Draenei Warlocks? You ARE kidding?!

But is it stated that it does so in a way that would make it impossible, somehow, for Void Elves to use the Light ever? There’s Void Elf Priests.


Well you cant simply cancel out the priest class when one spec specifically fits the entire nature of void elves.

Yeah, but that’s an OOC thing. Void Elves aren’t locked to a Shadow spec, so somehow, Void Elves can wield the Light.

If they can wield the Light, they can be Paladins too. Although I personally think it’d be cool if they slapped a purple tint on Void Elf Pally abilities and made them Void Knights instead. PERSONALLY, that’s how I lean when it comes to spreading all classes to all races that they theme the outlier classes to the race, I think it would be cooler, but it’s more effort on their part so it’s unlikely.


That is my gripe.

I would accept these new warlocks combos if Blizzard respected the lore behind them. Like having the Lightforge not use Fel/demonic effects but unique Lightforged aligned effects and using Lightforged Demons (whom are already allied with the Lightforged). Instead, Blizzard is just slapping the generic/default Warlock stuff on them and did a poor job explaining or justifying it.

Like. Lightforging isn’t a race. It’s a choice and the person after the Lightforging is drastically changed.


For what they did to Arthas and Kel’Thuzad.

They probably don’t. :dracthyr_shrug:


I still don’t understand the logic of what they did to Arthas. Like, who was this meant to appeal to? It’s also odd that Arthas was possessed yet he’s still at fault yet we forgive Sylvannas.


It’s not me or “my head” (how derogatory…). It’s my vast WoW library that suggests that. The content of the letter is never the mailman’s fault.

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That settles the whole debacle. Blizz will not lock any race from specific specs. That just means they arent against keeping classes locked.

Canonically all new chars start in exiles reach not the og racial starting zone.

Then do by all means quote the actual texts in your vast library that cite that some races are physically barred from being some classes, making it impossible for them to exist.

Not “everyone knows”, not “I’m sure of this”, not “this makes sense, given that xyz”, but actual quotes.

If it’s not in your head and is in a citable source it should be easy.


that died out long ago as soon as allied races became a thing

this reasoning died out the min lightforged were able to be death knights and shadow priests . So yes plz give me void elf paladins already . At this point give dracthyr more visage forms then humans let us be any wow race for our visage .

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How is the remaining lore and rp elements from the game being removed? You might find it stupid but that does not mean it cannot happen.

You do realize that was 13,000 years ago and many have been born since that did not make that choice. Draenei as a culture might be religious zealots but not every single Draenei is compelled to be that way because Draenei are not a hive mind. Heretics will exist in every faith.

Despite the fact they already exist in game.

I agree. And in an immersive RPG where we play a character not a race it is beholding to the lore and the universe to allow anyone from any race learn how to be any class.

Race is who you’re born as. Class is who you choose to become.

Individuals making their own choices seperate from their culture is not homogeny. Don’t use a word if you don’t know the meaning of it.

Or they could read quest text. We don’t play a race we play a member of a race.

“traditionally” does not mean “every single member of this race believes these things” because that statement is impossible barring a hive mind scenario. Even then almost every story I’ve seen involving a hive mind had some rogue elements at some point or another. Race is not a monolith. Just because Draenei as a culture are religious zealots do not mean that every single Draenei is forcibly compelled to have the same views by some unseen cosmic force. A Draenei not being allowed to learn how to be a warlock breaks the lore.

And you’ve been given it. “People make their own choices and sometimes those choices are contrary to the culture they were born in” That is the ONLY justification you need in an RPG. Now if this was an RTS and army of the light was a playable faction and they could start spitting out warlocks might warrant some concern. But this is individuals making their own choices in life. You don’t get to dictate the choices of an individual in real life or in a fictional universe.

Neither are yours.

Thank whatever god/s you may or may not believe in.

Me too but that might be asking too much. What I’d like to see is is a questline involving a Faction of Man’ari begging Velen for forgiveness and being let back in. Similiar to how Tyrande let the remaining highborne back in.

“here they didn’t even bother” 1: patch isn’t out yet. You’re making assumptions.

Facts are ignorance now?

And yet not all blood elves had their skin turn red. Now all blood elves went full demons like some did. Even Alleria never lost her blue eyes while fighting the legion as part of the army of the light. So clearly it is more nuanced than that. Or blizzard has been inconsistent about this for a very long time.

Maybe concieve there is a difference between being near someone who drank the blood of an incredibly powerful demon and being a warlock who hardly uses fel magic at all and does so in a very controlled/limited setting.

Pretty much. If night elves can be demon hunters no reason they can’t be warlocks.

