Dragon Charge was taken from us

Made objectively worse with a more than 100% increase to its cooldown, given a lame left/right functionality that no one asked for, and made available to all specs.

We lost a unique pvp talent and given nothing in return…for what? I bet it still can’t be properly used while holding a flag.


can’t wait to dragon charge as dps warrior :dracthyr_hehe_animated:
More aoe knockbacks is gonna suck for everyone else, but being able to knock flag carriers off ledges and stuff will be really big.
I hope it’s effected by the talents that modify heroic leap.


First they came for your thunder clap but I said nothing because I wasn’t a cloud. Then they came for your dragon charge but I said nothing because I don’t have scales…


It’s cool (not really though).

But if they gonna take Dragon Charge from prot and give it to dps, give prot main hand 2 handers like we been asking.


extreamlt dissapointed with all the prot changes in 11.2


Yeah, kind of discouraging changes. We can turn slightly but that’s whatever. We can already cancel it. I guess it’s kind of cool that Fury/Arms can play it but eh.

It seems like we lose Heroic Leap if we grab it…? :face_holding_back_tears:

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Do you mean 11.07 or 11.1? I think we’re a ways off from 11.2. Where are these changes listed?

Yeah I wasn’t exactly sure what that meant, but that seems like a fair interpretation. If this is the case, then it’s a dead talent now, and Prot loses a chunk of its funfactor, and a huge aspect of its mobility.

I’d have taken Warpath in its place but they up and deleted that too.


I’ve just been toggling RP walk all this time :smiling_face_with_tear:

Can also cancel bull rush. :dracthyr_yay_animated: Just not roll or chi torpedo, lmaoooo.

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We might be able to crank up our turn speed with new dragon charge, similar to scale commander deep breath.

nah - nothing like that. and btw scale commander deep breath + divide and conquer is friggen terrible game design

its sad cause I had a small niche playstyle that I enjoy and its completely gutted.

  • I was okay with this cause even tho dragon charge was gimped with the flag, it could at least knock back and we still had our leap

Monk, Dragon, dh mobility working but Dragon Charge not is like actually dumb, though.

Esp since DH can like jump around in the flag room up to the ledge


When I see a DH leap up a ledge and I can’t leap the same path, I throw my PC out the window. :dracthyr_lulmao:

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I dont understand why both specs cant have it. Warrior talents are so cookie cutter. Not much for variation.

Because all tanks have pvp talents unique to them. Dragon Charge was one of ours, and it was taken without something given in return, made objectively worse with a huge cooldown increase, and for what? Now Arms/Fury have a pvp talent that completely overwrites a staple ability (Heroic Leap)?


Yeah. This change is lame af and uncalled for.

Please revert, Blizz.


It’s so over. :dracthyr_cry_animated:

How hard did you hit F6? Super hard I hope.

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