Draenei Heritage Set

But that’s what the draenei are about. Simple stuff accented by crystals.

I feel like they have either run out of ideas or run out of talent. Compared to something like the Nightborne heritage armor, this is low level vendor trash IMO. For such an advanced race I expected something more refined, less gawdy, less mismatched.

Thankfully it’s not mandatory.


Or passed these projects onto interns who only read a few wikis on the races. Just look at troll:

second one looks decent.

Did they see tusks and decide trolls were a type of elephant?


I really like this and will wear it as soon as I get it.

Draenei set isn’t really all that bad, it’s just not that good compared to a lot of other sets. I like the Troll aesthetic so I like that one, but the nose thing is weird?

Now I remember where I saw that kind of look - it was in Starcraft - that’s the exact same face covering that Zeratul had.

Must be a reassigned Starcraft graphic artist.


huh? You’re saying this is “gaudy” compared to the Nightborne set?

The only thing you can argue that looks mismatched is their boots. They probably should have had like the cloth-wrapped look on their lower legs.

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You know where else you saw it?


This is what happens when you use RNG to put an outfit together.


The Nightborne set suited that race perfectly, it was as beautiful as Suramar.

The Draenei set looks primitive by comparison and the color scheme looks like some kid ate a box of crayons and got sick. Just my opinion of course, clearly others disagree. To my eye the only heritage set so far that’s worse is the one they threw at the Worgen (and then handed out a recolor of it to literally everyone to add insult to injury).

But as I said, fortunately it’s not mandatory attire. Plenty of choice these days when it comes to transmog, so it’s fine.


Really does not translate well ingame…looks horrid.

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Notice that in that depiction, it’s only covering his mouth, it’s not making it look like he’s covering a 3 foot long nose.


I just don’t get it. It seems specifically designed to look like…ancient Greek? I don’t know my cultures that well, but I’m pretty sure that’s the influence for a good chunk of their culture anyway (at least when it comes to titles). And this seems pretty appropriate for something with that influence. And like I’ve said earlier, they had a problem that both the Lightforged (and the paladin class sets, for that matter) have already used a lot of the more militaristic design elements that they might have otherwise included in this one.

As for the colors, their culture has basically always been represented by this beige/brass and purple/blue scheme. At least those who come from Exodar, like the player characters.

The shoulders and gloves are super slapped on. The boots look random because they are metallic when the rest of the set is leather/cloth. The belt is just skinned over old maternity belts from cata and mop (low effort). The helm is just argus plate catch up gear set reskinned and not even color matched.

The draenei heritage set is so thrown together without much thought other than “crystals!”, uh…“jewelry!”, um… “scrap cloth!”

I’m truly bummed out by it when you can see the clashing themes just by looking at it.


That’s the only thing I agree with. They should have made a new model for the boots so that they could continue the cloth-wrapped look of the rest of it to their legs. Because the problem with the model they’ve used is that the texture that gets applied to their shins is the same as the top part of those boots. Doesn’t leave much room for variety.

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It’s a little busy and the scarf just cutting off at the belt in the back looks odd but overall it is very pretty.

However, my draenei paladin would never wear something so tribal-looking or armor that leaves her so… exposed.

But my dwarf shaman would love it!

Great, a pointed dunce cap and yet another giant WWE belt. I’m really disappointed,


severely depressed even the copy n paste AR race had cooler heritage armor then that

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