Dragonflight Class Tuning Incoming - June 4

For those who do not know, we are currently 26th in DPS in M+ out of 26. I get it, everyone needs to be last, but we are so far behind the 25th, that the 25th is closer to 1st. The gap between SV and 25th is greater than between VDH prot pal/BM. The ONLY way we can compete and get within 10% of 25th is to use season 3’s tier set. But then we are missing 10 levels of secondaries, and 200k HP. We CANNOT even compete for the 2nd worst spot out there…

Below are some Sims that will show how bad off we are:

Before Buffs (10 reduced focus (30>20) and +50% damage to your next carve/mongoose bite)

8 Targets
Previous S3 (489) 1.556M
Current S4 (522): 1.470M
Difference: 85K (6%)
Link: raidbots com/simbot/report/oE6fJMKGGFy8xuJeyh7xWR

Dungeon Slice
Previous S3 (489) 461K
Current S4 (522): 432K
Difference: 29K (7%)
Link: raidbots com/simbot/report/mvLqk9Wcf8vE22mQq9jjQS

So comparing our current situation, at my current levels, the set bonus is a DPS loss despite the increase in primary and secondary stats

Post Buffs (20 reduced focus (30>10) and +80% damage to your next carve/mongoose bite)

8 Targets
Previous S3 (489) 1.554M
Current S4 (522): 1.477M (+7k)
Difference: -76k (-5%)
Link: raidbots com/simbot/report/sEsHf9yZKe2nS8GztZPtqR

Dungeon Slice
Previous S3 (489) 461K
Current S4 (522): 438K (+6k)
Difference: -85K (-7%)
Link: raidbots com/simbot/report/doND6ewK9RTNjDuAP18wD7

These buffs barely added anything to the damage, not even 1% in many cases

S3 @ Ilevel 522

8 Targets
Previous S3 (522) 1.667M
Current S4 (522): 1.470M
Difference: -197K (-13%)
Link: raidbotscom/simbot/report/5xC5bDbYdfPg6NjGU5HqGJ

Dungeon Slice
Previous S3 (522) 495K
Current S4 (522): 432K
Difference: -63K (-15%)
Link: raidbots com/simbot/report/4uFqGhKieVYctrKUsdfeUU

If we had the same power as last season (which mind you we were still dead last), we’d be 15% more powerful just from the level increase.

S4 with HUGE buffs (30 reduced focus (30>0) and +300% damage to your next carve/mongoose bite)

8 Targets
Previous S3 (489) 1.554M
Current S4 (522): 1.514M
Difference: -36K (-2%)
Link: raidbotscom/simbot/report/57NpmP9FVKmRB5a4aaapHS

Dungeon Slice
Previous S3 (489) 461K
Current S4 (522): 474K
Difference: +13K (+3%)
Link: raidbots com/simbot/report/i4VMAWHJBhzuPtA6A1jQog

So, if we reduce the cost reduction by 300% and increase the 4 pieces by around 600%, then it’s a slight DPS in the dungeon slice due to Mongoose bite hitting for insane numbers, probably 500k-1M spammable. but still a slight DPS loss in AOE.

So here are my proposed changes to start with:

2-Set - Hunter Survival Class Set 2pc - Mongoose Bite / Raptor Strike damage increased by 25% and Carve/ Butchery damage increased by 50%.

4-Set - Hunter Survival Class Set 4pc - Mongoose Bite / Raptor Strike, Carve/ Butchery have a 40% chance to make your next Mongoose Bite / Raptor Strike, Carve/ Butchery cost 30 less Focus and deal 100% increased damage.

This would give us a little extra oomph and bring us much closer in line with where our power should be. It probably won’t be enough but it’s a reasonable start.

Let’s see how much this would impact our DPS? Looking at this Log from an AA I did here: www.warcraftlogs com/reports/fFxLAYw7BjbWTkMC#fight=14&type=damage-done&source=457

I did 526.68M over 1,447 seconds which is about 365k DPS. I did 21M damage with Butchery and 20.5M with Mongoose Bite. If we take those basic values and multiply them by the updates I suggested we will have:

Butchery: 21x1.5x(1.4x2)=88M
Mongoose bite: 20.5x1.25x(1.4x2)= 72M

Add that to 526 and you have 686M damage which over 1,447 seconds is 474K DPS which is a HUGE DPS increase, but there is more…

My previous 2 set bonuses no longer are in effect. So I cast FotE 25 times, so I had 375 seconds of 15% of additional crit and crit damage. So for 26% of the key, I did an extra 1.15*1.15 or +32%. So let’s take 474k and subtract (32% of 26%), so we back out about 39M, bringing it down to 447K DPS.

