
I mean. Theres the vindicar thats a half loaded alien ship.

Space goats.

Has anyone actually looked at a zealots foot? ( pretty sure its a hoof)

How about a dungeon where we have to crawl into a zerg hive after 20 waves of zergling and hydralisk attacks.

I mean terran is cool but boring. Protoss is the master race but zerg are just that good kind of slimey creepy crawley.



Draenai are the Eredar race and have hooves + tendrils and other weird stuff. They are space goats as you like to say. They use the holy light and arcane magic. They also have 5 fingers.

Protoss are sort of like a plant species. They have toes, and 3 fingers. They don’t have mouths since they feed from psionic energy and the sun. The protoss have psionic powers and were created by the Xel’Naga.

Very different lore and species. Not even closely related.

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When was the last time any of us took a good look at one of the “Broken Draenei”

They are closer to protoss than regular darenei (with 3 fingers)

********Broken draenei from outlands see wikipedia or internet thing

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That’s what the story needs, Alarak.

They still have totally different back stories, physiology, and everything. Completely different in almost everything.

You mentioned arcane?


startgates, infantry gates, theyre all portals.

Even when a protoss spawns it happens in a port.

Protoss and Draenei are MASTER races

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Even the ships are different.

Draenei Ships look like Cathedrals built onto Crystals while Protoss Ships are Golden High Tech…

Protoss Ship: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/starcraft/images/8/82/1._Carrier_Default.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20200609022516

Draenei Ship: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/wowpedia/images/d/dd/Azuremyst_Isle.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20180829150501

The Protoss fleet is a High Tech Fleet while the Draenei Ships are are Crystal Cathedrals.

The Draenei Cities look like Fantasy Cathedrals more than anything while the Protoss look like High Tech Empires that happen to be powered by floating crystals.

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people have been drawing parallels between draenei and protoss since draenei got their redesign in TBC.

It’s very clear that they’re heavily inspired by the protoss.

If you’re trying to say they actually are the same race, no. Warcraft and Starcraft are not connected.


If you look at the armored design it’s hard to not see familiarities.

If you look beneath the armour and lore of each then they are very different. But was there inspiration? Probably


Never say never. The great dark beyond is a big place



space marines are what zovaal was scared of.

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Protoss don’t have mouths, face-tentacles, facial hair, tails, nor hooves. Besides, they are from an entirely different universe not connected to Warcraft.

Power overwhelming!

“Zealot” is actually a word with a definition that doesn’t involve fantasy creatures.

Zealot: a person who is fanatical and uncompromising in pursuit of their religious, political, or other ideals.

Ahn’Qiraj should be close enough for your needs.

I’ve always drawn parallels.

I look at the 3 franchises as separated by millions of years. Litllith, Sylvanas and Kerrigan are connected but unique having massive differences in time and circumstance.

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

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It’s also a Protos unit in Starcraft.


I have too. There was also a cutscene or video once of Chromie showing us something and her fast forwarding and the image we were given is a cutscene from Starcraft 2 with her going “whoops too far”. Was that just a little easter egg or Blizzard subtly confirming the SC and WoW universes are indeed the same? Diablo is also linked because we have the Nephilim showing up in WoW before teleporting back.

I think, if nothing else, there were at least loose discussions or plans to make a combined universe.

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What’s that place in D3. The eternal battlefield.

There’s long lost battles taking place there. Some in stasis. They hint at conflicts that never end but change in name, place, time.

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

Protoss don’t have mouth or horns anymore, I think their feet are just two rubbery toes on chicken legs?

Maybe in like 100000 years, just like ppl going into space will cease to be human and only maybe remain vageluey humanoid (without artificial gravity at least) so to could dreanei wind up being weird. I think they are losely cut of similar cloth, however not the “same”. Just two representations of something similar.

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