Dragon Soul Tier Gear Concerns

Yeah the pattern has been alternating in classic

Classic August
TBC was june with SSC and TK releasing in september
Wrath was September
Cata was end of May with FL releasing in november.

Following that timeline MOP will be september timeframe. I dont see late september or october though as that will overlap with the ending of the retail xpac and the start of the new one.

I do not see it being released in early September due to the back-to-school timeframe. Because of this my estimate for a release would be mid to late September.

You should really just put him on ignore I did because if I wanted to read his responses so I could just feed the data into chat GPT myself


Way to stay on topic there.

Theyve never cared about school. I doubt the
% of school age kids/adults actually playing wow is low now a days.

Also most kids are a month into school already as alot of states go back to school at the beginning of August and are out in May.

Maybe for you but here in America kids start school late august and are out early June.