Now let’s Focus on the 4 piece

12 seconds of each FOTE cast you get 1 free bomb, another bomb with no CD, and each tick resets this timer so u get 12S of primary bomb increased damage but we will ignore that for now. The average bomb damage (180M/225 casts) is 800K per bomb. We know we cast FotE 25 times, so we got 50 extra bombs, totaling 40M damage.

Final Numbers (VERY ROUGH)

608M/1447=419K DPS
54/365= 15%

WHICH IS the exact number I was expecting if we kept our S3 set. It’s not quite going to be there because of the single target bomb damage we lost but it’s not going to be too much where we are suddenly meta either, just enough to make us just okay.


Hi Rita big fan. Question though why does catweaving need to be less advantageous in your mind? While yes I admit it is a skill ceiling and I do like those its by no means a large one in comparison to other specs looking at you Aug

Huh? Destro and Affliction Lock just had a class balance adjustment like 2 weeks ago O_O

Demo and Affliction are receiving more changes for TWW.

Affliction not at it’s best for S4, but they’re improving the spec a little.

Destro and Demo still amazingly good for both M+ and Raids.

i think their complaint is that casters are too good, not that they need to be stronger.

Can we please see a little bit more frost dk buffs? So I can play more than 1 viable comp.

My survival hunter finna pump hard

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Catweaving is fun.

And they gave a buff, albeit a small one, to resto druids. It’s absolutely insane. Literal golden child classes who Blizzard refers over others.

The dragonflight dungeons all favor ranged, especially on M+. This is irrefutable. Nearly all the top M+ dps are ranged. The best melee is ret and they’re mid-level compared to ranged specs. Best healer is also resto druid which only catweaves in melee while healing from ranged for most heavy damage windows.

This is maybe the most pro-range season ever.

At this point this type of thing is either on purpose or they’re incompetent. FOTM specs as content.

Given we’re in an age where you can go to WCL and see specs consistently under performing others by wide margins, I’m going with it’s on purpose.

Don’t chose your spec because you like it’s aesthetic and play style because otherwise they’re balanced. That would be boring. /sarcasm

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The meta doesn’t have anything to do with classes being ranged. It’s about which specs have the most survivability, work best with aug, and bring the most buffs.

VDH is not FOTM… they have been like this since November. More gear and dungeon pool has just made the gap bigger.


By using FOTM you thought I meant to imply they’re drastically changing it up every month just to more accurately represent the Acronym?

oh yeah i wasn’t arguing. there’s a reason i shelved my rogue.

Some of these bosses are so horrifically anti melee too.

Literally every Nokhoud boss has anti-melee mechanics (the 3rd boss might literally be the worst fight for a melee ever with the amount of downtime you’re forced into), AV is god awful for melees to deal with in general, 3/5 bosses in Uldaman are insanely melee unfriendly, and it goes on.

These ranged are just obscenely tanky too, mages and locks especially. Survivability is supposed to be something melees should inherently have an advantage with but it’s not that way at all.

Happy to see this… just wish the mana issues in Big Bloosoms would be looked at. Not everyone want to play Stasis.

Destro, in particular, is far too good at AoE in M+. It needs a sizable nerf, and that’s my point. SPriest is too good at everything. It has no niche, it’s just great at all of it in M+.

Affliction could actually use some buffs imo, but Destro in particular needs the nerf bat.

I mean I’ve run into every tank class. It’s not all DH.

It did change something. They remained on top regardless so why nerf them in the first place? They just made the game harder for no reason like I said. Read ffs.

But then the problem still exists, only rather than having only one tank that can somewhat deal with it, we then have zero. That, or we have even more restrictive comps for the rest of the group and even more coordination is required. IDK about you, but I’d like to see a little more fun in the game, and a lot less sweat. Mainly because it’s me as the healer that has to both pay the price for missed stops, and frantically try to get all the stops others are oblivious to.

Good for you, I’m not into it.