Dragon Charge was taken from us

Tested on the ptr:

Dragon charge is definitely a fun ability, and its fun to use as arms/fury.

Replacing Heroic leap: Awful idea, awful interaction and i dont think it will ever be used outside some meme interactions with people trying to drop people from cliffs. Spell is not reliable, you cant pass trough stuff to get at a place while you could jump there.

Let alone that this is wasting a pvp node, that you desperate need the three already and it will replace a far more reliable movement skill

My judgment: No one is going to pick outside random bgs for the lulz, dead talent.

But maybe im wrong and it will be super op, who knows.

You are not. Prot has had it since the inception of pvp talents and it has yet to be OP, and that’s on a 20 sec cooldown and in conjuction with having Heroic Leap. This is nothing short of an outrage.


Yeah. But also giving arms / fury access to both would probably be pretty op.
They really should have just left it as was for prot and given arms / fury the new version. Even if it’s not a competitive talent, it would at least be fun to play in BGs, like deathwish.

Doubt, but who cares, everyone is more mobile, you barely can walk with so much slow, roots and teleport

What they should have done is making new talent, barbarian (one more charge of heroic leap for fury and one more charge for arms)

They terk err Drergern Cherge!

Im still butthurt about this. Don’t let the thread die.

Save Dragon Charge.