Draenei Warlocks? You ARE kidding?!

They are all dead.

The entire dreanei story, starting zone, and AU. There is a ton of dreanei that is exactly like maraad.

Please tell me you haven’t done a shred of lfd story without saying you haven’t done a ahred of lfd story. If your a lock, you’d be found out during the proccess at least and then killed, either by uour partner or the one in charge of the proccess, and let me tell you, the ones in charge are not nice ginna be ok with that.

Shattrath right? Ok, so you want broken as a playable race then? I agree.

That is how blood elves got green eyes and most orcs hot green skin. This was stated by a ask cdev.

It’s when ppl thinks and do the same without thinking diffetently. No culture, no personality sometimes. When you have everyone doing all the same things, it feels exactly like that.

Kul’tiran and worgen are humans and they have access to what normal humans can’t be. Which is a good thing btw.

Ok brick wall.

That is why monks, hunters, and rogues is a seperate classes.

Currently no, and that class restrictions helps imply that.

Not every class.

In case of religion humans and dwarves thinks exactly the same. What seperates them is the little seperation of classes like shamans. This is why we get so little dwarf npc’s unless they are used as a joke. There is no reason to, since they would cover the same thing a human would, and humans looks better on the eye to most ppl.

Just like in game class archetypes! Oh my! Kinda like how every race don’t have paladins in the same manner as lawbringers.

It is when your talking about paladins, druids and shamans which is spiritual classes that don’t cover all archetypes like priest is supposed to.

Lore wise in WoW elves is faster then dwarves, but dwarves are stronger physically. They can both be warriors but they are not equally as capable.

This is a mockery of the 2 races actually. Dwarves are very proud of their craftmanship in any fantasy setting, and elves thinks too little of everyone else to even use anything but elf craftmanship in general.

No, but elf fans are well known to demand things that don’t go with their own lore. Most play elves for the looks only and only care for that skinny model.

All dreanei don’t have a home to go no more. The entire concept of the race is trying to make azeroth their new home.

Can you die and leave a corpse?

That is what your asking and all there needs to make a DK. Yes, make. They do not willfully become a death knight.

At least not the playable ones.

Your right, that was a horde theme and shared with darkspear trolls.

Dreanei is not desperate for power.

No one willfully became a death knight. Not even arthas.

Are not rogue soldiers.

Your right with this i had forgotten about these 2

Was his own thing. He was introducrd in wc3 when elves where not apart of the alliance. While they worked with them for a short while they where not obligated to stay with them.

Do you even know how armies works? They follow stricter rules and laws then normal people.

And yes they will if they perceive it as a traitorous act.

Thinking the same is. This is what you want. Races already chooses their own path with class restrictions reflecting what paths they take baised on what they beleive in.

They are gonna get snake eyes with breaking their own lore.

Not really. Allot of folks is quiting because of it. There is more fighting then excitment unlike the other times, like when VE got customizations or rogues/monks was made available to all. This is the clear line ppl made. This is way so many threads is popping up here and on the story forums.

Funny. I see allot more ppl then just me stating stuff like this. Guess i am the special one you want to point out because i have some more presence on the forums. So what ever floats your boat.

To me it’s like this;
“dm: you can’t be that.
Player: waaaaah!
Dm: ok fine you can be that.
3 other players stands up and quietly leaves.
Dm: where you guys going???”


I wouldn’t play with folks who would quit without saying a word in general let alone because of a race/class combo.

We’ll find better and more reliable folks to game with.

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All this is tempting me futher to race change to a Lightforge Draenei Warlock and also transmog into the Lightforge Heritage Armor.


This confirms in my mind that you guys are stuck in the D&D mindset and that’s the real reason you’re upset about all this. WoW may have been this way 18ish years ago but it started moving away from this in Wrath and now it’s a full on sprint.

WoW has kind hearted and good trolls and orcs while on the other hand, it has an entire order of evil and undead paladins (Scarlet Crusade to the Risen.) If you look, you can find all these “lore breaking” race/class combos. Like I’m pretty sure there’s a red eredar paladin boss in Hellfire Citadel.

I truly understand why this stuff upsets lore fans but I’m also confused as to why you’re not numb to it now. I know I am. I couldn’t even argue against undead paladins anymore because all people had to say is “Calia” and “necromancy is necromancy.” What’s the counter argument to that? :woman_shrugging:


No one seemed to complain much when warlocks were a playable race when the game was released, fresh after a demonic invasion that almost destroyed the world. I loved that Thrall’s Horde and the Alliance were suddenly okay with demon summoners running around completing tasks for old man Jenkins in Goldshire or whatever.

