lock, BM Hunter
C-Tier = Arcane Mage, MM Hunter
D-Tier = Affliction Lock

Souce: WoWHead Season 4 DPS Tier List for M+

What’s causing you to warrant a sizeable nerf to Destro spec? Very curious. Blizzard isn’t done with class/spec balance yet for S4. Besides, TWW Beta bout to roll out with buffs to Demo and Affliction.

Affliction just recieved some buffs from the latest class balance patch. It’s not enough to top near Destro or Demo DPS charts (bc it’s really not a favorable PvE spec for M+ or Raid content) which is why Destro and Demo are the preferred specs for M+ and Raid content.

Honestly, as a Demo main, I honestly don’t see anything wrong with Destro Lock to include their recent buffs. Both are in a good spot for PvE content. Sure, Affliction could use a bit more love but they’re primarily a PvP spec which I can see why Blizzard don’t want to turn a PvP spec more tune for PvE when Destro and Demo are already doing the work for PvE content.

Oh so you just use a word/phrase/saying totally wrong. That seems like a good idea… you are smart.

I don’t understand who these changes are meant for. No one plays Hpal with the intent to do damage atm… Even in m+, if you want the hpal to do dmg, you have them zone out and respec ret (assuming the 1st pull is worth it in m+).

How about you actually attempt the ILLUSION of knowing how the game is played for once?

All of those changes were specifically for pvp combat not pve?

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They need a change in overall philosophy in how they design trash packs. Requiring huge pulls with 8+ mobs that all need hard stops is poor design, especially when some classes have farm more CC options than others. Making more mob abilities things you can dodge with proper telegraphs would be a step in the right direction instead of unavoidables that need a hard stop like a stun or knockup.

Same, except my reason is petty. I hate slice and dice lol