Dragonblight Alliance Reconnections

I remember you Carmen :slight_smile: Sabrina#1415 we are starting characters on Myzreal. add me and we can chat!

Im sorry I didnt catch what happened…I wouldnt have let it happen if I was paying attention… wont happen again…

Chaos Ascended…as my holy priest INFP. Nice to see some old faces around.

Do you guys remember Victoryred? I had a NE huntard in A New Dawn. I remember Ichiro, Drippy, Hvalt, Feind, Osti(druid) Hoagie, PT(lock) Carth, a lot of them lol, even you Darr

Feorac, NE rogue looking for old guild/friends i’ve lost touch with. Dagron, and faoyre (sp) Shadowstrik, Rargothe. Also Villains Requiem guild members!

I’m looking for anyone who may have known me and my family when we played classic years ago. My character was a Nelf Hunter named Kayoko and my parents who played at the time were Phixen a human mage and my dad had two he went by: Assar an nelf warrior and Evildrake a human warlock. We also had a friend by the name of Silkydope.

Hey Dicenslice! I was Shadine, the Druid officer in Esoteric/Dark Syndicate! :slight_smile: It’s been a loooong time.

So how about them queue times? Anyone reroll on one of the newer servers? I feel like I won’t be able to make a final decision until after the first weekend

old blanchy gang rise up

I’m still on Dragonblight with this DH. I’m kinda busy with RL stuffs and havent active for almost a year :frowning: Hope to see you guys back soon…

Astala, NE Rogue, did a tenure in LORE and am still in the old Obsidian Order

Tell Neeps and Moon Filly says hi :slight_smile:

Oldmanbladez, warlock was guild leader of The Prophecy.

Just wanted to say hi! Im pretty sure we were in “Xi” together. Dhrod was our MT and I knew Chursen IRL. I quit when BC came out. I heard Xi kinda disbanded afterwards.

Woah! How’ve you been man? I was hoping i’d get in touch with someone haha! Add me on RealID Cthom#1253

LORE brings back memories. Unholy here

Hey! It’s Linzi, Paladin from a long time ago! I totally forgot our guild names but those were it. :slight_smile:

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Maria!! Which server did you guys end up on?

Hey stranger! Long time no see. What’s your battle tag?

(also Laorien - Night Elf Hunter) Was part of Xtreme Alliance guild