Gameplay always comes first y’all. The lore’s not irreparably damaged because a few Draenei with glowy bits decided to play with fel fire.


Pretty much all this.

At the end of the day, this is Blizzard’s game, and they get to decide the lore, or any changes, not the playerbase.


This entire post is headcanon, conflating personal opinion with fact, and a lot of you sticking your fingers in your ears and saying “lah lah lah I can’t hear you!”

None of the races will be changed, fundamentally or even minutely, by the class choices being expanded for players. You are arguing that every member of a race thinks alike, and using your counterargument, making them homogenous. Having more classes available to the player will not cause the different races to suddenly make them any more homologous. Arguing that every member of a race marches in lock-step does.

I’m not sure why anyone continues to engage with you. I certainly won’t be. Have fun.


“I want draenei/lightforged warlocks because I want to play a DnD tiefling in WoW” or “They’d look cool”
“I don’t want draenei/lightforged warlocks because it erodes an already-crumbling lore base to the game”

It’d be cool if this MMORPG that behaved more like an RPG in that regard.
You wanna be a draenei warlock? Sure, go for it. But you can’t do the original starting zone, and you’re marked as hostile (or at least unfriendly, preventing quests) to all draenei factions.
You wanna be a LF draenei warlock? You lose all your racial abilities because you’ve forsaken the Light, have fun.


You’re not answering the question. Do a Dwarf Warrior and an Orc Warrior think the exact same? After all, your hypothesis is ‘if all races get all classes, they’ll all think the same’. Since all races can be Warriors, do all Warriors think alike? Answer the question without spinning to another class, y’know, if you can.

No, their cultural backgrounds inform some of their background decisions. Let me rephrase the question a bit. Do two Tauren Warriors think identically?

The existence of other classes don’t impact the playing of a particular class. Whether the race can also play Shaman, Priest, Warlock, whatever does not at all factor into whether I choose to play Paladin or not.

OUT. RIGHT. WRONG. You call yourself a lore expert and step on this landmine willingly? Dwarves and Humans don’t worship the same deities, don’t worship the same way, and absolutely do not have the same values, are you high? Dwarves and Humans are good friends, yes, but they are absolutely not interchangeable, whether in matters of faith or personality.

Every Paladin is a Paladin, whether they are a Knight of the Silver Hand, a Sunwalker, or any other race’s interpretation of the class. Just like every Warrior is a Warrior, every Shaman is a Shaman, etc, etc.

Again, Blood Elves literally stole the class and yet somehow are accepted as legitimate Paladins, while Tauren, who found literal divine inspiration are somehow tut-tut’d as confused Druids at best.

Yet, they perform damn-near identically when it comes to mechanics. It’s almost like gameplay trumps lore when it comes to player choice and ability. Kind of like how classes are getting sorted.

See, again, you keep making every Dwarf and Elf march in exact lockstep with the rest of their kin. That is a proper hivemind and is a mockery of Dwarven and Elven indviduals by inferring that they’re incapable of thinking outside of their racial stereotypes.

Sounds like it’s time to bring everyone up to parity, then. I shouldn’t be punished with the inability to explore a class I like just because I don’t like the Thalassian model. It’s why I haven’t played Paladin or Warlock in this game, Pandaren never got it. Yet somehow, I’ll be able to reconcile Pandaren taking on a rigid faith structure or descending to the depths of desperation or ambition with the fact that the culture is all about a balanced and gentle approach to one’s life.

It’s almost like my character’s backstory is informed, but not enslaved, by their origin and culture. As all characters are.

Now imagine the grief of an individual struck from even that society, forced into a world they barely understand with only the demons they’ve pacted with as their allies and path to security and power. That’s a compelling narrative right there, becoming an exile from exiles.

No, but Arthas became desperate enough for a solution to the problem before him that he went down a road he really shouldn’t have, wound up getting everyone he cared for either killed or alienated from him, and had to come to grips with an unfamiliar power that he may not necessarily have asked for, but was desperate enough to seek. Thus would be the same with a Draenei warlock, whether through ambition or desperation they found and accepted this power. Perhaps not even with a full understanding, but what contract cares about actually being read, as long as it’s signed?

What? The Horde theme was, and remains, ‘community’. It was a band of misfits coming together to secure their existence in a world that did not think highly or kindly of them, proving their strength and worth through mighty deeds and companionship with one another, as well as through atonement for deeds of the past. You know nothing about how the Horde operates if you think ‘desperation’ is our motivation.

Everyone gets desperate when the walls start closing in.

