Dragonflight Class Tuning Incoming - June 4

Pretty much, faceroll content is faceroll.

they take 5% more damage from me. baby steps

What are those sub “buffs?” Lmao. You buffed less than 5% of their damage. Backstab heals the target and rupture is not what you want to spend CP on as sub. This is just weird.

Glad to see some pvp Sub rogue changes, especially in terms of sustained dps. Sub currently feels useless/ just a cc bot outside of shadow blades and dance in arena/shuffle. The rupture buff will help but 15% buff on backstab won’t change anything. It hits for 30k right now and not worth pressing unless energy capped or not trying to break cc over pressing shuriken storm.

Would also be nice to see a revert on the eviscerate nerf to even 5% down from 10. Some evis crits feel okay (250k), but it feels absolutely terrible when
You waste 7 globals on 30k backstabs to have that 7 combo point evis only hit for 70k crit outside of dance/blades. In a 10-15 second span you do roughly 300k in damage total where as WW monks have a 350k rising sun kick every 10 seconds with one global to build for it. With the stamina changes and stat increase Subs burst is way less threatening than 90% of other classes sustained dps as outside that window they do 1/3 of the overall damage.

Season 4 was released almost a month ago.
Why does it take so long to buff the tier set to make it even worth taking?

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Should just buff everything across the board imo. (Except the already “meta” classes). It’s season 4 where we play the same content we’ve had for the entire expansion. Just let everyone blast and do crazy stuff. Its basically like an off season anyways.

I still gear alt and haven’t plane cata classic mop remix and beta haven’t launch yet.

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Note that this is tuning not balancing. This is based on M+ performance.
The same 3 specs will make up the top 40 DPS based on IO.
The same tank spec will will make the top 40 tanks based on IO.
The one healing spec with 35 of the top 40 IO will likely squeeze those other healing specs.
The bottom 10 DPS specs (including all 3 hunter specs) will continue to underperform.


Honestly, those holy paladin changes are missing the mark from a pve/mythic+ POV. The two biggest issues of the spec is our dps being low and mana being bad. In fact, I think I would rather take word of glory being free mana wise/cost 3 HP over buffing it by 15%. Also, the pvp damage buffs should also be applied to pve, as that’s the other glaring weakness, our dps is both expensive and terrible.

They kept them like that for 3 seasons in shadowlands.

It’s nice that y’all recognize the strength of bullion gear in PvP, but why aren’t more steps being made to make it irrelevant? The Diurna change wasn’t reduced to zero and other PvE gear is still BIS for PvP.

I’ve played since Vanilla and my decades of forum-browsing have left me with the impression that most PvPers want PvP gear to be BIS for PvP.

Crest accumulation from PvP is immensely slow, there’s no way to earn bullions from PvP, and no way to earn legendaries from PvP. Why are these items BIS for PvP? 90% of WoW is designed for PvErs. Why do there need to be more incentives for people to PvE, especially those uninterested in it?

Please ramp up PvP ilvls on gear to surpass all Bullions pieces and legendaries. Most PvPers want to play on a level playing field with little or no barriers to entry. They do not want to do spend hours in Mythic plus for significant (or even minor) combat advantages.


I think it was calculated that the increased damage to Butchery via the 4 pc proc would have to be around 500% to make it better than S3. Unless you mean just a flat 80-100% buff to Butchery from the 2pc which would probably work too.

But yes, as those sims show the S3 set at 489 ilvl is still better than the S4 set at 525 ilvl in any 2+ target situation even with the proposed incoming tuning.

I can’t believe I was excited to see survival just to be dissapointed at the miniscule buff we get from our s4 set.
Still not going to be enough damage to have us swap s3 sets in m+. It’s still a stupid ST focused set.

Hooray. Enhance is finally fixed in PvP.

It’s bad, but I don’t think it’s quite that bad. But they don’t actually have to do anything to vdh to fix the game. It’s already screwed this season, but all they have to do is design the content to not benefit from silence and fear sigils quite as much. Problem solved.

Or just get rid of the sigils.

When Mark of Ursol was “overpowered” in Legion, they didn’t remove magic damage from the game; they removed Mark of Ursol.

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No tank changes… Nice! They must be balanced right?

*heads over to raiderio

Lets see 10+ keys. 51% of all 10+ keys are VDH. So more than all other tanks combined.

Maybe it gets better at 15+?

86.4% VDH. So 6x as many VDH as all other tanks combined have completed a 15 or higher. Seems very balanced.

Oh and its not just high level keys that are a problem. In the 5 to 9 range VDH is 38.4% of all keys.


I couldnt see the Fury warrior buffs. The tuning you do when your not really tuning

Do you guys even listen to our feedback? For 2 months now us survival hunters have pleaded with yall to do the tier tuning you promised when we voted. And this is what we get. Let alone non tier tuning. Smfh.

It’s not for no reason, it’s because VDH is ruining the game for all the other tank classes. Don’t want to play VDH? Well finding a group is going to be a whole lot harder the higher you go in content to the point that you stop playing the game because no one wants you or you’re forced to re-roll.

SL S4 the destro and lock nerfs were absolutely nothing, not sure why you’re mentioning them at all like they changed anything. The end of the season Survival was still on top, then fire mage, and then destro. All three were FAR ahead of all specs, except outlaw rogue, by 20-30%. You know how I know this? I normally play enhancement shaman but since it was trash tier and finding groups took hours to the point I thought of quitting. Friend convinced me instead to re-roll meta and I swapped to Survival hunter for instant group invites and dead easy top of the charts dps.

That’s how I know VDH in it’s current form is hurting the game. It’s putting tanks in re-roll or quit situations, that’s never good for the game; be it Blizzards bottomline or the community due to the toxicity. Even if you nerf the dungeons VDH will still be vastly superior and thus the tank to take.

Blizzard has a target for tank balance and either VDH is acceptable or it’s not. If it is then all other tanks need buffed to that level because the difference between them is far too big. It is isn’t acceptable then it needs nerfed down to other tanks levels.