Dragon Soul Tier Gear Concerns

See previous response. Let me know if you need it linked again.

Lol can you please explain how WIlliam implied that blizzard would add a new raid to cata?


Here ya go…

Or maybe you’ll understand:

I implore you to meticulously peruse the antecedent correspondence, wherein a comprehensive elucidation has already been meticulously delineated with unequivocal precision. Any further reiteration would constitute a gratuitous redundancy, rendering this discourse an exercise in superfluous verbosity. Kindly direct your attention to the aforementioned response, where your inquiry has been addressed with perspicacity and exhaustive detail.


It is important to address the specific question at hand. My inquiry was about how this statement That Williamferal made.

implies that Blizzard would add a new raid to Cataclysm Classic.

The statement in question suggests that Blizzard would most likely extend the duration of the Dragonsoul raid phase due to perceived laziness.(Lets also not forget the timeline that is public that shows MoP pre patch launching in Summer 2025 and MoP launching in Autumn 2025) However, it does not imply that Blizzard would add a new raid. Implication involves suggesting something indirectly, and in this case, there is no indirect suggestion of a new raid being added.

It appears that you have failed to comprehend the difference between these two concepts. My request for clarification was not an indication of my comprehension skills but rather a call for evidence to support the claim.

Here ya go…

Or maybe you’ll understand:

I implore you to meticulously peruse the antecedent correspondence, wherein a comprehensive elucidation has already been meticulously delineated with unequivocal precision. Any further reiteration would constitute a gratuitous redundancy, rendering this discourse an exercise in superfluous verbosity. Kindly direct your attention to the aforementioned response, where your inquiry has been addressed with perspicacity and exhaustive detail.

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Stop trying to deflect and answer the question William said this-

Then you replied this -

How does William’s statement imply that Blizzard will add a new raid to Cataclysm?

I’ve already made this clear and I also stated facts.

However, it seems that my original question has not been addressed. I asked for an explanation of how this Statement Williamferal made.

implies that Blizzard would add a new raid to Cataclysm Classic.

Instead of providing a clear explanation. You said this.

Which actually does NOT address the specific question. This response does not clarify how the original statement implies the addition of a new raid.

Now if you would be so kind to provide a direct explanation of how the statement implies that Blizzard would add a new raid. We are waiting for a response.

Feel free to get the last word in – I am unable to help you understand. Perphaps your ChatGPT can help you figure out what is going on and explain it to you, otherwise you’ll just have to get over the fact you are unable to understand.

My flight is about to land in about 30 mins, so I have more productive things to do but the good news is – DS is coming, LFR is coming, and locks outs will remain the same.

Enjoy your gear you and your carries paid for via GDKP all the while pretending you are some sort of high-level raider. While you do all that, I’ll continue to watch as you fester in your own petulance.

Still not going to answer the question that was asked? Well here is the definitions for both words Imply and Comprehend.

Imply: To suggest or hint at something without explicitly stating it. For example, if someone says, “It’s getting late,” they might be implying that it’s time to leave without directly saying so.
For example, if someone says, “It’s getting late,” they might be implying that it’s time to leave without directly saying so.

Comprehend: To understand or grasp the meaning of something. For example, if you read a complex article and understand its content, you have comprehended it.

as an example lets use this post and commentary-

Original Question:

**Your response **

In this example, the response does not address the original question. Instead of explaining how the statement implies that Blizzard would add a new raid, the response deflects by questioning my comprehension skills. This failure to provide a direct explanation shows a lack of understanding of the original request.

Now would you please answer the question how does what William said imply that blizz would add a new raid to cata?


Double that unless they came out with an updated timeline mop isnt scheduled until like august.

Where is this updated timeline? The only timeline I see is the MoP pre-patch in Summer 2025 and the MoP launch in Autumn 2025. There is no timeline that states MoP launches in August 2025.

Based on the timeline released by Blizzard and their past actions, it is my opinion that we are unlikely to see MoP until late September. This conclusion is drawn from several key reasons.

  • Blizzard’s Timeline: Blizzard’s timeline indicates that the MoP pre-patch will launch in summer 2025, which includes the months of June, July, and August. The actual release of MoP is scheduled for autumn 2025, which includes September, October, and November.
  • Back-to-School Season: Launching MoP at the beginning of September might not be ideal because many students are returning to school during this time. This could affect player engagement and participation, as students may have less time to play.
  • Historical Launch Patterns: Blizzard has a history of launching Classic expansions at strategic times to maximize player engagement. For example, World of Warcraft Classic launched in August 2019 and subsequent expansions like The Burning Crusade Classic and Wrath of the Lich King Classic followed similar patterns
  • Delaying the launch to late September allows Blizzard to avoid the back-to-school period and capitalize on a time when more players are likely to be available.
  • Pre-Patch Duration: Pre-patches typically run for about 3-4 weeks. If the MoP pre-patch launches in late summer, it would naturally lead to a late September release for the full expansion.
  • Marketing and Hype: Launching in late September allows Blizzard to build up more marketing hype and anticipation for the release. This can lead to a more successful launch with higher player turnout.
  • Avoiding Overlap with Other Releases: Blizzard may want to avoid overlapping the MoP Classic launch with other major game releases or events. Late September could be a strategic choice to ensure that MoP Classic gets more attention.

t13 tier gear is insanely over powered. tanks basically get a raid wide defensive. Also - Dragon soul only lasting 3 months is very funny. it will definitely last until summer.

Well, they are right, and people are forgetting the very real thing that happened in cata, guilds running LFR. Even at a lower ilvl getting your tier set is just too good not to do it. So you have 2 sources for tier gear.

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yeah MoP prepatch isn’t even scheduled until summer and full release is fall. we have like 6-7 months of DS at this rate

It’s fine, we’ll manage.

I have said this numerous times.

Bro how are you so cocky lol. You have 1 kill on each herioc boss, and thats all you have done this tier. 1 kill per boss? I will never understand how a rat in a gdkp can ever say anything to anyone. 1 kill per boss on 25m. SCREAMS carried especially after looking at your gear.


Yes on this char but you havent seen my Mage, Hunter, Warrior, Druid, Warlock, Shaman. That also have 7/7H runs.

The only reason this toon has a 7/7H is because the run needed a UH DK for the comp. So it went to the run.

You bought carries, you did not actually do anything for the raid.