(GM of Peacekeepers of Azeroth) I loved every member and so many stayed for 8+ years until we revamped and they moved into our new guild. YOu all werent just passing members, but real long life friends. People grow and have families…retire …summer vacation…but the memories never fade… People say we are not “real friends” who dont understand the game… but we all know! SNIPERPINKY it would be great to see what a fine young man you became! He was 12 and played with us for 4 years…one of my best Guardians
i was originally part of silver serpent then broke off and created LORE i was once good friends with Doc the GM of silver serpent but we had a parting of the ways , hell we played diablo 2 together before going to WOW
Thats right! I remember the day it happened…(silver serpents members leaving (5tanks) .If I remember correctly we were in the middle of a run… 5 tanks left (you guys) and wow tanks were short back then! gotta respect ur tanks ^.~
Doc decided to take over the alliance i made for our guild to raid and move it to days alot of people could not make which is what caused the rift.
Yes…the 5 tanks asked to join peacekeeprs…I suggested to not lose their identity and create their own guild and join our alliance. Because they were such a strong team it was a great solution! Its unfortunate that friendships can be lost when it comes to a game…I had a team who struggled (our 4th team) and to keep the friendship I said they could take all their bank tab mats and 1/4 of the guild funds and take the team to their own guild…we are still friends today! Friendship is more important…than gear and loot!
wasnt the gear or loot that caused me to leave it was the underhanded way he went about it, he had me set the raid alliance up then snatched it out from under me. so it was more his attitude than the gear.
I hear ya…some people feel pressure to be the best and it can cloud the best of minds. Today there are also people who knew the demands and pressure and and avoid it and just want to have fun raiding casually (thats us!) I have been very fortunate to draw the most wonderful people to us <3
Feel free to add Sabrina#1415 I love that we can cross realm i can add all of your guild to alliance chat and we can catch up! Gratz to Lore coming back!
I still have peacekeepers of azeroth, (name claim Alliance of Azeroth-name after our alliance with you and others) we still have and 12 years running fireworks shows The PyroManiacs! I will never close peacekeepers. I still have my email peacekeepersofazeroth@shaw.ca lol
This is a SHOUT OUT to all the Dragonblight Vanilla Crowd! So many Guilds that I remember hanging out with! Welcome back! and if you are wanting a quick guide when you come back : Whats new? Get gear fast? ect ect… add Sabrina#1415 (Peacekeepers of Azeroth) now The Coven of Darkness (fb page too)
Hey I remember you Filly! I was the aussie pally in Protean Syndicate
No, they have a list of servers up already and they are named and there’s only liek 5 of each per region.
Atiesh going to be a Normal (Non-PvP) server. So basically LIKE Dragonblight at the start.
Honestly a point of contention: I like that they want communities to be large, but something more like 10 servers per region would be better. 15 is far too many, if you require any evidence; you can always look at Modern wow and how everything has to be cross-everything to even find a person running around.
What’s your BattleTag? Been looking to add everyone I can. Always welcome to come play again, if for nothing more than leveling.
Again, I want to see the Endgame - but there’s no rush.
I’m currently invested in rolling Myzrael (A) with some other former Dragonblighters but if somewhere between now and Phase 3 I come to the conclusion that I don’t want to / can’t commit to raiding I’ll definitely be on board.
Dibs on Farm duty.
Serra - Paladin, was in a small guild of real life friends “The Stormwind Legion”
Nails - Rogue
Snowberry - Druid
Good to see some familiar names. Ran with Asgard some also.
I remember Sojyn as well – I was brought in as a 3rd tank towards the middle of our BWL progression.
Lilpeanut here used to play on Dragonblight was in The Epic Crusade, Revelations and for a time Echelon. I remember the best rogue on the server Jeff. Looking for Razputin and Agememnon, warlock and Pally
Well did not notice that i was logged in with the wrong char.
Jazo - human rogue, member of Bending the Light and Revelations
Looking for Gwyn, Tyranacous, Pesty, Matt and the rest of the gang… hit me up!
I was an officer there for a long time, Samari - Human Pally. Towards the end of Vanilla I raided with Crimson Fury / Exigence though.
Alduran Looking to Connect
Did lots of PVP, DPS and TANK for a Few Different Guilds. TLC, Coercian, Tabula Rasa, did a lot of runs with Exigence in Naxx. Looking for Buiden, LBK, Benedicta, and all my other old friends. Who is around from the old days??? Looking at Herod or Whitemane. Where are you all going???
Heya Fataleyes! Alduran, we did some PVP and I did some OT for you guys in AQ40. Where you rolling? Looking at Herod and Whitemane!