For one those questlines need to be walked though and made sure their aren’t progression blocks that could come up. Also a huge issue with SL found in beta was that you had to do a sizeable amount of side quest to hit 60. Just the campaign and a few bonus area’s wouldn’t do it.
Blizz say everything we want to hear, every time lol.
But I would be really happy if they did proper QA internally instead of letting RWF guilds study everything through and through and write all guides for all content before games is out ^^
They placate but don’t follow through, which is why there is so much distrust between the community and the dev team and the almost deafening radio silence from them doesn’t help the situation
“Everytime” that’s in the past but now with new management aka Mike Ybarra it’s not gonna happen and plus previously was j Allen which he let everything happened but with new president things will be slightly but hopefully everything will be different.
Yet they have not given us any indication of an actual change more than just giving lipservice to the problem and are still acting in the same way.
What do you want them to do come out and say sorry with words? Huh.
Besides they are already being communicative and being proactive with feedback like in wrath classic. And listening to feedback with sepulcher and nerfing the raid to be easier and basically being transparent with their job like being descriptive in terms as to why the nerf or whatever.
What else can they do huh? Be on a live camera 24/7 showing what goes on behind the scenes yah sure not happening.
Bub, please learn to read the OP in a thread before flashing your ignorance about the topic at hand.
Wasn’t responding to the original post I was responding to your ignorance.