Dragonflight Alpha Thread

Looks like it will be taking place a few years after Shadowlands.

…maybe my toons finally had time to rest.


Also people tend to forget (and fair enough, it has been how many years now?) that the Defias exist purely because the Court of Nobles refused to pay the Stonemasons, and all their workers, for completely rebuilding Stormwind.

Onyxia had a hand in it, certainly, but she didn’t magically dominate them, blackmail them or otherwise force the Court of Nobles to do this. They were already greedy, grasping and self-entitled and had squandered what little wealth the kingdom had after the Orc Wars on petty vanity projects and personal aggrandisement despite levying some of the heaviest taxes in Human history on the surviving populace to rebuild Stormwind.

They’re a criminally under-utilised faction that could have added some amazing depth and spice to the Alliance, being openly dangerous to the Alliance but too deeply enmeshed in the military, government and economy to actively antagonise or even attempt to remove, which could also have been used to highlight the Horde Acts/Alliance Reacts plot device to be more towards the fact that Stormwind, fielding the largest armies of the Alliance, was crippled with the King and the bulk of the Court of Nobles constantly fighting each other and attempting to out-manoeuvre each other with every deployment, every loss and every victory being weaponised by both sides against each other, which added a whole slew of delays and crippling supply deficits to the war efforts. That the Court of Nobles, or primarily their leaders, were so obsessively blind to the damage and harm they were doing because, to their world-view, only they could truly lead the Alliance to glory and victory because of their own self-inflated views and coddled natures, and anyone who didn’t fit into the special roles they deemed worthy, such as the King, the commoners and even the other races, were unworthy of leadership or even self-government.

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Has there been any word on xmog of white and grey items? It’s probably the most important feature for me.

I’ve had a level 1 on Destromath with a super rare/unobtainable white-item dress that I got in a trade, which I never xferred for < Azeroth Archives > because we already had it :sunglasses: BUT I WANT TO ABSORB IT INTO MY COLLECTION NOW!


I haven’t seen anything but I’ve also tempered my expectations on this feature.

As a hoarde—uh, collector…of items in the game, I have an entire bank toon dedicated to holding my white/grey common/uncommon items that I’ve been stashing for years. I was excited when it was first announced, but they’ve been quiet since. There are literally thousands of these items in the game and I just know, the handful that I will want to mog - won’t make their list. I really wish they’d announce how they’re implementing this.


Same. I also have some soulbound greys that are unique on Sef, I’d love to free up her personal bank space as well.

There are also greys and white items that are worth a considerable amount of gold because of either mad low drop rates or removal. I’m quite interested to see how this change affects their value.


My hunter has a bunch of old ammo in his bank can he wear bullets?

Seriously though if they do not allow the High Society Top Hat to be moggable then I will riot.


hey what in god’s name are these talent trees i took a morbidly curious look at on the wowhead beta site


Yeah, I’m super into the time skip - only makes sense that the afterlife has a different set of rules for time passage an’ I’m glad they took advantage of it.

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Anyaka has set up a lawn next to Warsong Gulch specifically for chasing people off of it.

That’s my only firm decision thus far, but I will not be talked out of it.


Blizzard has added some cosmetic off-hand items to DF, but no one is quite sure what they are for yet:

Look. I am all for adding ten million cosmetic items to this game. There is no such thing as too much. I sometimes read how much negativity I post on the forum here and I think, man. I shouldn’t be so negative.

That said, bring on the negati…reality. The best part of items like this for those of us that play characters of a smaller stature, is that they clip right through the ground or through the lower half of your body.


Just once I would like my Gnomes and Dwarves to have gear designed for them, while Humans and Elves take a backseat.


I know the feeling, I swear the model all these gear and cosmetic items on the largest playable male character, and then just assign it tags for the other races.
“Oh you’re a gnome or a female elf and the sword clips into the ground and it’s the size of your body? Sucks to be you.”

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Have you tried standing on the shoulders or head of another Gnome? A mechagnome, perhaps, since they won’t get tired…

3 gnomes in a trench coat?

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The humanoid dragon forms are in the dressing room now too


The fact that these hairstyles (inc facial hair) are locked to Dracthyr makes me want to quit this game and no, I am not joking.

Whoever is responsible for allowing ‘hairstyles’ to be locked to certain races/genders/etc, is a tool that doesn’t understand the player base. Why can’t all of us have all the options? What is so wrong with that? Who is responsible for making those decisions?



It’s almost as if different races belong to different cultures with their own tastes, interests, and aesthetic choices. I think leaving certain choices to certain races strengthens a race’s mystique, whereas allowing basically any choice to go to any race would lessen that a bit. So to me, this is fine.

Also most of the Dracthyr hairstyles are kinda bad but that’s just me.


Same x10!!

As for the different cultures rebuttal… that’s stretching it a bit. If the races didn’t mingle I could totally believe that. But like the class restrictions it’s unrealistic to expect people to not learn from other cultures or take on their fashion styles. Especially when we got melting-pot cities like Orgrimarr and Stormwind.

Obligatory FFXIV comparison–in that game, races have a few race-specific hairstyles (e.g. the Dragonlike people have hairs incorporating horn parts and stuff), but there is also a large pool of hairstyles anyone can use.

Could always stand to do more of that in WoW. Draenei man can keep his funny forehead bit hairstyles, but also slap some human hairs on him too.


No, I think WoW should regress like FF14 in turn.

All the human-esque races get all the hairs, but any of the beast/non-human races should actually lose their hair entirely. And also their ability to wear hats.

Anyways the fact that you can make your human form look way less like that guy who was trying to cosmetically turn himself into a snake via plastic surgery makes me very happy. They looked so stupid with all the scales and stuff and the fact that you can ditch it made me like them a lot more.

I’m never going to roll one, but it is cool that they’re not freaks or famine.

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When Blizz released the barbershop in Wrath a lot of the “new” hairstyles were just existing hairstyles restricted to specific races. Like Draenei and Blood Elves share a lot of hairstyles now, orcs received a number of undead hair styles and undead received some gnome hair styles.

Would love it if they did a barbershop “update” which opened up some of the existing hairstyles to existing races. Would also be nice if some of the older hairstyles got a 2022 update, humans do have a lot of hairstyles but half of them feel unusable now because they’re so outdated looking on the updated character models.