If I remember right from reading the SC1 manual (yes I am that kind of dork), the protoss, early on when achieving sentience, had some kind of massive civil war that went on for generations (which protoss are normally very long lived to begin with) and went on for so long they didn’t even remember the original events that sparked the war to begin with. Narratively, this is to account for the passing of time to allow the Zerg and humanity to progress to the point where they could be space-faring cultures too but I can see a world where the Xel’naga (sp) seeded a different strain of protoss on the WoW side of the universe and caused a parallel evoluntary line where they developed into the Dranei of today.
Even some WoW demons have, at minimum, design inspirations from the Zerg. I once had a little list I made of zerg units and what I considered a comparable WoW demon/mob equivalent but it’s long gone now.