Dragonflight Beta Priest Talent Feedback

So what does that say then?

That blizzard are directionless? Or maybe I have a similar understanding of what direction they want to take the class/spec in?

What are you really expecting? For me to not give feedback the way I would like to see the priest interact and play?

I really don’t know what the problem is. Everyone is giving feedback, not my fault I happen to see many of my ideas in the trees.


Honestly I’m sorry not sorry.
I have gotten a lot of crap for reasons that are more personal than my ideas themselves. So I feel a slight bit of vindication.

Not going to hide that.

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Aneurysm has been the main Priest developer this whole time! :open_mouth:


If you want to post your ideas and all, whatever, I don’t think anyone cares about that.

But honestly, I really wish you would just stop feeling the need to post every couple hours and respond to almost every single thing written about shadow, always harkening back to Cata design and saying things like ‘well blizzard CLEARLY wants cata back,’ goading anyone who disagrees with your personal idea of what shadow should be into some kind of argument when the tree does look considerably messy because it’s trying to force 2 playstyles to coexist that have completely different contexts.

I thought the reason you had SO MANY posts in the alpha feedback thread was becuase ‘oh, everyone here keeps arguing with me!’

At this point, you not only have dominated that thread, posting 2x what the second highest poster has, you’ve now completely dominated this thread at over 1/3rd the posts, and you’ve had almost no push back. At some point you have to self-reflect, man.

You like Cata Shadow, cool. So do a lot of people. But I think a lot of people would like to see a better Shadow Priest tree that IS a modernized version of Cata shadow. And you have shut down more than one person suggesting things that might help with that by saying something along the lines of “It worked in Cata, I see no problem.” and posting even more things to pull more toward old Cata’s design. That’s not really interesting discussion. It’s OK to really, really like Cata Shadow. But let other people speak instead of arguing even further for it.


I was pushing for a more of a return to WoD.

But I have now moved on because I see what blizzard are trying to do. So I am getting on board to make it better.

Regarding Mind Spike… I am explaining to people what its purpose is. People think its part of the rotational ability. But there is ZERO reason for this… blizzard said at much themselves 2 years ago when they added DP back. They said that Shadow has enough rotational abilities and don’t plan to add more.

So its not my fault that the tree they released is a bit messy and confusing… I am merely explaining the intent because I can obviously see it.

But when people just don’t accept that answer and just want it removed outright or changed into something we already do thus making it both another button that does nothing different makes it pointless.

Then yea, I am going to push back and clarify what’s the purpose is. Just because I have a lot of posts doesn’t mean anything… you need to see the context of it. If you read that, you can see that for the most part and understanding was reached based on the acceptance that Mind Spike is not a rotational ability. It just took a lot of back and forth to get that through with great effort.

I have the choice to let people stay misinformed or I can offer some clarity to clear up and confusion. Its not my intention for the back and forth to go beyond 1 post. It should be something like… ah I see now. Then done. Sadly, that’s not what happens. So I have to continue to clarify and see where they are coming from because clearly at a surface level there is something that is not connecting.

It does seem like every thread involving shadow is basically a one-author blog with a few guest commenters. I think at some point it’s self-defeating, because it incentivizes deliberately skimming past the overwhelmingly dominant voice to hunt for different perspectives. That’s not to say the most prolific poster can’t have good perspectives, but we are also all wrong, or at least partially right, from time to time.

You can apply that to pretty much any forum. If the same guy has 50% of the comments in thread with 1,000 comments, after getting a sense of what that guy’s main argument is I’m going to either spend more of my time reading the rest of the commenters or just move on in general.

I’m grateful for some of the disc threads because there is diversity among the commenters, even when we disagree.


Mostly its because I am having multiple people taking part in the same issue and all have an issue with my stance.

So my responses are addressing each one… sometimes 3-4 at a time. So of course my post count goes up… I am talking to 4 people at the same time because they all have a different view of mine.

But yea, sometimes its a 1 on 1. But generally its not about an idea… its about misunderstanding or some personal matter that takes the conversation off track.

Again, I can let it go and they can go on and continue the misunderstanding… or I can get to the root of the misunderstand / disagreement and find out what the underlying issue is. I take the latter route.

PLEASE… someone convince the devs to make a glyph that lets us not have Any shadowform effects while in shadowform… i want to see my transmog set fully, its counterintuitive to negate such a fun part of the game and not let us have a choice about it. The current glyph only tones it down a bit… but doesn’t get rid of the effect.

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Bro half the posts I see you comment on aren’t even arguing with you. They’re posing a question, a new talent or something would like to see, a problem they see with the spec, etc and you’re just responding to them as if they were talking directly about your opinion of Shadow. Sure, yes, there’s people who respond to you. I’m doing it right now. And no doubt you’ll respond to me and increase your post count by 1. That’s not what I’m talking about. You interject constantly on everything. It’s like there’s nothing you agree with, or even when you do agree you go on this weird nostalgia trip about Cata, MoP and WoD that doesn’t actually add any valuable feedback, but is a weird off-tangent discussion. Heck the most recent version of that resulted in 3 different cata videos getting flat out linked into a feedback thread with no real feedback related to it at all.

