In the world of warcraft we have seen people healed from horrible attacks that left them severely wounded, people have had crippling diseases removed from their body, heck…. People have been brought back from the dead to continue their adventures and keep on fighting the good fight.
But this poor dragon can’t have his legs work again. Whatever deity or Titan they worship isn’t really a great god. This is why we should all take note and worship an old god or demon. At least they would have the decency to give you working legs. Sure I might have to make a bargain that’s less than desired like eternal servitude or obtain a hideous mutation…. But at least I can walk. #sargerasdidnothingwrong
All forms of death/injury only exist as the writers allow it, it’s proven that people can be resurrected (eg Anduin somehow because an in combat mass ressing priest-paladin despite being younger than the player character) and others can be permadead because #lol (eg Ysera)
All death/injury only sticks when it’s convenient for plot, don’t think about it too much
I’m just saying if this nice dragon would just forsake his current god and give in to the maddening whispers and promises of the old gods, they would be benevolent enough to offer him his legs and wings back. Embrace the tentacles like papa deathwing
Sadly this happens a lot to veterans. Poor dragon. He’s the LT. Dan of dragons. I want a Forest Gump dragon to be standing next to him making comments to him now.
Oh but don’t you understand… #marepresentation. It doesn’t need to make sense in game, we just need to shovel as much real world issues as we can in the game, and then #profit.
Perhaps they declined whatever healing services or methods that were available and accepted his disability? Maybe they wear it as a badge of honor to remind people of what can happen and the sacrifice made?
No clue, but those could be a couple reasons maybe.