I played shadowlands every day i was just so excited to have a pvp gear vendor back and that bfa was over so I was overlooking the rest of the glaring flaws that retail has.
That’s wild, because it reinvented the open world for me, and that’s got me playing more. Like I did when I first played this game.
You already posted about uninstalling Retail WoW. I even made a Troposphere joke in it.
You sound burnt out.
Dragonflight is significantly better than Shadowlands in pretty much every aspect.
we all have opinnions
That’s true, now if people would learn that not every thought needs to be said or that some opinions are/can be wrong we’d have less issues across the board.
I can see how someone without self esteem or any individuality might think that. Tell me more.
Why would I need to tell you more? You’re a walking example of it.
Opinions can be, and are, wrong all the time.
Then why do they keep needing to run new promotions? Why aren’t people coming back on their own?
There are Flat Earthers who say it’s “just your opinion” that the world is round.
Not quite. If I state X is my opinion. Then i have told you what my opinion is. Which cannot be wrong. Because it’s a statement of what I think X is. Not what X actually is.
LMAO even
It depends on the opinion. If your opinion that the world is flat, is wrong. It is scientifically and mathematically proven to be round. Both rooted in reality.
Because businesses like money. Shocking, I know.
Who says they aren’t? I’m sure you think you know the answer, though.
A better question would be why you spend so much of your free time on the forums for a game and company that you very clearly loathe entirely.
I also have an issue with Dragonflight but I won’t be so dramatic to say that I’m done with wow.
Dragonflight just isn’t clicking for me, there are things in this expansion that just don’t feel “Warcrafty”.
The problem with thinking like that is that the vast majority of things are subjective. There was a time when thinking the world was round, would get you burned at the stake. At the time, it was RIGHT to not hold that view.
Sure … we know better now. But we don’t know enough to evaluate much at all as objective truth.
Yeah, the entire expansion lol.
If this wasn’t WoW, it would be generic fantasy mmo #8.
If you like a certain food, that’s subjective. So the argument of the opinion is moot.
So, by this logic, you’re saying it’s okay to have a wrong opinion because someone is dumb? Which actually makes sense considering todays societal climate.
My condolences
In my opinion the game hasn’t felt Warcrafty since Legion.