You can continue posting as you want, I’m not the police, and I don’t wish you ill-will. I’m just trying to get you to see how much you dominate every conversation here, which is drowning out other voices I’d appreciate hearing. Honestly it might just be better for me to mute you altogether. But it’s just been irking me.


Okay so if someone flapped around like a headless chicken because they don’t know what’s going on… what do you do when you do know wants going on? Just watch them go nuts and more join in with the same misunderstandings?

I’ve seen you jump in multiple times to do what I did in correcting the misunderstanding. You’ve done it to me… and you know what? I took that in and admitted my lack of understanding and it was done… I can link you the post if you are in disbelief.

The point being, I happen to be posting a lot because I happen to be seeing a lot of issues surrounding shadow and the current state its in. Playing in Cata happened to be my height as far as content I played in that I was doing massive RBG’s and Heroic 10 man Raiding with arena mixed in. I just happen to know a lot about Cata as that was my jam back in the day.

So… I just happen to understand what I am seeing quite clearly and so when I see these folks clearly not understanding what is taking place and why it might seem so counter intuitive with the recent history of what Shadow Priests have been doing, I chime in with what I figured was a quick here is what’s happening, here is why its happening and that the issues will be fixed.

But what I am met with is STUPID REMOVE IT blah blah based solely on the misconception of what they are seeing… The build is not even a week old, it was done in a rushed manner and its broken and not working on so many levels. The idea that people are comparing how it functions in duels… with far more along classes is just mudding the waters. They are stirring up more confusion because that is just not a fair comparison atm.

I figured I was doing a service in sharing my experience of how this new direction of priest is going to resemble because so many people are just not getting it.

The fact that the back and forth went long and round and round just shows that people didn’t like the answer. They just didn’t want change. So it was a misnomer.

I’ll tell you this though, as soon as its shaping up to be in a solid state, I won’t have the need to be here for a while. Then you can all rest easy that the big bad Cata shadow priest guy is not going around trying to explain how things worked in the past and how that transfers into the future lol. My bad for helping disperse confusion among the unknowledgeable lol.

This isn’t exactly how it went, I remember being told I just wasn’t considering all levels of play (when I was). But I’ll be honest here, I don’t care, this is not relevant to me.

I’m not trying to have an argument with you dude. This is not about who’s done what and when. This is about what you’re currently doing, which is absolutely FLOODING feedback threads with tons of irrelevant tiny conversations that almost all are just talking about Cata shadow and the past.

I don’t think bubble-focused Disc is good for the game, and I’d chime in with that once in a while, but there are people here who think that it’s the only way the spec can and should play and I let them talk their heads off all the time. I’ll chime in when they say that current disc is useless and can’t do anything maybe, but when it comes to their wants, or what they feel like the spec should have - I might explain why it’s a toxic playstyle and why I don’t want it back personally but otherwise, sure, have at it! And I also RARELY do this in feedback threads - I’ve mostly done it in rage threads about M+, lol. I clearly don’t reply to every single thing - that’s easy to see just by looking at post counts.

You’re in every thread about shadow, and you’re the consistent top poster in every thread talking about shadow, and usually it’s by a significant margin. I’m just asking you to let other people talk about what they don’t like - because mostly it isn’t misunderstandings. It’s people feeling the spec isn’t fitting together with the current playstyle and mastery. That’s valuable to talk about and not just dismiss with ‘haha well it WORKED in CATA many moons ago!’

But anyway, forget I said anything. I’m just gonna move to the mute for real.


You literally stated Mind Spike as a rotatinal ability at some point.

Omg, this so much. I just don’t voice so often cause I use the 3 specs so I usually see my xmog, but if I were just a shadow priest I’d be do mad (pun intended).

Though is partially true cause they fail to realize their mistakes.

As you do not like most of other answers as well. Seems a bit of gaslighting

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Yes, because the confusion was that Mind Spike was seen like a new ability you use in your primary rotation (its not) at least not in its base form. To think otherwise is what is creating such confusion. This is NOT an opinion, this is a fact.

But I am not the one complaining about everyone having a back and forth at me and creating all these posts. It’s others that are creating it over nothing… such as your doing now. I am just responding because I am not going to sit aside idly while even more confusing information is being spread (as you are doing).

If you actually care to read over what happened, I would love for you to link the post that you think started going off the rails, I can assure you it was not mine. I was just clarifying what is happening, NOT jumping to conclusions.

O Jesus.

Not the same trolls and the same thesis-length drivel infesting this feedback thread too. :roll_eyes:

Yea I personally love KBs in pvp. I like what they add too cause it causes people to keep positioning in mind which is important. SF was fun but the only thing that exceeds my enjoyment of KBs is MC lol.


I like having Vampiric Embrace on the class tree, but I don’t like that it is useless to holy and disc because it essentially blocks progression on the right side of the tree. I wouldn’t mind seeing it moved to a choice node with shadow mend or holy nova. If it were on the left side of the tree, it would open up pathing for shadow to mass dispel. It should be replaced on the right side with silence.


I want to see some updates today or at least this week. Lets go devs c’mon. Plz don’t be another month lol

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The meme needs to be restarted though.


cringing as Wednesday passes by with no updates still T_T

Beta servers just went offline.


YES hope is still hereeeeee