…while elves are getting yet another color.
Being the only main race with no eye color option feels bad, especially since Velen in game has purple eyes. There’s no reason we can’t have more eye colors, or blind eyes like pretty much every other race.
Give regular draenei different cold colors and lightforged draenei different warm colors.
I agree. I also noticed each skin color has a different eye color somewhat attached. So give us that, as well Draenei WoD Blue eyes as well Blizzy lizzy. 
Red would look so good on me. Also, you and I are like twins lol!!
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Green and Magenta are easy color options. Idk, maybe white as well.
Honestly hope that they make the Kabal canon within WoW instead of just Hearthstone. Red would look goood 
Don’t be a goat problem solved.
. . . ya know it just hit me . . . why DO draenei eyes glow? hrm . . . regardless I think baseline draenei should get purple and silver eyes as well (green means fel and gold might infringe on the lightforged) while lightforged should just get silver . . .
Draenei also need red skin color…
It’s almost like they are different races.
Oh wait…
Not main races, but Lightforged, Dark Iron, and Nightborne also lack eye color options.
The fact they added eye colors to Forsaken but not Draenei is weird though. Draenei would make more sense to get eye colors first lol.
I’m not gonna lie, I had to Google before I made that reference because I wasn’t sure if Sharingan was eyes or throwing stars.
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Irrelevant when Draenei do have different eye colors?
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I mean, we could ask the same thing about elves, worgen and forsaken.
Green doesn’t necessarily mean fel, it depends what kind of green it is. Draenei should have the whole range or white, blue, teal, green and purple as options. Lightforged could have different shades of gold, bronze, yellow and orange. Both should get blind eyes as well.
Yeah, I’m including Lightforged in this as well. Dark Iron eyes make sense as they are, but they could definitely get different shades or red/orange and blind eyes. Nightborne at least have two eye shapes now, but they should probably get the same eye colors night elves have.
Uhh… How your void elf’s skin got to that transmog jet black skin? 
It’s a forum bug, for some reason the Dark Ranger skin textures aren’t on the forums for Void Elves, but they are for Blood/Night Elves, lol.
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Oh okay.
Wait, Dark Ranger skin textures are on Blood/Night Elves? 
Where do i sign?! 
I actually love the super black skin, reminds me of an evil pixie or something. I want that in game for my void elf
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