Dragonflight Beta Priest Talent Feedback

Personally HATE boon’s playstyle, despite liking the damage it does. I actively avoid it even now till I’m forced to play it for specific dungeons, lol.

Fae Guardians was also good, but I feel probably too powerful to keep around fully. Also would need to rework the shield fairy with the PW:S change.

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To be clear, with the current class tree and very easy and very plausible for shadow to can 4 points and take holy word life in a raid m+ or PvP build, as there’s so little else worth taking given the state of the classes utility.


That’s like another issue. Wouldn’t be bad if most of the stuff didn’t feel a bit worthless lol

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That’s kind of my issue as well. There’s hardly any worthwhile talents on the bottom of the priest general tree.

  • Power Word Life is meh.
  • Void Shift is easily one of the most useless bottom tree ability out of them all.
  • Angelic Bulwark is worse than the ability from Dreamweaver.
  • Mind Games is the only worthwhile talent.

3 out of 4 of these abilities should just be straight PvP talents

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Disagree on this one. Void Shift’s good even in PvE.

Even just think of things like necrotic weeks - you can fully save a tank because health transfer isn’t counted as healing.

I rather hope they just get rid of Necrotic. -_-

It’s the week I don’t play my tank on.

It’s even worse when you don’t have a kyrian vial anymore.

I agree with that; whole heartedly.

I’ve had all this feedback stored up, but I’m losing confidence that they have a good grasp of what people want from the class, and I know I’d just be adding to a sea of feedback that’s been mostly shafted. It’s a little defeating, but I really think it needs to be a bit more accessible and not blocked by useless talents for Shadow.

I actually like Surge of Light. The name might need to change but they could easily update it for Shadow to make it say “Flash of light has a 5/10% chance, and Mind Blast has a 15/30% chance to make your next FoL instant, heal for 50% more and cost no mana.”

It’d be fun then and feel pretty similar to Feral Druid’s heals and would also give back some of the healing we’re losing from Shadow Mend.

Unwavering Will on the other hand needs to be tucked away on the far left somewhere where we can actually avoid it. It’s so bad.

I’d also like to see Blessed Recovery moved back to being a connected node to mass dispel. It’s a great PVP talent that’s now in a very poor spot to reach.


If they remove Shadow Mend they’re going to do something for Shadow/Discs single target healing to compensate. I wouldn’t sweat it out too much.

But I want to be gently wrapped in the cold embrace of the void for healing :frowning:


Until I see this, I’ll worry. These current changes and thought process aren’t reassuring lol

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I feel shadow cov should at least transform flash heal into shadowmend. This would make shadow cov more useful in more scenarios, such as pvp without having to really “rework” anything for disc.

Edit: In case they remove shadowmend I mean.

It feels like the unspoken reason behind all these decisions regarding priest utility is the massive cut Power Infusion and Twins of the Sun Priestess is taking out of our utility budget.


Just as a FYI they updated the talent calculator on the PTR page with the new changes, but not the main page:



Side note…

Someone able to archive the Beta feedback for Priests thread? Since it will be removed once beta ends.

I think it would be a good idea to keep that handy to bring up / refer to in the future. Wish the same was done with the Shadowlands Beta Priest feedback thread.

WoWhead usually archives this stuff.

Just the blue posts right?
I want all the feedback to be archived. So we can point to it and say SEE we already said xyz etc.

Basically have access to our receipts (feedback).

I don’t think anyone is archiving that stuff unless you way back machine it.

  1. I really don’t like they put Archbishop (restitution) in the dps part of holy priest tree and at the end of it. I think it was perfect where it was and compete with Afterlife (WHICH IS STILL A DEAD TALENT FOR 4 XPAC IN A ROW).

  2. They are really making us choose between 2 really good and inmersive effects like Divine Image and Divine Word?? Both effects are amazing for healing, for fantasy as a holy priest and visually look gorgeous (Divine word → Sanctify love it)

Those are my 2 big concerns on the new changes in the holy priest tree.

Besides that I think “Answered Prayers” coud be very very strong which I like, prayer of mending healing 50 times is very low in a 20/30 man raid, specially when popping Salvation you can get multiple apotheosis in a big boss dmg phase.

Really glad I can move away from a single target build to a more PoH - CoH - PoM - Holy words build.

Waiting for raids to open in beta to try this build for holy priest.
Focusing heavily on PoH - CoH - PoM and Holy words

https:// ptr .wowhead.com/talent-calc/priest/holy/DAAAOVFBQRRFJChEKIUDEEQ

It’s not that it’s a dps portion of the true, but Searing Light is oddly misplaced down there, and needs to be pushed up to branch off of Empyreal Blaze… or simply remove it.

Divine Image is hot garbage. It’s about a 25-33% chance to trigger off of Holy Words and you can go minutes without it triggering at all. I remember playing around with this item in Torghast.

I think the biggest elephant in the room issue is how fast Holy Word Salvation is going to reset when you have Light of the Naaru, Harmonious, Miracle Worker, Divine Word (resets Holy Words), and Answered Prayers…

You’re guaranteed at least one Answered Prayers proc a minute if your groups taking consistent damage. Holy Word Salvation would trigger Apotheosis immediately…

2-3 minute Salv resets are entirely possible.

It’s time to open up the Beta feedback forum so more of us can directly comment…at least the other 5 priests and I that aren’t in Beta…

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