Dragon Isles Supplies no longer transferrable

Despite indicating that Supplies were among the currencies that could be transferred to other characters, they have put through a hotfix that stops that.

This is rather annoying and I can’t figure out why it was done. The prepatch has allowed me to get a number of alts to 70 and I was using that ability to get the currency to them to be able to take advantage of the shared Renown levels to buy things they could use. Some of my characters have thousands of them which are basically useless to that character but could serve a purpose for other characters.

I’d really love to hear the reason for the change, though I doubt I’ll get it. :unamused:

EDIT: There is a blue comment in the bug forum indicating Blizz has temporarily disabled currency transfer. HOWEVER, those all still indicate they are warband currencies. The listing for Dragon Isle Supplies no longer has the warband currency maker next to it.


Wow. That’s a terrible change. I was using it to give them to alts so that they could participate in content.

So much for that.

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It has to be a bug. There is no way they are this stupid.


I was literally just transfering dragon isles supples from alts Im about to delete and this happened. I thought it was a bug I was trying to open a support ticket when read the wowhead article.

Whos idea was this? this is one step forward one hundred backwards…
also it seems all currency transfer is broken at this moment.



This is a bit dramatic lol

Then it’s probably related to that. Just wait till it’s fixed before people start freaking out and give feedback then.

Looks like everything that I was able to trade yesterday is no longer available to trade but they are still listed as transferable currencies. I think they broke something or disabled it to fix something.

They just made it take an extra few steps to gear my alts from this event now.

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I posted this as a bug and they locked my thread
They just posted in bug forums its a temporary lock

Warbound currencies! Except the ones you care about! Respecting player time! Except when it saves you time!


That may be true, but if you look at the various currencies, they have a little icon on the left showing they are warband currencies.

The Supplies listing no longer has that icon next to it. That indicates a change to me, and not a temporary closure of warband-available currencies.

Why did they do anything this patch :dracthyr_shrug:

MY guess is the temporariyl tried to only disable supplies but effed up and had to disable them all so thats why the icons differ. It makes absolutly no sense to disable supplies because all of the buyable items are account bound…and 90% of them are one time purchases.

None of them do, THe have disabled transfers right now.

They are temporarily disabled.

Well, I guess we will find out when they enable them again. But there is a difference between disabling the transfer and changing the status. That’s what bothers me. However, not much any of us can do but wait and see.

As I said above, the icon for the currency being transferrable is gone which indicated to me it was no longer available to transfer, even if the whole system was working. But sure, only way to know for certain is to wait and see if they change it back.

Just read that they disabled all currency transfer to fix a bug. I think the post is in the big forum.

Dragon Isle Supplies did not change statues. It just off right now.

I will say this again, and then leave the topic alone.

YES, the system is currently disabled.
HOWEVER, the status of the currency was changed from Warband to non-transferrable. It wasn’t just temporarily closed. Only time will tell if they will revert it to being transferrable once they start the system up again.

Its so nice of blizzard to post in the absolute last place instead of on the launcher… which the whole point of having a launcher to begin with was for “breaking news”…

Because you can convert it to gold with barter boulders.

residual memories also untransferable