First off, the percentage of Draenei is HALF of the percentage of humans, of night elves and of blood elves played so they are less popular by HALF, a seriously significant amount, than all those races, which have the highest amount of customizations.
Second off, try actually counting the customizations per race and then comparing them. And be fair in your comparison, not like this very biased interpretation of the facts.
Third off, none of this has anything to do with my pointing out that no, it does not make sense for customizations to be even, why it doesn’t and how Blizzard clearly follows that reasoning.
My sub is running out in the next few hours so it is unlikely I will take the time to reply further so I am going to leave you with one final sum of my argument:
Because race customizations are not dependent on each other, as in there is no balance, no ‘fairness’, what another race has or doesn’t have is irrelevant, so it is a flawed premise on which to argue for more customizations.