nope, they might just post everything next week by the looks of that druid post lol
Looks like the PTR is coming online so we can test the talents and changes without even needing the beta.
Wait what, explain ! lol
Itâs noted on WoWhead.
Also, I just got invited into the beta.
U lucky SOUL U
Check your launcher. I opened it to check if the PTR was up and the beta was there. I never even got an email or any alert.
Nothign shows up, but ill signout and resign in once the PTR installs lmao
Nope, nothing, sad face :[. Blizz no likey me.
Jump into the shadow discord.
Shadow discord? On PTR now, so excited!
Maybe theyâll boot the beta back up. Also, the PTR has a newer build than the beta.
Yeah im seeing shadow now. Kinda sad they didnât address the mind spike issue. Now shadow orbs is more conflicting. It targets mind blast and your prebiotic effects? So werid, at first read doesnt feel like it flows well. Like you have to do so much just to get something going, but ill test this soon to be sure.
Looks like Spirit Shell is removed and Shadow now has Shadow Orbs (although in a different name).
Looks like they lowered Prayer of Healings cost from 5.0% to 4.0% base mana which is lower than what it was in BFA. This on-top of the talent that reduces it by a further -25% pushes PoH into affordable HPM spammable land. Prismatic Echoes got toned down to more reasonable land.
Also, the beta just received the same update, and is online.
Iâm even more confused about shadow now, lol.
Able to do a bit of testing on these talents and copied over.
For Disc:
Balance In All Things acts funny with Purge the Wicked - PTW is a radiant spell, so it consumes the Shadow version of Balance to get empowered. Thatâs well and good, but what I donât know if itâs intended is that when you penance to spread that PTW, it actually copies the Balance in All Things buff.
Whatâs even better is your spread purge the wickeds ALSO will share this buff when spread further, or if they pandemic back. So you can keep an infinite Balance in all things buff by continually spreading off that first purge. At my 297 gear and taking the increased PTW damage talent with it, thatâs making purge hit for ~470 a tick. For reference in live, my PTW does 360ish a tick. Thatâs a pretty substantial damage increase.
For those who care: Mindgames is now purple and voidy rather than red. Tested on both Holy and Shadow but not Disc, but I assume itâs a class-wide animation change.
Yeah my Conclusion stays.
MindSpike feels pretty bad with dots. I think if you go mindspike build, you have to just play around just spamming it and getting big Mindblast crits. So get Dark ascension and voidform as well to maximize this.
Honestly, the speec flows way better to me without mindspike so far. So im just pretty much going aroudn the three mind spike talents in the center of the build.
however, the new Shadow Word death talent is epic. Its my hardest hitting spell. None crit is 20,000 dmg. When it crits, it pretty much hits 30,000k. Amazing.
my build so far in PTR. Honestly. If they dont ruin the SWD build with dots. I wonât complain much. But it sucks, almost everything has mind spike in its description, yet its the most unsatisfying thing to use lol. At least for my playstyle.
Only issue is the RNG on SWD procs :3.
Also, i wish Orbs didnt also focused on mindspike build <.<
This tree is obsolete. Orbs are nothing like what they were ages ago.