Dragon Reproduction [Chronormu]

When the first Chronicles book came out, I was not a fan of the idea, because I knew it would largely be a Retcon storm that itself would be retconned when the next Chronicles Cash Grab was released.

I am cynical that way - but I ended up being right.

Maybe the books are pretty and look nice on a shelf, but as far as lore, they are more like snapshots of what the Devs wanted at that time, with little consistency as time goes on.

The thing about that is, I believe Ebyssian knew his name as an egg, without anyone “naming” him. He was named Ebonhorn by the Highmountain, but he seemed to have an innate knowledge of his own Draconic name. Without anyone telling him.

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Wrathion was the same. Dragon young seem to have some level of awareness in the egg


And Warcraft was made from Chris Metzen’s old table top games. So you can see why I’d bring this up

Its fantasy regardless. Not everything has to go by our real life nature rules

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The storyline of Dragons being unable to reproduce has been ignored completley in Dragonflight and may as well be retconned. Nobody liked it anyway.

Conflago looks to only be altering their visage form not the their true dragon form.

You seem to not understand the issue.
In the story both Malygos and Wrathion lamented being the last of their line because they were both males with no female dragons to procreate and save their flights from extinction.

That was and is the story.
This is why Malygos was driven to madness and kidnapped female red dragons to take them as consorts so he could rebuild his flight.

And this is why Wrathion constantly talked about being the last and his flights eventual extinction.
If dragons could switch their biology as they wish none of these stories and established lore would make sense.
The only way it would make sense is that they are unable to switch their biology.

Dragons were never said to be unable to reproduce. As far as I know there was never any story that they couldn’t outright do it. The problem was always them being killed to near extinction (Blue) or all members becoming corrupted with very few if any being free of the corruption. Blacks and Wrathion, obviously.

They fixed this by bringing previously hidden away eggs or small survivors to give them a chance at recovering.

So in short… the only thing that makes sense is that Dragons are able to switch their visage but not actual biology. And if this is some sort of social or political issue being disguised as a lore issue.
The transgender movement is primarily about healthcare rights and social rights because Gender roles are a social construct. No one is arguing they can biologically change themselves. Maybe in the future we will have the scientific capability to do that but not now.
So Chronormu being a female is an identity and social thing rather than an actual biology thing. Chromie is female and we consider her as female but she isn’t a biological female who can lay eggs because if that is true for her then that means its true for Wrathion and Malygos as well.

And if they were capable of laying eggs and then fertilizing them by switching back makes their entire storylines even more dumb than it already is.

I remember this being an actual plot point. Can’t remember the context but that was definitely a thing.

I don’t remember Alexstrasza or Ysera ever being described as infertile.
Nozdormu was missing so his wife consort was leading flight in his abscence
Malygos had gone insane and the rest of his flight was mostly dead or entirely dead depending on how old the lore is.
Deathwing was licking his wounds somewhere or also dead. With Wrathion being the only uncorrupted Blackdragon anywhere.

I checked the wiki too and did not see infertility anywhere…

In the quest The Last of the Last, Senegos tells us that “Since the fall of Deathwing, we dragons have lost nearly all of our power. To make matters worse, we can no longer bear eggs.
My whelplings are the last of the last.”

The Dawn of the Aspects book also says that Alexstraszas “ability to lay more [eggs] had been forever taken away, but in addition to all that she lived with the knowledge that the other dragonflights had also suffered so”

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Yeah, I guess I was way too hopeful myself.
I remember hoping that the release of the chronicle would mean that WoW wound finally have a proper story direction, one that would be consistent.

Boy was I wrong indeed.

It is so very annoying. But at the end of the day, blizzard have been very terrible at telling their stories. They tell very large parts of character stories in books that you have to buy, rather than have the stories be told in game - the questing could have been so much more interesting if they took more pages out of FFXIV’s book in this regard.


Not all dragons take humanoid forms. Not all Dragons use Visages. Dragons can do the horizontal bop in their natural forms… They can even do it … in flight. One of the partners however has to be an Aspect. This is why our two boys are competing for the Black Seat so fierecly. Winner gets the girls. It’d be really amusing if there was a dark horse (or a dark dragon?) female candidate.

