Dragonflight class changes slowing down/finishing

ref: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/dragonflight-class-design-progress/1346916

Key bit:

We feel it would be useful to let everyone know where we are in the development of Dragonflight classes and talent design. With the next Beta/PTR build, we’re transitioning away from spending the majority of our time on the design iteration of the new talent trees, and we’re now primarily focused on fixing bugs and tuning the game. This includes balancing talent choices against each other and tuning the throughput of each class. We want to ensure that we release an expansion of the highest quality for this incredible community.

Please blizzard delay the game. Classes are the most important aspect of the game, if you need another 3 months to get classes right just spend the time. Dont rush dragonflight… We cannot afford another bfa shadowlands…


Delay? There’s no release date yet for either pre-patch or launch. Relax bud.


Yea i completely disagree with your statement and attitude. Blizzard has already moved on from class changes when multiple specs haven’t even had a second iteration like guardian druid. if the leaks are true then the release date is by the end of the year. So i wont relax as i want to play retail and i dont want it to be bad.

Regardless of release date the only reason they would say they are moving on from class\talent changes to bug fixes mean they are rushing to finish it off before its launched like they did with BFA and shadowlands. During those betas we had people like you saying “Dont worry its not out yet” and “its only beta”. These statements lead to the first 2 patches of shadowlands and BFA being awful and losing more subs.

The only thing that matters is that they said they are moving on from it when some talents trees are not great and are obviously unfinished.


so i take it class talent trees are a unmitigated trainwreck?


Some trees are really nice and have had multiple iterations while some need more work. But based on the blizzard post it seems like they have finished with class changes and are moving to bug fix. You can test it out on the ptr now.

I think a good example of talent trees that need some work is the druid class tree. Bear druid is in a really bad state.

To me this just sounds like they are rushing to get dragonflight out around christmas for the most money just like when they rushed shadowlands and bfa. If the leaks are true then prepatch is expected next month which means class changes are slotted in by the end of next month.


The good ones are fantastic and there’s a lot of very very good ones. There are some VERY unfinished ones like SPriest, and the Paladin trees are all pretty bad though.


what about warlock?


Yea you are good on warlock. dont worry about that lol. Demo looks fantastic

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okay how about marksmans hunter,shadowpriest,arms,warrior,assassination rogue,unholy dk,ret paladin,fire mage,elemental shaman?

Not sure check out the ptr. I only tested out warlock and all druid specs.

what ptr is out already?

Yup prepatch PTR with talent changes has been out for 2+ weeks now i think.

I’ll wait till next week to check out the class for the final iteration to kick in.

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This game cannot survive off of the “we’ll fix it in the first patch of the expansion” type of mentality. It is so detrimental to the long-term health of this game if we keep getting half-baked expacs.


I dont think i was the only one that had the feeling like BFA and shadowlands was rushed. In my opinion i think blizzard think its more important to get all those christmas sales than making a good game.

Maybe it is for blizzard cashing in on all those preorders and expacs but it just sucks that we will get a rushed xpac with some specs feeling half baked.

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a game made by the investors for the investors.


You were not, and your feelings toward Dragonflight are a real concern. The problem here is that you are posting in General Discussions and the truth is that the vast majority of people on this board, frankly, really don’t play the game.

So the idea that someone might ADVOCATE for a delay is enraging, because they are desperate, like hungry rabid dogs, for new content. It was this exact way in BFA just before Shadowlands.

You will find nothing productive here.


well prepatch ptr is up , so 3-4 weeks

And tuning will continue through pre-patch.