Dragonblight Alliance Reconnections

Sup. Where’s my The Epic Crusade/Exodus boiz at? Phill (Priest) / Philly (Rogue) here. Anyone playing classic?

Scythe, Jeffo, Rugius, Fataleyes, Tran/Rikoo, Dycedarg/Kylanna, Cias, Romules, Pembar, Ankalagon, Wilkinz… I can only remember so much from 15 years ago lol


Dude Semaj… didn’t you give me the 5,000 gold I needed to ride my gladiator mount back in BC? I swear it was you lol

My first main, Machinshin, is probably still wearing his Molten Core clothes, or lingerie, or whatever it was. I jumped ship to the Ilidan server for a while. Then kinda’ petered out after the Lich King, but I own all the Collector’s Edition’s of this game. And my account is still active. Soooooooooo let’s see what happens.

Hahaha, I remember Doc paying us Silver Serpent newbies gold to /spit on you before my group had a similar falling out with him.

(Also… in Vanilla: Cattiibrie from Insomniacs, Silver Serpent, then Tabula Rasa. Oh! SGA Molten Mongrels too!)


Woo! Molten Mongrels! Many a fine Saturday spent, indeed.


hey Koushi,

not sure if you remember me and my friend we used to play undead warlock and undead shadowpriest with you in the 59’s
we are definitely down to play on Fairbanks in your team, we have already reserved our names.
have you got a discord hit me back up


Hello fellow Dramablightians. I’m rolling Horde on Fairbanks with a few other ex-The Dungeon Masters and new co-workers. Reserved our names today. We have a group of 10 or so and looking for more if anyone remembers Magnakai or Redrumm and wants to join up or just say hi. Look forward to seeing some familiar names!

I am creating a guild on Pagle. You are welcome to join up with me with your main or an alt. It would be awesome to get some old guildies together again!

outlawchiken#1882 I am making a raiding guild on pagle. I have a website, most of my officers and discord set up already.

outlawchiken#1882 i sent you a request

I remember you! =D

err this one!

i dont remember you at all… :wink:

Twista - Human Priest (one of the first lvl 60 priests on the server)

“Clothing Optional” brings back some good memories.

Really great to see some names I remember from back in the day, and of course the guild names mentioned, I recall almost all of them now.

The big question: What server are Dragonblight players going to since DragonBlight wont exist - at least as far as I can see??

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Congratulations comrade, you’ve been conscripted to join the 50’s regiment stationed at Fairbanks(H).

But this time, you’re Horde, 50’s, Fairbanks(H).

You’ll be hunting alliance, orc. 50’s Fairbanks(H).

Welcome to the B Team.

Your alt has been drafted. Better reserve that name.

I should, but I don’t. Good to have you on board with the B Team.

I know there’s more of you that want to defect.

Saw some mentions of Echelon and wanted to reconnect. This character was one of the founding members of Echelon when a big group of us left The Lords Council.

Bruun - Dwarven Hunter (one of the few)

As stated above I was in TLC and we formed Echelon. I raided MC and BWL with the likes of Silverlock (GM), Molzimbad, El, Mynerva, etc before I left alliance for Horde.

I’ve off and on played throughout the years and I’ve always clung to Dragonblight as it will forever be my home, however it was mostly on Horde. Incredible to see familiar names after so many years. :slight_smile:


Ya know Koushbag i may roll my shaman on fairbanks and pvp with you in the 50’s again if my horde guild falls through but ill be maining alliance on pagle.

I was in Echelon for a little while. I played a night elf druid, Fealindolin at the time. Hope all is well and you all enjoy Classic!

Which one? :stuck_out_tongue:

Alduran woah long time no see i dont know if you Remember me Alanior Hunter or Bahaal Pally

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