Draenei Warlocks? You ARE kidding?!

Sounds like a strawman to me. Who has actually asked for that?


Demon Hunters hunt demons for vengeance
Warlocks summon demons for personal power

Seems like a pretty clear distinction to me


and both disavowed by night elf society.


A distinction without impact, however. It’s clear that Night Elves are compatible with fel power on at least some level, more so than they commune with elemental powers. So it may, in fact, be easier for a Night Elf to be a Warlock than a Shaman. Neither is impossible, but one is clearly less distance to travel.

EDIT: We assume that Shamanism would thrive in NE circles because of their cultural connection to nature, but DHs came from Night Elves, so they have a demonstrated tolerance for Fel at an unusually high level. We may have been assuming wrong this entire time.


You mean that guy that was broken out of 10,000 year jail in the Reign of Chaos Night Elf campaign only in an act of desperation, and then was actively hunted during the Frozen Throne campaign, and then again in Burning Crusade? Who all the while was utilizing demonic magic and consorting with demons and other beings reviled by night elves like the naga as allies? That guy?

That seems about as far as you can get from “receptive” to warlocks or demon hunters. His underlings were imprisoned too, and only broken out in another act of desperation when the Legion itself arrived on our doorstep. Seems pretty clear to me this isn’t something the greater night elven society wants running around freely.

That’s not to say a night elf could never become a warlock, but they would never be allowed to practice such magic in a place like Teldrassil. They should have a separate starting experience to reflect that. SHOWN in-game rather than just handwaved.


Yes, that guy, because he’s a living example of how compatible NEs could be with Fel energy. Not only that, but he managed to devise a way, however dangerous, to imbue other races with Fel energy. What he did with that power isn’t relevant, it was that he had the capacity to get that power is what matters here.

As far as starting zones, that’s exactly why something like Exile’s Reach is such a good thing; no need to worry about baggage from race or origin because you’re already in the Alliance at that point.


Then let me clarify, the cannon is the Forsaken could literally explode if they are infused with the light. Paladin’s have to have a strong faith in the Light to be able to utilize it.

The Nax bosses don’t count. They were being forced to use it.

However, there’s something about the Calia story that makes me feel that there is a teeny, tiny opening. Maybe give it until the end of next expac (maybe even the middle).

Make it make sense.

Cowadins still make little sense to me, but there’s something in game about a cowadin to justify it.

Nobody’s literally asked for a purple orc that turns into a monster truck, but everyone asking for something like an undead druid is effectively asking for something just as nonsensical as the purple orc. And I don’t mean something like an undead decay druid(which isn’t even properly represented in-game on the Kul’tirans who are supposed to be that), I mean full on emerald dream nature druid. People have asked for this.


Could != Will. Just like with DHs, the ‘success rate’ of Forsaken Paladins might be abysmally low, but that’s fine. It only needs to succeed once: the PC.

Is there a specific post or interview that contains this? I remember hearing they were loosening them up, but I don’t recall a definitive “we are making all classes for all races”.

I can’t quote, but this is definitely a step down that route; Dracthyr are getting expanded classes, and Warlocks, being the easiest of the classes still missing from global availability to implement, are being rolled out for every race. Once assets get finished, Paladin and Shaman will probably roll out soon after, then DHs, and lastly Druids since there’s the most model-work involved.


Look, I’m not totally opposed with the idea. But I’m of the opinion that there needs to be an in game lore explanation on why these races can suddenly be these classes.

Not just BOOM and a small blurb about it in the starting zone.


I mean, there’s no need for a huge elaborate questline. Just a blurb would probably suffice, to provide some very basic grounding.

Honestly, I’d kind of prefer it be as vague as ‘the Forsaken managed somehow to find peace with the Light’, because it leaves more avenues open for players to express how their particular Forsaken achieved this feat.


mhm, I dont recall anyone asking for a maghar or LF warlock, and this thread wouldn’t of gotten so large if people didn’t care.


