Dragonflight class changes slowing down/finishing

Guardian didn’t even get another pass :dracthyr_cry_animated:


Yup its such a disappointment that the tree that guardian has now is what they will most likely have on release. Not only that but the druid class tree is just awful


As someone who only recently got beta access, I feel like my testing matters even less now. The bugs for the specs I play are all widely known and with no current Raid testing of the how the new talents feel in that environment I kind of feel like that this will be the most imbalance and poorly received expansion at this point.


No worries playing Beta and Dragonflight seems fine except for bugs and class trees are only a problem if your a meta slave :dracthyr_shrug:

They did say they are going to deal with bugs and tuning after the talent tree iteration phase. And also they said small iteration will continue pass beta and PTR it’s an ongoing project. They can’t spend forever iterating on the talent tree the expansion has to launch someday.

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Nah gotta keep us in Shadowlands for another 2 years until they make all the class trees into exactly what the meta slaves want

The reality is no one can agree on anything and so the smart decision is take what people say and make a compromising design choice. And plus no matter what blizzard does people will always have an issue about it.

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This, they’re really getting the short end of the stick.

Exactly like if they just kept making changes and refused to drop Dragonflight pre patch till everyone was happy we’d be stuck in the Shadowlands for at least two more years

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We’re already in a content drought if it went any much longer this game would die no question asked. And I bet you would like it to be shut down wouldn’t you.

Perfection to the talent tree doesn’t exist.

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Yeah feel like Bliz are well aware of this and are wanting to get pre patch out asap too hold people over till they can weed out the rest of the bugs in Dragonflight

Are you asking for perfection right now?

No to quote one of my favourite movies as a kid “The thing about perfection is that it is unknowable, it’s impossible, but its also right in front of us, all the time”

This sounds exactly like what has happened in the past. They ‘fix’ each class with a once over pass-through. Anything done during that time is great, anything that didn’t fit in that once over - well enjoy it shipping like garbage, underperforming for the first patch of the expansion, get marginally addressed in the second patch based off of live player “beta testing” only to be half-baked. Then it will fully be addressed in the second patch, but overturned so the classes that was previously garbage is now vastly overpowered. This will all culminate in the final patch of the expansion where that class will be nerfed back and adjusted properly, giving the players about 6 months of their spec functioning properly and being fun before they completely break it again in the next expansion.

It’s happened time after time after time again. Shadow Priests in BFA and shadowlands, soon to be dragonflight. It’s happened to rogues multiple times, arms warriors, elemental and enhancement shamans. It’s currently happening with survival hunters.

This won’t stop until the players have had enough and force this to be made right from the get go.



You’re saying this as if they didn’t delay Shadowlands’ launch.
Past events have made it clear delays don’t make a difference.


They won’t delay it. They already promised it through pre-orders before the end of the year. Once that’s out there and people have purchased, there is very little chance for delay.


Yea i am sure if they didnt delay shadowlands it would of been fantastic right. Its way better burning out devs and cutting content and making half baked systems.

Sorry but that is just silly. We are not wanting perfection, but we just want spec trees that work well. Some classes have had revisions and iterations while others have not. IE Mages had a revision and the spec got far better to play now its all good, gaurdian has not received a single revision and its terrible, same with the druid tree. Stop assuming people want “perfection” we just want stuff that works and makes sense, currently some trees are under developed.

Did you also post on these forums during shadowlands when everbody complained about covernants being locked and locking you into a spec by saying “you guys just want perfection”. I mean come on… Systems classes need revision this xpac is obviously being rushed out the door for christmas sales and its only going to burn out the devs and give us a worse expac.

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Well obviously Blizzard disagree

Also druid being bad isn’t enough to ruin the expansion and covenants were only a problem if you were a meta slave so yeah…

Personally love Dragonflight so far going off beta so much better then Shadowlands in which I was bored before I even got to bastion

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This xpac will be delayed and it will be bad, calling it now.

Its highly unlikely that the class devs are the ones pushing for a december or christmas holiday release. My guess would be most devs would want to push it out so they dont have to rush. The likelyhood is the devs would love to spend more time but the higher ups need that christmas holiday money.

IE people make decisions for blizzard that are not related to the game development. Deadlines for products etc.

Being for rushed content is very strange indead though, its interesting to see some people for it. Bobby would be proud of you