Varian was and Genn is a rogue soldier that endangered their faction’s reputation, presence, or power with rash moves that went against the line of their Faction, and Jaina literally killed Kul’Tiran military units to save Orgimmar despite being Kul’Tiran herself. She absolutely went rogue.

I notice you skipped over Garrosh, too.

He still went rogue and on his own, betraying and forsaking as many people as he had to in order to win power. It’s almost like he was… Desperate.

They will also not allow an outside force to decide that for them, the Alliance army will manage its internal affairs itself. The Army of the Light is not the Alliance army, and they have no say in what an Alliance soldier does. They can moan and complain all they like, but the greater Alliance has no compulsion to act on or even listen to those complaints. The glow-goats can bray all they like, but the most they’ll get from the Alliance will likely be ‘well maybe you shouldn’t interact with them in the future, then’.

You keep saying this, but you, throughout every argument, chain every member of a race to their stereotype: every Dwarf drinks ale and is industrious, every Elf is aloof, mysterious, and frail, every Human is pious and militant, every Orc is holding back an enraged soul, etc, etc. Yet when presented with the notion of this Dwarf might actually dislike ale and enjoy Elven craft, perhaps even taking inspiration from it, or this Draenei may be willing to compromise on their stance against demons if it saves them from death, or this Orc has achieved a peaceful soul though careful introspection, meditation, and lifestyle, you spin around and scream it would never happen because their culture would never allow it, thus inferring that the races are a hivemind.

You… You do know what a hivemind is, right? Here’s a hint, it’s not when two separate people arrive at the same conclusion from different origins.


They look really good as warlocks :dracthyr_heart:

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The Light doesn’t forsake those that forsake it. We see this in multiple instances. LFD wouldn’t lose any of their racials.

As far as starting reps, Warlocks of all races would have to start unfriendly to everyone because every culture on Azeroth has very good reasons to want every Warlock dead. Yet, somehow, people are willing to give a pass to Orgrimmar being ‘friendly’ or Orcish Warlocks, despite such creatures being the reason they got enslaved to the will of demons in the first place.


Even still to this day, some races do not accept Warlocks at all, which is why some practice Dark or Demonic Magic in hiding.

After all, I am only 1 human, I am not the entire human race.


Any angle they can use to have people sub for another month is what this is. Even if its only one person who wants a Lightforged Warlock lol. They just made 15 bucks. /shrug

This would also retroactively apply to Lightforged shadow priests and death knights, I assume? Relatedly, should Draenei/Lightforged NPCs be hostile to void elves, since they represent the antithesis of everything they stand for? Regular Draenei shadow priests can still cast gift of the naaru and hang out with Velen as well, so to respect lore that should be “fixed” as well, no?

Furthermore, why would Draenei NPC’s not be okay interacting with warlocks of their own kind but are a-okay with worgen and gnomes?

Like, I get where you’re coming from. Immersive RPG aspects are great, but it falls apart immediately once you realize we’ve had Forsaken holy priests and Draenei shadow priests since vanilla and BC, respectively. If you were to cater to how immersive it is to include these things in an MMO like WoW you open up a can of worms of gameplay restrictions in a lot of places for the sake of lore, which realistically isn’t going to happen.

As for Draenei warlocks, well, “Draenei” as a concept aren’t a monolith. If a light-worshipping society like the Storm wind humans can be warlocks there’s no reason why Draenei shouldn’t, in my mind. And I can count how many important lore-relevant human warlocks there are on a few fingers, maybe.

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Lightforged Death Knights are also canonically impossible. That’s just one more example of Blizzard getting super sloppy with some of these “new options”.

Like I said, Lightforged Draenei and Void Elves are really just problematic, even beyond the scope of Warlocks and Paladins (thematically, how would you even distinguish a Draenei Paladin from a Lightforged Warrior?).

As I’ve said for some years now, it is clear that there isn’t a cohesive vision for WoW anymore, and this is really just the most recent (albeit far more egregious) example of major inconsistencies and oversights.

It feels like a severe lack of quality control.


No, that’s just speculation, if you’re talking about what I think you’re talking about.

Where does it say in lore that when the Light explodes from them in death, a body is not left behind?

You said canonically so you must have some reference for this.

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Right, so link the source for actual canon lore to say LF Draenei DK’s are impossible, and while you’re at it, also do the same for Warlocks.


checks watch

That’s what I thought.


So, where is the canon lore?


Doesn’t happen to any other warlock in the alliance. No reason for it to happen to Draenei warlocks.

Naw. Light and fel makes big boom. We like big booms.