Dragonflight broke my wow addiction thank you blizzard

Kind of peculiar to have spent an expansion posting about how one is quitting or not playing.

People who’ve actually quit just stop logging on.

Best of luck, though. :dracthyr_love_animated:


Well, what else are we supposed to do? Play a different game?





And some opinions are wrong. Like yours. :slight_smile:

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Shadowlands broke my wow addiction. I checked out the patch and already cancelled. I will check out the next expansion 11.0 maybe but at this point raiding is too time intensive and mythic plus forces me to deal with too many toxic esports wannabes.


IMO BfA for all its faults, was very warcrafty.


Why does McDonalds need to run promotions when it’s AMONG the wealthiest and most expansive corporation in North America?


And rekindled mine. lol.
Opinions…everyone got one.

I hated SLs…with a passion

accurate, right down to the number too.

And yet here you are on their platform for a game you broke your addiction to.

I mean we both know it’s just a classic alt whine post… But have some standards?


I always feel like playing WoW until I actually log in and realize the fantasy of the game sounds cool in my head, but the gameplay is actually an uninteresting boring slog… so usually I’ll force myself to run maybe one dungeon or something before logging out or just sit in Trade Chat for a while. This is repeated every single day.

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Ive played more since DF Beta than I played during most of SLs…at least with my brain not on auto pilot and trying to keep the vomit down. lol
SL was like WoD…Id quit if that had been my own experience with Wow.
Thankfully I started mid Legion so the game wasnt entirely horrible then.

Sometimes you just have to know when the conversation aint worth having.
They’ll follow you around in here demanding you conform to THEIR opinions. lol.
Its almost as if some here dont comprende the words ‘subjective’ or ‘opinion’.
edit…or…they are so unconvinced of their own opinions that they need to feel validated in having them by trying to force others to agree. lol.

If i had known the horrors to come i would have played wod every single day.


For me it was probably WoD.

played less and less until legion came then back to playing less and less. just got more responsibilities now to really play like i used to. Now i have a baby. probably will continue to play just super casually. got to go back to work in about 1-2 weeks so maybe will play less but im not too sure.

when i saw the title of this thread, i was positive the poster would be a level 10 classic toon.

imagine my shock when i saw they were actually level 11!

btags… when?

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Raiding is not that time intensive my alt raids with a 2hr per week guild and is 7/8 H mostly because no one but the hunters cares about Raz in that guild.

If you’re leaving please send me your gold. Thanks

The addition of RSS to rated PVP basically ruined the game for me, but if I were a PVE-only player I think it would be a pretty good expansion. The world is a lot cooler than SL, dragon-riding is pretty cool, and the time to get a new toon end-game ready is significantly shorter than SL. If I weren’t an idiot I could have just done M+ on 3 or 4 toons and probably had a lot more fun than I did grinding 2 healers to 1800 in hyper-deflated brackets against multi-glads, and R1’s smurfing FoTM comps. lol

I log on two or three days a week now, mostly out of habit, but I imagine I’ll be moving on eventually when warm weather presents better options. But I don’t think WoW is a bad game, just too time consuming–so I was likely to quit eventually regardless.


I don’t know why some take offense to OP’s thread.

I mean if the game stops being super fun for you, you play less. Common sense.