Dragon Isles Pathfinder Achievement Problem

This achievement is not complete for me because of the Embers of Naltharion meta, and one reason Embers is incomplete is because of the meta “Breaking Ground”. According to Wowhead, “Breaking Ground” is completed by doing the quest chain to basically unlock Loamm. The last quest in the chain (“Six Hundred Feet Under”) is supposed to grant the “Breaking Ground” meta, and checking that Quest ID (75644) DOES return a true statement (I’ve been renowned with the Niffen a long time). I tried to open a CS ticket for this and got an auto response saying to read the Wowhead comments (which I had already done) or to post on the forums and ask others for help, then was ticket was closed. So, what can/should I do?

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Generally speaking Customer Support cannot assist with awarding quests or achievements or troubleshooting a potential bug. They will usually refer you to possible self-help options that may allow you to figure out if what you are experiencing is a bug or not.

Submit a bug report. If you feel that you have met the criteria for the achievement but still do not have it then our QA team can investigate.


Same problem for me. Skipped the Foribidden Reach line on a new boosted 70 account after taking a long break from the game & Breaking Ground shows as incomplete. Tried troubleshooting online & in game for countless hours & no solution. Submitted a ticket but by the looks of it so have many others with little help. Just some great luck it looks like :man_facepalming:

I also skipped the forbidden reach quest line and now Im stuck on the last part of the campaign. No quests are showing and nothing is prompting me to continue.