Edit: never mind my post. I misread.
The proposal was putting Damnation into a choice node with Shadow Crash. Crash is better in the vast majority of situations, at least IMO.
I don’t think anyone is going into a dungeon thinking the VERY small increase on taking damnation for SD’s add is worth losing a VT spreader like Shadow Crash for the rest of the dungeon. Also you wouldn’t be able to take Damnation + Shadow crash in that choice node.
Ah, sorry, I didn’t catch that was what you were responding to. Yeah, that makes sense. If it’s a choice between SC or Damnation, SC wins hands down.
You are right. I think Mind Spike was an unnecessary addition to a class that already suffers button bloat issues. Its addition solves a problem that was not much of an issue to begin with. Having its use wrapped into talents that are superior for throughput than other options available doesn’t help to make it an optional talent.
You must have me confused with someone else. I have not made a statement here on how its mechanics should be modified.
I think if we are able to choose either Mind Spike or Void Eruption, that would be best. I don’t want to play Legion Spriest + MoP Spriest, I want to play either or.
But wouldn’t that be a weird situation having Power Infusion + Void Eruption + Dark Ascension?
I think it would be a better fit to just make DA / VE a choice. That would help with balancing. As compounding DPS cooldowns power scale so well that you are kind of forced to take.
VE fits better as an alternate for spike than da. They just need to remove the extra power gains. Turn voidform into a controlled set of instants instead of mind spike procs.
Yeah I think it would be weird to have both VE & DA. I’d rather have DA for Spike and VE for whatever it’s supposed to be.
I disagree. If you played pre-legion spriest then you’d know how fluid Spike + DA felt.
If they’re going to do VE do it justice and make it play like Legion. That way you can choose between either something that can be potentially cracked (VE) or something more consistent in DA.
Finally made it to lvl 65. Leveling in Dragonflight probably takes about twice as long as it did in Shadowlands. Looking at 2.5-4 hours a level once you hit 64. I don’t see people smashing out lvl 70 on launch day unless they literally don’t play for 24 hours straight.
One thing I noticed is the iLvl on the lvl 70 stuff. The mythic 0 items are iLvl 382 and the stats on those items are basically double what is on retail at mythic level. By the time you’re lvl 65 your secondary stats are basically gone and you’re down to 10% on everything.
This doesn’t mean your weak. The mobs pretty much fall over when you sneeze on them.
I had to create completely new macros just to properly click-to-cast because the beta UI is bugged and clique doesn’t work. Either way: when I finally got into a dungeon after an hour of waiting on my Priest… Holy still slaps pretty hard. Just not sure how the other healers rank up just yet.
I meant that void eruption should be on a choice node with mind spike. Both will pair well with da.
Nah, I wouldn’t want to play VE & DA together. It should be VE & DA together as a choice node.
Some new thoughts I had.
Move void eruption and void torrent to a choice node in the final tier. Cd of both set to 30 seconds. There is no voidform activation on the first talent. The next talent in the line gives you access to 2/4 casts of voidbolt after casting either spell. The final talent is idol of yogg saron.
Move shadow crash to a choice with damnation. Remove malediction and set damnation cd to 30 sec baseline.
Remove dark void.
Move idol of ysharaaj to the final tier of the mindbender line. Remove fiending dark; replace with shadowflame prism as 2 ranks.
Rework idol of c’thun. Now spawns tentacle automatically when you flay or sear with a 30 second icd.
Rework idol of nzoth, now stacks echoing void automatically off of devouring plague damage. Remove chance to detonate. Detonates automatically at 20 stacks. You can manually detonate it with mind spike. Damage increases greatly after 10 stacks. Move the node to the bottom of the derangement cluster.
Move lunacy to a choice with mastermind, set them to 1 talent point.
Set monomania to 1 point.
Set mind devourer to 1 point.
I wouldn’t mind removing Malediction and making Damnation 30s cd, but making Damnation and Malediction a choice node hurts PvP. Those who haven’t faced double melee rsham in arena just don’t know the nightmare.
Just re-branch the tree so that you don’t have to take Damnation to take Psychic Link.
That or learn to keybind more. For me, in PvE, Damnation is going to be 5, and Shadow Crash is going to be Shift +5. In PvP, Shift+5 is going to be focus Damnation. It’s not that hard.
All the other stuff, sure. I’d prefer Idol of C’Thun to work with more than flay or sear but that might be asking too much.