I dont see that dreadlord summoning demons? you act like hes still a part of the legion

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The thread got huge because a few individuals were aghast that this was happening, and the rest of us were trying to talk them off of the ledge by finding multiple ways to justify both LF and normal-style Draenei Warlocks. Mag’har Warlocks are also pretty standard to justify since fel radiation can’t possibly work as fast as directly consuming fel energy, as Mag’har survive in Outland with little alteration despite the massive presence of demons throughout the area.


i feel like i did see a screenshot from PTR abt a lightforged becoming a warlock, an NPC dialogue window. don’t imagine there’s any way i can find it now, but it’d probably be like the tauren that’s in the rogue class hall. there, but not obvious,

Source: You made it up. There is not a single example of this happening and multiple examples of undead paladins working just fine.

And undead are cappable of faith.

Can’t exclude an example.

So a necromancer can force an undead to use the light. Wait didn’t you say undead explode if they’re infused with the light? Keep your lies consistent.

Necromancy, is necromancy. But while they could do something with Callia they don’t have to.

It already does if you stop lying about the lore.

Exactly. What you think “makes sense” has little to do with the actual lore or universe.

Of course they weren’t definitive. To cover their own rear. See how much hatred they got for saying Ow2 would have PVP and now cancelled it? That’s what happens when you explicitly promise something. Plausible deniability if there is ever a snag. But it’s clear their intention is at least most race/class combos being opened up.

I think druids will come before DH cuz DH will actually need lore since not just anyone can pick up demon hunting. They need to be trained by a demon hunter and there is no suggestion currently on them making new demon hunters and no lore requirement for it with the legion defeated and even though demons still exist (without a leader which makes them dangeorus in a different way) they don’t seem to be a major threat right now. But yes if we get a plot beat for the DH order recruiting more they would prob open up to all races.

Also DH need 2 models for each spec’s metamorphosis. I guess it could come first since druids have 4 unique forms and customisation but idk I still see druid coming first.

Individual: I would like to become a warlock becomes a warlock There is your lore.

Why do you need an explanation for a random person choosing to be a specific class? We aren’t talking about massive culture shift here like with sunwalkers.

I always ask for all race/class.

Obviously, some folks “care” but it’s based off of lies they pretend are facts. It’s one thing to say “I disagree with this” it’s another to say “this goes against the lore” which is a false statement.

None-the-less it is happening.

Are you acting like warlocks are part of the legion? I guess I massively misunderstood the legion warlock order hall storyline.

I’m just frustrated they refuse to let me make a draenei warlock on the ptr. Old world dragon riding and the new warlock races aren’t available but the new dracthyr spec is.


I mean, to be fair, OW2 without the promised PVE is oft described as overwatch 1.1.

It would be like releasing half-life 3, but its a half-life 2 remaster.

This video shows the quest text you mean. (Spoilers for those that do not wish do not play the video)
The questchain is currently unfinished in the ptr. But it’s nice to speculate what blizz could do with in the future. Waiting on the next build to finish it and maybe try out the new warlocks. Still haven’t decided how many I will make and which toons to delete to make more space! Lightforged dranei and Pandaren are my top two for now.

The cosmological forces that tend to align are sort of weird sometimes.
Arcane, Light, and death all see to have huge order influence.

Fel/Void/Nature seem to be more chaotic forces.

Light and fel I think is interesting. For dranei too since it is sort of like a manefistation of Argus right now. Mostly fel, with some light structures remaining. Magic mixing could lead to fun bits. We saw xera almost turn illidan into a lightforged. Demonhunters can use fire magic and nature from shadow lands and convert that to fel with a talent. Maybe we can see them use some holy spells and turn them into chaos damage. Shivarra are demons using holy spells to heal. Fel and Light could lead to like a red mage sort of thing or spec eventually. I could see the lightforged going for destruction. Fire can be seen for the light for example. Infusing fel fire with light to make more explosions. Light binding with shadow binding as we saw with alleria and turalyon in the books. Bunch of fun lore they can develop with new forces mixing magics. Like how we are currently discovering shadowflame was made by neltharion.

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