Dragonflight account not showing in battle.net

I reuped my sub and my dragonflight account is not showing. The only thing im getting is war within beta and classics

Your Dragonflight account is not showing where?

In the BattleNet client or on this website - where you can get to it via your account, which is a button with your BattleTag at the top right of this page.

In either case, your Dragonflight account should be showing whether your sub is up to date or not.

Is it missing in the client and you have uninstalled Dragonflight when you took a break? If that is so, then you might need to fiddle with the Games menu in the client, find World of Warcraft, and the Play button will change to Install.

If it is more than that, you can

try the Customer Service Forum https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/c/support/customer-support/13 or

create a Support Ticket https://eu.battle.net/support/en/help/games/wow