Dragonblight Alliance Reconnections

Hey! Find me at Lindz5223

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Hey! I’m playing on Windseeker and swear I saw a Razputin name. I’m thinking it was spelled with two z’s though.

IRVING IT’S STARSHARDZ! I miss you man I think about you echotamer thnan and gadget all the time miss you and your family and I hope life is treating you well man. You were a great influence for me growing up and I’ll never forget you

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Lochsloy here, paladin in vanilla.

Raided in Esoteric mostly, pvp’d a lot with dirnok/rugius/marc and everyone from the marshals premades. Briefly in exodus near the end right before tbc rolled.

Rolling on blauxme.

What’s up dicenslice, and shadine, long time no see haha.

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Dierissy — human mage. Also had a human priest named Gracelynn :slight_smile:


I started the guild Awakened and use to be in Good Times Gang before that. My character(s) were Celray(Priest) and Taim(Mage).

Looking for Potts/Pans, Merilye, and anyone else that might remember me. It’s been a while so I forget some other names :).

BTag is Cydin#1162

Anyone remember Syphier or Mona from Chaos Ascended?

• Marxus, Human Paladin
• Villains Requiem
• Belegohtar, Soverreign, Dollar, Benjaimn

Villains Requiem here! I am rolling with a guild on Sulfuras :slight_smile:

Jazo still lurking around here… looking for my lost frens. Ty, Gywn, Pesti, Matt, where are ya folks! If i never hear from you again, hope life is good fellas. I’ll be around on Old Blanchy alliance side, doing the same thing i was doing 15 years ago. Peace

Whats up Rael?! This is Volass, rogue that raided with ya in LORE. Not sure if you remember me, couldnt figure out how to get it to display my old character. I was just a kid at the time but I raided quite a bit.

ARKKK! Whats up man, its Volass!

Wahleee, its Volass, good to see ya on here bro! Add me, I’m looking for people to play with. Bryson#1974

Hey Im looking for someone that used to play a nightelf hunter, character name was Hawkosky, account name was Hawkskyline, real name is Chris, If you’re on here Im Moordorf.

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I always wonder what happened to Scythe

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Howdy buddy! Frankyboy here! I remember those days back in the SGA running MC and Ony. I’m over on classic Auzuresong playing a mage named Frankyboy!

Oh gosh… I was apart of the guild. I might’ve even started it, honestly I forget it was so long ago!

My name on Dragonblight was Fernwarrior who was a Night Elf warrior, also had a druid named Shadowtear.

Used to play a human paladin named Jadzia and ran a guild called Rock Lobster - we then had raids with a guild alliance called the Lobster League…Would love to meet old friends

Anyone know Chrisu? Human warrior?