Shadow felt bad to me as the first spec I quested with but jesus christ after trying Ret and WW to 64; Shadow is an absolute chad quester by comparison. The damage and self healing are both exceptional in my experience so far. A lot of other specs seem to struggle with the longer kill times if they lack serious self healing and good CD’s to get you out of trouble if you pull 3+ mobs accidently.
Yea both Priest healing specs feel exceptional to me and surprisingly Disc doesn’t feel like it’s lacking throughput at all. There are quite a few party-wide damage boss fights in the dungeons so far which has been fun to heal as Holy and Disc but a nightmare on Hpal, Rsham and Evoker because those mechanics also require movement or spread mechanics or coincide with random ground effects that need to be avoided which force the party to spread far apart or out of range. I’ve also found the dungeons with 60’s or 61’s in them with jacked stats feel very easy but dungeons full of 64-69 characters can be a real slog and require serious healing.
EDIT: Shoutout to The Nokhud Offensive dungeon which, without spoiling anything, is absolutely 11/10 amazing fun and I cant wait to do that on M+. Probably the only dungeon in the game I could run 100 times in a row and not get sick of it.
To be fair; there is a huge amount of side quests which takes quite a while to complete if you’re doing them all. If you’re only interested in completing the main story you can zoom through the zones very quickly, especially if you’re smart with your dragon riding. I think DF might be the slowest leveling experience if you’re a 100% completionist but also probably the fastest leveling experience if you’re only doing the main story and min-max your travel and are able to pull big in a party. A lot of questing areas for me take a while because I’m killing 1 mob at a time and their buffed HP makes it slow but on launch day with my mates we are going to mega pull each area and blast which should make it significantly quicker.
As an example: when I started in The Waking Shores it probably took me 3 hours to unlock the Valdrakken Accord area but on my second character I had it done in 30-40 minutes because I skipped all the side quests.
I’m on the beta and none of the changes posted in the change log on wowhead are there so it must be a PTR only build. Looks like some major changes though.
There is still a lack of coherent themes for the talents in the final tier. The idols still need a lot of work. Dark Ascension still needs to summon a bunch of spirits on cast if it’s not going to be instant.
Just for some quick rearrangements that would make the final tier a bit more thematic.
Damnation → Malediction → insidious Ire
Mind Devourer → mastermind → idol of yogg saron
MFI → monomania → idol of c’thun or nzoth
Mindbender → fiending dark → shadowflame prism or idol of ysharaaj
Now we have 4 distinct lines that make a bit more sense. In between the lines we can have derangement and Deathspeaker as per the afflock tree. Single floating nodes that connect to 2 adjacent points and do not connect to the capstones.
Honestly, I think Vampiric Embrace needs to be a lot better than it is to get taken by anyone but shadow (who only take it because they don’t have a lot in the class tree that they need - wheras the healers do).
It’s a cool spell and all, but its restriction to shadow damage should probably get nixed.
Healing priest’s only ways to proc it are all flawed somehow:
Mind Blast (Holy no longer has this)
SW:P (Disc replaces this with PTW which doesn’t deal shadow damage)
SW:D (Cooldown doesn’t permit its use often - and generally want to target executes)
Mindgames (Another talent you might not take, and can only use once in the window).
It’s also on the GCD, so the healer most likely to take it because they’re casting damage often (disc) has an awkward time using it because they don’t want to waste globals while atonement is up.
It’s also not super-smart healing so it won’t always heal the most damaged target, and it only heals a single target at a time. So even considered as a healing CD, it might not help you that much.
I’d like to see some change to make it a bit more attractive to the other specs - after all it is an interesting talent for them - it just has too much in the way to make it ever worth taking over other stuff on the tree.
This blue post contains nothing but disappointing news. There is no mention of the idols broken state and an outright denial on the return of Spectral Guise. The tree in its current state is not polished enough to convince me dragonflight is a worthwhile purchase. I’ll be waiting to see future iterations.
This new blue post may require a new thread to get all of my thoughts out. I’m pretty damn sad.
They give us useless button bloat, then say we have too many buttons and threaten to take some of the few useful tools away (Shadow mend, Mind games, Holy Word: Life), buttons that actually had impact. And on top of that, we can’t have anything cool and useful we ask for because other classes have it already?
Also, they did remove Mind Blast from Holy, but there’s still a Mind Blast talent in the general tree for w/e reason. Mind Blast was entirely redundant on Holy because Smite w/ Searing Light and Holy Fire (especially w/ updated talent for +25% more damage) does more damage than Mind Blast.
They need to reduce the amount of buttons they want to add to Disc/Holy because a lot of abilities are just redundant. My hotbars getting clogged with having to squeeze in Divine Word, Apotheosis (easier to get now), Mind Games, and Empyreal Blaze.
Disc doesn’t have a lot of redundancy in their buttons - at least not until DF introduced flash heal. And the idea they want to take Shadowmend out to reduce that button bloat is horrible IMO - because Shadowmend is far superior in every way for any spec that wasn’t Holy, and they introduced the button bloat themselves by handing Disc flash heal which was just a worse version of shadowmend.
Also mindgames is one of the coolest talents to utilize effectively (so was mind blast’s shield). Reverse damage output is a GREAT thing that for low level players is always effective but is a really nice thing to min/max for people who are getting better at a spec. So it’s another odd one to target - once again, I think it was only a ‘problem’ for Holy who have several single target damage spells when they were contending with Holy Fire, Mind Blast, Mind Games and Empyreal.
Disc also isn’t getting any new active talents to bloat their bars either, where Holy got Divine Word and Empyreal.
On the beta Mind Games hits like a bus and does about double the direct damage of Holy Fire. It’s great as an opener because you can Empyreal Blaze and fire off Holy Fires to reduce the CD on Mind Games. The only reason I even take it is because there’s so many free points to throw around on the bottom and not enough worthwhile talents.
Also, it offers a much better passive hps increase than Power Word Life which is once in the blue moon heal you would use.
I’m just going to throw this out there, even though people are up in arms about PVP causing balance issues here.
I LOVE Word:Life for Shadow. We can get trained REALLY hard and they appear steadfast on not letting us have guise back (smh), sometimes it’s the only thing letting me stabilize. Losing a 10 sec CD massive heal, ESPECIALLY with them removing Shadow mend and leaving us with a weak noodle heal - Flash Heal, losing PW:L will hurt.
In Season 1 when Disc was shoehorned into playing Venthyr if they wanted to raid at all - I was using it a lot in dungeons in fun ways.
IE: The pre-nerf soul strike (I think that’s the name?) in the early packs of Mists, I could mindgames one of them and Mind blast the other, and it made the huge hit the tank took at once do like less than 25% of what it did if I didn’t do that - and it felt amazing.
Same thing exists in the Season 4 dungeons. It feels REALLY GOOD to use on the Nathrezim or on things like the bleeds in Iron Docks.
The problem is you’re losing another covenant ability in order to take it, and the other covenant abilities did better healing/damage. I was happy to see it be the one covenant ability sticking around, so I’ll be very sad if they kill it.
I would honestly preferred if they kept Fae Guardians and Boon of the Ascended around than Mind Games. Mind Games is just an extra button for Shadow to press as well.
Fine as a PvP talent, but meh as a general talent.
Though mindgames is good for everyone and does fit the mind theme of shadow. Disc and shadow doesn’t use Fae, Shadow doesn’t use Boon and Disc doesn’t use Unholy nova. But all of them use mindgames