Dragon Flight requires Win 10+?

I think you are MISSING the point here.
I said I have ads. a couple of these people have pretty much accused me of either being a liar or said I DID something to CAUSE the ads…when Ive shown a list of links as PROOF that Win 10 comes with the problem pre installed.

No, I havent done much to do anything about it. MY POINT was that it DOES happen, and some corks popped in this thread because I dared to say something ‘mean’ about precious MS’s product having ads in it.

Whether I did anything to stop it or not isnt the issue or the point. The ads are there. thats what I said. Then a tirade of NUH UH" posts followed. lol.
Then they got upset that I gave proof in the form of linked articles about the issue.

The answer is no…I havent done squat with the settings. But I was also making a point about the ads, not tossing a fit over them. IF i were at fit tossing levels, yes, I would have done something about it.

problem with this forum is some in here NEED an enemy to combat…and Id rather add them to the ignore list than listen to it every day.

I figured not, but wanted to ask lol. That seems to be the method around here when they dont like something youve said. It gets annoying and I used to spend the day fighting with them, but its just easier to make a point, repeat it a time or two and if they persist, just add them to the list and not have to deal with it all day. lo.l

thanks for your advice and help in the matter. Much nicer to see someone offer help without getting pushy and obnoxious to the point…or accusing of lying, etc…so we can just talk without the drama :+1: and I dont need to add more to the list.

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