The Scourge Member Berry.
I’m still astounded that, of all the theorized afterlives players predicted upon hearing the expansion concept, we visited none of them.
Ancestor land with Cairne and tauren, orcs, perhaps dwarves, and really any culture that reveres their mortal forbears? Nope.
A Light afterlife with Bridenbraid and famous past humans, dwarves, draenei, and other Light-worshipping races? Nope.
Elune’s private afterlife garden or the Night Warrior placing souls among the stars? Nope.
At least Bwonsamdi’s realm got an appearance, as apparently a single tree crammed into the corner of a whole forest.
Instead we got Blue Robots, Dracula, Emerald Dream 2 Electric Boogaloo, Abomination Moshpit, and Super Hell. And all past lore was twisted into footnotes for these realms.
It definitely felt to me like Shadowlands was someone’s original setting concept that they wanted to feature, and halfheartedly made excuses for how they could tie it into WoW’s setting. And while the Shadowlands setting sounded fun on its own, nothing in it felt Warcraft to me - which is why I sat the expansion out. I really, really hope that Dragonflight is a genuine course correction in that regard.
If we could somehow divorce the afterlife zones from the writer self-pleasuring story that was Shadowlands, I rather liked Ardenweald the best, it felt to me like they realized killing off Ysera was a mistake and resurrected her… kinda. All the other zones were meh, though I did sorta like the necromancy lore in Abomination Moshpit. I loved the Superfun Vampire Land’s theme even if the rest of was rather boring.
And I agree that the expansion was disappointing. I wanted to cry a lot from seeing certain figures, I wanted to be like wow, that’s great character A is happy and at peace. Instead we got Abandoned Themepark Zones.
I really liked how Shadowlands dumpstered every single religion in Azeroth in one expansion.
idk what’s going on since miko posted the visage form wowhead dressing room link but they have the option to be eyebrowless and im getting a kick out of it. where are the eyebrow options for orc men
also every preview of them i’ve seen just looks bad but i think the one i made looks decent
edit to add: the male/men/gender 1 visages look bad. the ladies though? decent
I’m not crazy about the belf model (mostly because of his weird clippy combat animations, which isn’t too relevant for them since you’ll never see them in combat), but I do like the hairs and modular beard. Being able to customize mustache and chin hairs separately is an important technological advancement
I also like how they gave him some “youthful” faces like this one
given that WoW has an annoying history of making the male models look 15 years older than the female version.
(And yeah it may just be a modified belf face but the different eyes and textures give it a much better look and help distract from the ol fleshy chin)
Overall I kinda like the visages, but it doesn’t get me too excited since we’ll be forced into Dragon form (which I dont like as much) in normal gameplay. If we could stay in that form all the time and be other classes it’d be more interesting to me, but since it is so heavily restricted to one class + out of combat only I can’t get too hyped for making a dragon elf man
i actually like the dragon forms but their heads are so little when they’re next to any other race. it’s comical
I do wish that the wings could be hidden away because of the bulk they add and it looks awkward, imo
edit: a woman
It is gonna be weird seeing all these human-shaped dragons in Orgrimmar. We’re used to seeing the elf male model in Alliance lands, but scalie female humans in the valley of roleplay is new
i DO think its funny that shadowlands was his first real attempt at the Danusinematic universe and it was so widely panned across the board they unironically broke the glass and slammed the button labelled dragons
incidentally, my dragon is going to be black dragonflight themed
You and I have had very different experiences in the Valley.
After the mess that was Shadowlands, I’m sure everyone is thrilled to just have some good old fashion fantasy stuff, and nothing screams “fantasy” louder than a god damn dragon.
Think my lizard lad is going to be a bronze themed archeologist. Desperately trying to be like his bigger, time traveling kin by learning about the past.
What it was was awesome
Incidentally my dragon will be no dragonflight themed because i’m not rolling one 'cuz I already play the best race
I felt the same way. But in a recent interview, Hazokostas said that Dragonflight is still on track for its release date, because its been planned since BEFORE Shadowlands launch and they’ve had developers working on it since.
Pretty sure he does lie sometimes to cover his/their butt(s) but I do tend to believe that it takes two years to get expansions ready.
Its also been said that cinematics (the kind like the Dragonflight one) take 8-9 months to make. Since it was revealed in March, that means they started working on it last Summer.
I’m dreaming of a green dragon hippy girl. >.>
I’m hyped for the setting because I’m renaming my Goblin warrior Gobwing and he’s going to be a dragon (but actually a con-artist) that sells NFTs (non-functional trinkets). Hooray for vial of the sands.
My Drac’thyr is going to be male, black dragonflight colours/features, as little scaley bits on the human form – be on the lookout for… Jon (short for an obscenely long Dragonesque name).
I absolutely love this. I’m planning on my hippy-girl be Horde because all my other characters are Draenei and a nelf (lol). I will totally join you in your scam lol.
Lord, don’t remind me. They drummed that out as hard as possible didn’t they when every single thing about Sylvanas might as well be a hologram of her kicking kittens and puppies on loop for the past 10-so years, when watching the damage control after the cinematics about her ‘redemption’ dropped they finally back-peddled her into where she belonged. (In the traaaaaaaash)
Hey, remember when there was a book or afew ingame quotes insinuating all those other afterlives mentioned like the ancestor land, light afterlife and etc where just ‘lol living beings make up the weirdest stuff ammi rite?’ I think was uttered by a broker or some such. Wish I remember which book it was because I cant be arced to bother.
I’m still debating on what type of dragonflight my Dracthyr might well be from…
but I am leaning to Black or Green at the current moment. Maybe blue for the mega magic if I’m feeling spunky.
They aren’t from any specific flight tho, it would be the black since they all served (not evil neltharion). Just a species created with influences and magic from all the flights hence the variations in color.
So I’m playing mine as a dracthyr that has a fascination for the blues and chooses to align with their values. He is interested in arcane magic and magic relics so perfect fit. And the true dragons seem to view the dracthyr as just another Draconic group amongst many with no I’ll will towards them so I think it would work from a lore perspective too.
They gave us the scale colours for a reason. If we were supposed to be just black flight, we would have an edgelord colour palette. Play it how you want.