This has long, long, LONG since been disproven. There have been forsaken holy priest npcs in the game since vanilla. They exist. It can cause pain so they’re rare but they exist. There was even a major one in the priest order hall in legion. So it is absolutely not true that all forsaken priests are canonically shadow priests and never have been. I have no idea where people keep getting that idea.

Faith is faith. If you’ve ever seen people of faith in real life many are willing to endure untold suffering in the name of their religion. I think it adds and interesting dimension to paladin. Your faith so strong that even though it pains you, you still use the light you’re still a paladin. I find that freaking badass not impossible.

They’ve been fighting the legion for millenia because some weird time dialation thing.

“Sanitized” riiiight. Cuz that’s canon.

Individual choice. Free will.

Personal agency.

LFD is the closest I can come with to agreeing on limited race/class options. HOWEVER. A LFD still has free will AFTER they become one and can pick up the warlock arts all they want. I do think it would be cool to add lore about the LFD warlock being an inquisitor class that enslaves demons to use against the legion but I don’t think it’s required.

Incorrect. Warlocks don’t even use fel magic that much. Idk why everyone things warlocks are snorting fel every 2 seconds. Most warlocks use shadow and fire magic. There is like 1 or 2 fel spells they even have and unlike demon hunters they aren’t infused with fel. By your own logic void elves shouldn’t have warlock cuz we’ve all seen what happens when fel and void are forced together.

Ironically light and void seem to blend together pretty seamlessly sometimes into twilight magic or whatever they call it now. Disc priests use some spells of it I think it has a different name. But other times it’s like matter/anti-matter. It might depend on context or how it’s being channeled. Undead merely experience pain from long term exposure to the light. That’s not being physically prevented from taking an action. That just means it hurts.

Class starting zone would be neat for all classes.

If you can find a legit way to RP them I’m sure it’ll be interesting and fun and would love to encounter it in the wild.

I’ve seen some insane TRP’s and people are complaining about LFD warlocks.

This is incorrect. Paladins can become undead. Many death knights were former paladins. What you’re thinking of is paladins are immune to disease (a weird holdover from D&D) and thus the plague of undeath could not kill them. But they very much could still be physically murdered and raised into undead.

Source to that statement?

Source that is the reason?

Agreed I do not recall that.

IRL or in game? Because I’m pretty sure you’re told not to IRL. Also see undead in game, and trolls in lore.

Sometimes. Or sometimes it makes a fun twilight magic. Magic isn’t some locked down simple thing in the warcraft universe. The sunwell is a delicate mix of light and arcane magic and void magic being used near it opened rifts to the void. That’s not the same thing as a void elf using holy spells.

Nothing “shody” about it. Just because it contradicts your headcanon.

Indeed. I’m sure Draenei tell every baby Draenei to not be a warlock because it’s wrong. That doesn’t stop it from happening. Humans IRL are told or implied to not be a cannibal. Doesn’t mean humans are physically incapable of cannibalism and we’ve seen people engage in it.

There is no lore stating that void elf priests can’t use the light as well.

What lore would you accept? Instead of complaining about the problem. Offer a solution. What lore would you accept to justify these class/race combos?

That’s not going to happen and you know it. It could be something that is supposed to happen lore-wise but likely not something we’d see gameplay wise because they aren’t going to make unique spell effects for one class/race combo.

Likely cuz by default they are generic warlocks. But you’re free to come up with your own lore for your character. I like the idea of inquisitor that enslaves demons to use against the legion and that’s what I’m going to use. But maybe they’re a lightforged who went through the proccess expecting to feel fufilled but they just feel empty and turned to the enemy to fill that void. So many possible stories. Get creative. That’s the whole point of RP.

But they’re still not a hive mind.

Someone could choose to be a lawyer and then later in life choose to become a criminal for example. A saint can become a sinner. A priest a~ you get the idea.

Arthas wasn’t possessed.

Also Arthas deserved to have his soul crushed. Nothing like turning one of the biggest bads into literally nothing at all.

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Lol. Lmao, even.

What if the Draenei is transdemon? It’s 2023, a little inclusivity and representation never hurt anyone. It’s called not being a bigot, sweaty.

I for one welcome it, all of the lore was written by racist (probably) white men anyways. Tear it all down!

they could just remove demo and make it necromancer spec, san’layn/vampire spec or equivalent.

has anyone told you about a different game, that you could go tear down so we can play wow? hehe

What aspects of a light wielding Void Elf Paladin attract you?

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Contradictions are alluring. Like a barmaid who hates alcohol

I really hope most people don’t want this type of combination only because it would be humorous……

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Where did I say “humorous”? I said alluring. Contradictory characters are interesting. Contradictory people exist IRL. It adds nuance to a story to have someone who seems contradictory.