Another thought. Void bolt could be separated out of voidform and made into a choice node with mind spike. Instead of a proc, it could be an instant on a fairly short cd with a couple of charges. It would generate a large amount of insanity. The followup talents that affect spike, could also affect void bolt but allow it to empower DP casts instead of empowering mind blast.
New Build new changes new thoughts
Class Tree
Good improvements here with Tithe Evasion, Dominate Mind and the new position of Throes of Pain. The buff to Translucent Image also puts it in a nice spot.
Overall, my wishlist here would include some change to Unwavering Will so Shadow get’s some benefit out of it and, as practically all other healers have it, an interrupt in the class tree. (Silence or Dispersion and esp. Psychic Horror still are unpickable in the Shadow Tree)
Shadow Tree
Tier 1
An improvement on the utility nodes, but there still are 9 DPS related talents here, so in the most realistic case, you’d only ever be able to pick one of either Dispersion or Silence. Intangibility and Psychic Horror are unpickable.
The choice node between Dark Ascension and Void Eruption is a good improvement, although Voidforms interaction with mastery will likely make it the to-go choice in any multi-target scenario. I also like the little cluster of Misery → Mind Sear → Shadow Crash.
Tier 2
In general i enjoy the layout much more then the previous setup. My biggest gripe here is the Mind Spike and it’s related talents, or the be more exact:
The question of Mind Spike vs. Mind Flay.
Mind Flay on the left side buffs Mind Blast and DoTs via a consistent Orb generation.
Mind Flay has Mental Decay, Mindflay Insanity, Monomania and one Idol
Mind Spike on the right side buffs Mind Blast via Mind Melt
Mind Spike works with Psychic Link
Mind Spike works with Dark Ascension
That creates a pretty complex situation where you kind of want to Mind Flay to have 3 orbs for every MB cast, but at the same time Mind Spike effectively buffs Mind Blast by 100%. In the worst case, the single-target rotation will include up to two hard-casted Mind Spikes to get Mind Melt, followed by Mind Flay to generate Shadoworbs for a big buffed Mind Blast.
Mind Flay and Mind Spike should not both exist as filler spells.
Additional feedback includes Psychic Link as the sole 2 pointer in the second row feeling bad, and the placement of Unfurling Dark, because in general PL seems like the more valuable option.
Tier 3
This part of the tree feels like it has little direction. It further doesn’t help that all the Idol spells are bugged or so massively undertuned that it makes testing them close to impossible.
I am at a loss as to what type of feedback should be given until this very thing has been clarified as to what is the intent.
For the life of me, I don’t understand why they made the change to Mind Spike to not consume dots while we already have Mind Flay as a filler. By that very action they just took, it forces the either/or of Mind Flay or Mind Spike being used as a filler as there has to be 1 clear winner which makes the other and its supporting talents obsolete.
If they Buff Mind Spike damage to be more bursty, Mind Flay looses value. If they leave Mind Spike to deal meh damage (because you don’t have to sacrifice dot damage) then Mind Spike looses value.
Either one you pick being Mind Flay or Mind Spike would make essentially all the other talents supporting the one you did not pick to be near useless as you would not be using that filler.
This is such a mess.
I can only assume they made the change because too many voices wanted it and did not consider what that change would cause in its cascading effect with the other supporting talents.
Are you sure about that? considering crash already applies 2/3 of our mastery, 10% general buff + 25% to MG(st), MB(aoe), Spike(aoe) and SWD(aoe)?
edit : will test once Details is out for ptr but I’m strongly leaning towards DA pulling ahead
I’m considering mastery across the expansion. In the final tier we’ll likely see 15-20% mastery (unless we gear haste/crit).
That’s an additional 15-20% AoE damage on everything provided by Voidform. The 25% increase on a few single-target spells cleaving with PL will not compare to that. Voidform further provides additional ShA spawns through Voidbolt and the VER AoE itself.
It seems rather unlikely that DA to win on multi-target. For single-Target, it also likely needs Mind Flay added to be a better competition.
We still need to see the damage profile. Right now a lot of direct spells are being buffed and dots are becoming proc generators., and we’re changing the AoE of the spec from searing turret to ST cleave, then if you apply DP instead of mind sear to your main target, all VF is increasing is 10%.
Although I prefer VF, the aesthetic and gameplay seems fluid right now
That’s… not good. I already thought the leveling in Shadowlands was like twice as long as it needed to be (and worse with Threads of Fate)… maybe they’ll tweak that XP requirement!