Generally no, but even dragons can be trans. or even genderfluid and as natural shapechangers it would open up… possibilities.

Chronormu is a transgnome. Who sees themselves as male in dragon form and female in gnome form.

I would say that visage form does act like a magic mask…

But then I remember that Jaina and kalecgos were a couple for a bit, and I really doubt they spend their down time talking about Mage balance.

So the real question is, can a dragon knock up a human or vice versa

I can easily imagine Jaina and Kalec getting hot and bothered using a magic theory discussion as roleplay/foreplay. Remember, they’re nerds.

What? No they don’t. You can just look at Wrathion’s parentage for that. Random mother and father. While we don’t know who fathered him we can safely say it wasn’t deathwing.

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In the story both Malygos and Wrathion lamented being the last of their line because they were both males with no female dragons to procreate and save their flights from extinction.

Wrathion thought he was the last uncorrupted black dragon period, but that was never true for Malygos.

This is why Malygos was driven to madness and kidnapped female red dragons to take them as consorts so he could rebuild his flight.

Malygos was driven mad by the betrayal of Deathwing and the number of blue dragons killed, but he still had consorts. He kidnapped Keristrasza because she was responsible for killing a previous consort (with our help). Even then, he had an alive consort named Haleh in Winterspring.

Dragons were never said to be unable to reproduce. As far as I know there was never any story that they couldn’t outright do it.

It’s been directly stated that they could no longer lay eggs after sacrificing power to destroy Deathwing.

If you read Day of Dragon thats when he was advertised as the last. Of course as the story went forward more started to crop up but the Blues were severely hit.

Yes but again depends on how old the source you want to reference. The Blues got wholly decimated with only a couple surviving.
If Malygos had tremendous amounts of consorts he wouldn’t need to grab other flight’s females for breeding.

As for that Azsuna quest. I had no idea about it.

I personally like it, or more precisely I always expect it was a short term thing(we literally saw a vision from Velen where the dragon population exploded in the last battle for Warcraft). Honestly, I always expected Blizzard would milk it for sympathy points(like they did with Senagos’ questline) but that they would inevitably get it back.

My only issue is Blizzard should have made it explicit why they can suddenly lay eggs again. One would assume it is because the Dragon Isle reawakened. I would have preferred if once we activated all the dragon’s oathstone that would have been the time we learned the dragons can have children again. Would have made the whole thing more special.

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I would just chalk it up to Blizzard being lazy and not making a female dragon model that would make sense (i.e. lose the beard lol). The new generic dragon model fits both though.

True to a degree. I mean we had Sappharion in WC3: RoC but it was clear that there wasn’t that many Blue Dragons left. In fact it was the WotA trilogy that saved the Blue Dragonflight so to speak. As older Krasus found a hidden chamber of Blue Dragon eggs that would’ve died out if he didn’t find them. He then told Nozdormu about it and Nozzy was fine to take them in so they could survive.

Unfortunately one could say that it was the Blue Dragonflights destiny to always be close to extinction. I have no doubts that the nexus war probably would not have happened if it wasn’t for that little time traveling adventure.

Iirc, Malygos only tried to make Keristrasza a consort because she (through us) killed Saragosa, Malygos’ prime consort following Sindragosa’s death. It was more out of revenge instead of “must save Blues no matter what”

Both of them claim Deathwing as their dad. Each of them are staking part of their claim as ancestral heritage. Ebyssian is a child of Neltharion as well.

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I can buy Ebyssian being directly fathered by Neltharion given his age, but after Nel became Deathwing, he was filled with molten lava that burned all his mates to death except for Sintharia, who was driven (more) mad. So I’m pretty sure the vast majority of black dragon eggs are from regular random black dragon couplings; and that for younger black dragons Deathwing is only their father spiritually/symbolically (A Christian praying, “My Father, Who Art in Heaven.”)

Am still bit worried that the eggs in Onyxia’s Lair and Blackwing Lair are from Ony and Nef doing some Jaime/Cersei stuff though.