Dragon riding is bad

But those that do like dragonriding will have the easiest time getting them.

dragon riding is good


It’s actually easy for anyone, if they’re smart about getting them. There are maps, with pictures of where each one is. Just get the lowest ones first, then the middle ones, and finally, the ones that are higher up. Doing it this way makes it incrementally easier.

I actually really like it. I wish there was a hover option, but other than that, I find it to be quite enjoyable.

I don’t even need a hover option. I just want the ability to go half the speed at times without this weird fall to the ground. Plus, I still have issues with the animations. Especially the blue wind lines. Let me turn that off as well.

How would you know that you are going fast enough to recover vigor?

I really don’t care. I would prefer to see where I am going. Currently, it is like driving in a heavy rainstorm with no windshield wipers.

My dragon mount goes brrrrrrr

i like it, but i do often find myself missing regular flying. especially when it comes to farming nodes. dragonriding makes it extremely annoying popping up and back down again to grab nodes - ill probably use regular flying for that when we get it, no matter how much slower it is

you can put points into the gathering nodes to be able to gather while mounted.

also this is how ALL non druids felt btw…

havent seen this. is it hidden in the new stupid profession system that i have yet to decipher because it’s really confusing

yeah i’m aware, i dont main a druid

The most commonly praised expansions had flying very early so the assault against regular flying makes no sense.

It’s another case of devs making a problem when there wasn’t one. It was only a problem for them because they would rather be lazy and slow down progress to reduce their own workload.

Players will always be cyclical. It’s like that for every online game with dlc/expansions. Nothing will change it aside from making good content at regular intervals. It also doesn’t hurt if you allow easy alt leveling and more of a sandbox design. Throwing a digital ball and chain on players doesn’t make them enjoy it more or stick around. Most are human, not robots. We aren’t sims characters.

Stop trying to funnel everyone into 1 or 2 paths of play while throwing a ball and chain on to “extend the content.”

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