Planets without a World Soul don’t lack the Elemental Spirit of Life/Wilds(also known as the Element of Spirit not to be mistaken for the Cosmic Force of Life) the still have the Elemental Spirit of Life.
Draenor had an abundance of the Elemental Spirit of Life. It was only the decline of Spirit due to the demise of the Sporemounds that caused Elementals to come about. It was only due to the vast Spirit Energies still there that caused the Colossi and the Magnaron to be Fleshy.
The same goes for Azeroth’s Elementals though in that case it was only the wounding of Azeroth that released enough Spirit to cause Elementals to become Fleshy.
According to Chronicle Titan World Souls consume the Elemental Spirit of Life/Wilds thus preventing anything that isn’t an Elemental from manifesting.
The question felt a bit accusatory. I dont hate him, I just don’t particularly like him.
There hasn’t been anything to sway my opinion one way or another, I just find him a bit of a brown noser and he’s everywhere. I don’t think he belongs in the Council of Six.
As a mage, I think the Blues policing mortal use of magic is a bit hypocritical considering the blues own history of misuse of magic. The Blue Dragonflight seem to look down on mortals, some of it is deserved and some of it isn’t.
You’re pro alliance bud. Everything you do, is aimed at tearing the horde apart. You really need to stop charade. You arent fooling anyone at this point