Dragon Reproduction [Chronormu]

Well, that’s good to know. Thanks for the info. Actually didn’t know that. :smiley:

From the implication, at least what we’ve seen so far, dragons can’t seem to alter their primary forms much, if at all. Those forms can be changed a bit, often by outside means, such as what we see with Blues and their Arcane decor, but that default dragon form can’t be changed all that much. Otherwise there wouldn’t be much stopping a drake from transforming into a fully fledged dragon.

Their Visages are a different matter and seem like fairly limitless shapeshifting. If they can have kids in that form is up in the air, that said. A dragon that deliberately wanted to have a mortal child, in a Visage that’s a mortal woman, would probably need to stay in that form for the duration.

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Blizzard lore confuses me at this point.

Can we have one final chronicles book? Not a chronicles 4, but a “One Chronicle to Rule them all” where we get some definitive lore that is created with the intention of actually giving the possibility of coherent and consistent lore. No more retcons. I don’t care if they do retcon in that chronicle, I just want a total reset at this point, with proper answers, and then hope for the love of God, that the storyteam can stop constantly retconning and changing lore on a whim.

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Found this quote about Neltharion on fandom

Neltharion began to yearn for a world dominated by his black dragonflight — a world in which the other dragonflights ceased to exist and Ysera and Alexstrasza would be his petty slaves for mating.

The reason that he chose Ysera and Alexstrasza would indicate they can’t change their biological gender.

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Honestly that just reminds me of how much Blizzard got away with in terms of their storytelling with dragons, for years. If dragons where a humanoid race and had even half of the themes Blizzard’s hit them with, WoW would be rated M.

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I don’t know if they reproduce in shapeshift form. But I read somewhere that dragons have lust and they perform sex for entertainment same as humans. And they prefer their shapeshift forms. It could be possible that a male dragon could be reproducing as a male but shapeshift for performing leisure activities as a female.

Neltharion wanting to reproduce with Ysera and Alexstrasza just shows that he was a twisted monster who wanted to subjugate his fellow aspects in the worst way possible.


Could be that he just wasn’t into Maylgos. He was an acquired taste.

And Noz has tattoos. Not everyone goes for tattoos.


It’s still rated ‘T For Teen’, not ‘E for Everyone’. And I personally have never had a problem with Evil characters committing Evil acts- if they didn’t they wouldn’t be evil after all. Hell, if you think about it too hard, how many thousands upon thousands of sapient beings has each and every player slaughtered for a paltry handful of gold?

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Heck some dragons in dnd reproduce asexually. If there’s no suitable mate. Critical Role even did this with their red dragon villain, Thor’dak.

You know it’s entirely possible Chromie’s parents messed up naming her. Maybe she looked like a boy growing up. Not like they have ultrasound for eggs

Doesn’t her dragon form have a beard?

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The old Model had a beard but this new one doesn’t.

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A visage is just a magical disguise, more like a tangible illusion than changing a dragon biologically.


As mentioned, I see no reason why dragons couldn’t magically change their gender any time they wanted. However, as a bronze dragon, I bet Chromie could travel back in time to when she was an egg and make sure Y chromosomes aren’t allowed to develop.

Then again if she really was born a male then that would create alternate timelines, which I doubt bronze dragons are fond of.

Plus we’re getting enough alternate timeline Chromies being thrown at us next patch as it is.

We can all agree that Chromie is adorable at least right?

She’s just awesome in my eyes :blush:


Many Female Dragons using the old models had beards, such as Obisidia.


This is why I’m confused if the Old Models had any dimorphism.

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Thats Dnd, the problem with wow is that they really pushed the extinction of the blue and black flights in the story.

If dragons could reproduce that way then it undoes those storylines.

What is the benefit that chromie can also change thei dragon biology?

The impression I get from Chromie is that their bodies magically change to match the gender they identify as and they can’t just change on a whim.

They sure can. Take a look at Conflago.