Like I said in the thread - if they say they think it’ll be ready, I believe them, they were willing to delay it until 2023.
But I would still like some sort of guesstimate to help ease my concerns.
Like I said in the thread - if they say they think it’ll be ready, I believe them, they were willing to delay it until 2023.
But I would still like some sort of guesstimate to help ease my concerns.
Same here, and that’s all I’m really asking for, cause I love WoW, but like, the past few expansions have felt like we were just bein’ milked for money and so was the franchise and that’s…not a good feelin’ to have with somethin’ yer passionate about
For the record, I’m not worried about Alpha/Beta - provided it launches this month, that’s plenty of testing time.
I’m worried about the pre-patch.
No one is asking for the storyline. They’re asking for gameplay mechanical information we need to give feedback on and when alpha and beta is, so that alpha gets tested correctly and beta gets stress tested before it launches a disaster.
Oh well. This is important.
Blizzard was very good at encrypting stuff in 9.2.5 and the finale of 9.2 - I think they understand not everyone wants things spoiled.
That said - zone storylines and such need to be tested. Lol. The finale and major story points not so much, but basic zone story, yes.
With how simplistic DF feels apart from the new thing of dragonriding and some profession updates. They may not have much to reveal lol…
I don’t know what communication can help if they basically announced most of the expansion. Perhaps updates a’la Diablo 4 development ?? but I feel they are pretty busy and at crunch time.
TLDR; Don’t expect a fully polished super duper awesome expansion. It’s definitely gonna fall short but that’s just my cynicism speaking… I don’t have faith in this team.
They say a lot of things. They’ve been saying this exact thing for many years, but the result has been them telling us they’re sorry players are disappointed, and they’ll think about doing something different sometime in the indefinite future.
Much better to market hard with almost no information on gameplay to sell more advance copies to make earnings look good.
Yeah, you’re on that volunteer marketing team working hard to keep players from learning facts that might make them think twice about paying up front now.
It’s just so awful when it’s possible for players to understand how to play the game. Much better to fill it with booby traps that will result in low information players making irrecoverable mistakes. Or finding the game unplayable because it wasn’t even tested.
Are you going to score points for your part in that?
LOL. If “we are the consumers” why are you supporting release of an utterly broken game and paying hundreds of dollars in advance to be a beta tester for a full year after release?
What do you want them to talk about?
The talent reworks are the biggest thing impacting the game in DF. The only others would be the new class/race and professions reworks.
The communication is fine so far.
I’m jealous that some of you have hope the next expansion will be anything different than what the last 2 have been.
The hopium is strong.
Honestly, I wouldn’t if they hadn’t started making clear improvements in 9.2.5 and Dragonflight announcements.
I’m ASSUMING that it’s Microsoft mandates taking effect, to prepare for the deal to finalize next year.
Say what you want about Microsoft, but they do know that happy players make them more money, unlike Activision who believed if you make it a job, they’re forced to play.
Outerworlds is a prime example of that, they foot the bill on it after buying Obsidian and basically said ‘make a good game people want to play’ and it turned out fantastically
It is being tested…by professionals at the company. Not the amateurs in these forums. See how that works? Companies testing their own product for QA…amazingly foreign concept, I know.
If it weren’t for the “amateurs” on the forums, we’d have horrible scenarios like Nathanos 1v1’ing a newly empowered Tyrande in Darkshore without any help from the Val’kyr, and all of the Forsaken soldiers walking away from the newly empowered Night Elves without a scratch.
Yet I, on a daily basis, find and report bugs I encounter in game. Must be a pretty ‘profession’ QA team then when a random user is more effective at finding issues than they seem to be
And don’t get me started on the sheer number of issues people have had with the swirlies this expansion, not to mention things like the Socket charges for soulbinds and the anima channeler thingy have a 22hr cd on launch or no soul farm catch up mechanic, nor anima mechanic, until 9.1
And this is why they should have a Red Shirt Guy on hand for every 10 members of the story team to cross consult lore stuff with
Story (9.2.5) proven they could encrypt the whole thing.
If people wants to test quest then test on side quest that have no ties to the major story. FYI shadowlands and dragonflight will have the same narrative system via campaign.
Dragonflight is already dropping / removing a lot of things like:
mission table
systems (expansion level)
no mage tower or torghast or even islands
no more shadowlands type of legendaries
no covenants
So tell me again what else is there to show?
These are the only things in dragonflight
Okay, so thats a list of things planned to change. Cool.
We’ve gotten less than 50% of ‘potential’ class trees, and all of them so far have alot of issues that would be ‘new player’ traps or have clearly right and wrong options
Nothing on how Dracthyr will work being the small glimpses we got
No new info on professions
No rough time frame/status on anything involving (internal) alpha/beta or the sign up for closed beta, let alone ptr testing or prepatch, but they will be having it drop in 5mo.
The biggest of my concerns in this is the mechanical bits as that will effect gameplay experience significantly, as well as the time frame for testing phases as, lets say it doesn’t go to any level of alpha till august, how in the heck will they adequately test the game through alpha, beta, and ptr test phases in less than 4 months?
10 years ago this might’ve been true, but i mean the permanent open beta type of game WOW has been for a while now tells me its not like that currently ^^
Blizz says that every xpac, ignore it.
I mean we were also “told” how alt friendly shadowlands would be, so far that hasn’t panned out well.