Do the new quest that starts Calia/Greymane in Oribos, the achievement you get from completing it unlocks the skin tone/eye color combo for Night, Blood, and Void Elves.
Yeah honestly, i dig that skin for Void Elf as a void form.
Oh, thanks.
What’s your point?
Same. X_X I’ve wanted a grey/blackish skin tone for Mai since Void Elves were added. Maybe cotton candy pink hair too ;_;
Some blues, greens, and purples would be nice.
My point is what another race has or doesn’t have is irrelevant.
The races are not dependent on each other when it comes to customizations.
(Personally, I would just be happy if they just removed the blue edging so they were pure white. And it would not hurt my feelings if they made the Night Elves eyes actually silver. )
The point is that they keep adding customisations for elves even though they already have more than every other race, and this time it’s specifically an eye color, while draenei players have been asking for eye color options since player customisation was announced and have gotten nothing.
So what?
They are still not dependent on each other.
Oh, and pound for pound in customizations, humans have 159 while none of the elf races have more than 130, so no they do not have more than any other race.
So stop wasting so much time on elves and give some love to other races? Obviously. Its like you’re arguing just to argue.
No, I am pointing out the biggest, although certainly not the only, flaw in her argument.
lol, how is that a flaw? It only makes sense that they’d try to make the races as even as possible. Balance doesn’t only apply to DPS.
In lore they can also be:
Their eyes glow many shades of blue or purple.
I said something similar, here:
They are. They drag certain words/sentences they find odd, through the mud, when it was never the main point, to begin with. It’s a strawman argument. Blocked them.
No, it doesn’t.
It would be stupid and wasteful to invest resources in races that aren’t played a lot or by many.
Much smarter and more profitable to invest resources in the races that are played a lot and by many.
That why humans, night elves and blood elves lead the pack in customizations, because they are the most popular by a significant amount.
You can’t improve upon perfection.
just give the eye colors already. idc who is most popular just do it it’s pretty simple and if you play alli enough i think you realize there’s plenty of draenei running around to say it needs done. quit bickering back and forth and just let everyone have options it pretty dang simple blizz.
+1 for Draenei customizations, while we’re at it, can I downgrade my fridge to the economic dorm model?

It would be stupid and wasteful to invest resources in races that aren’t played a lot or by many.
Much smarter and more profitable to invest resources in the races that are played a lot and by many.
And yet your links show that draenei are the 3rd most played Alliance race, which means that tons of less played races have more options than draenei.
I just want my Eredar skin (red with green eyes).