Draenei Warlocks?

I know that the blizzard devs have talked about every race becoming every class eventually.

Not sure how I feel about that.

But Draenei warlocks would be… difficult. I’m not sure how that would ever be a thing. Also hero classes? I mean Death Knights I guess make sense, but Demon Hunters and Evokers definitely not.

Back to Draenei though, would you guys like to see it? I know I would. Warlock has been my main on and off for a long time. Since I started playing. Currently it is. Draenei are my favorite race.

It would be nice to be able to play my favorite race, and my favorite class at the same time. As to how it would be executed? ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


It’s not that hard. Redeemed eredar.


yes i loves draeneis wants plays as them forevers.

I can understand the desire. With that being said? The only reasons to deny class/race combos would be lore and Blizzard doesn’t care about lore so shrug

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I mean yea I guess. There are plenty of Eredar who didn’t really get a choice. We know that you either joined or died.

Wait. How exactly does fel affect Draenei concerning the Eredar and Broken are both results? :dracthyr_sweat:

Draeni can already be warlocks, they are just not allied with a playable faction currently. Before you go and say “yes but…” this was the same thing with night elf mages about 13 years ago.

True. I guess the way to do it would just have some of the Eredar ask to join velen. After all about 99% of the burning legion were slaves to Sargeras. Well 100% tbh.

The thing I’ve often pointed out to this point is that Velen’s son was killed before we destroyed the Legon’s resurrection machine. It is canonically possible he is out there somewhere.

it would be nice… imagine they bring the fel eredar customization under some lore specific thing, and that also justifies the warlock class for them.
That would be awesome

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This. Please this. I want to play a “redeemed” Eredar so bad.

Eredar that once were part of the Legion or just hiding out on Argus. Or Draenei that decided to follow the other race’s and Demon Hunters’ footsteps in using Fel magic to combat their enemies while maintaining control of that power. I expect Draenei Demon Hunters and Warlocks to become available at the same time requiring a quick Draenei-specific story questline to enable the options similar to Night Warrior cosmetic options for Night Elves.

Broken are from the Red Pox disease imbued with Fel magic, not just Fel. Also, Eredar are not a mutation of Draenei but the name for the base race; Eredar and Draenei are the same biologically, just the former is the racial name and the latter is translated to “Exiled Ones”. What you are thinking of is Man’ari, which translates to “Unnatural Ones” and usually have the demonic traits like red skin and Fel energy.

That would be the best, and what Allied Races should have been; subraces to the existing races instead of completely new ones.


  1. Rename the race to “Eredar” in the character creator
  2. Give players the option to select either Draenei blue or Man’ari red
  3. Profit

How is it difficult? Draenei aren’t drones, they can make individual choices to become warlocks like anyone can choose to become anything. Only thing that would be difficult is lightforged warlocks.


Such people do not exist

“Individual” choices are always reflected on NPC class trainers

You cannot be the “exception”. The day your draenei decides to be the exception sole warlock, there’s gonna be a warlock trainer in Ammen Vale, and you’re not unique anymore, you just destroyed the identity of the race

grabs squirt bottle



Man’ari are enemy units. Period.

Draenei are the only true space goats now.


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Honestly they should have called them Eradar originally rather than butcher Draenor lore to shoehorn the Eradar look onto the Draeni because nobody would play a yawning potato.

I would have been ok with this, and have the Man’ari still be a thing.

Someone wanted to be specific with “Man’ari”, Broken" and “Exiled Ones/Draenei” though, so here we are.

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Nah they’ll just add them, like they gave nelf Druids an undead, Horde-only class skin.

It’ll be fine.

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