Draenei Heritage Set

I almost wanna level my draenei shaman for this too… Almost, i’m not too fond of shaman this expansion.

I’ll figure it out. I’m just thrilled they didn’t make it the 1000th purple crystal plate armor set.

I might use it without the helmet. It looks ok. I think they went for TBC look because if you want the WOD look its already in the game what I am using now.

Looks pretty off, just as off as the Darkspear set.

This set is legit amazing. I refuse to hear otherwise.

looks like a badly designed power rangers villain

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I guess sticking with the concept art wasn’t part of the plan???

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If it helps, enhancement becomes pretty amazing with even half decent gear and a modicum of haste. Especially with the current set bonuses. Oh boy it’s gonna hurt to lose those in the future!

Oh, the damage isn’t a factor. It’s the number of rotational buttons. My hands aren’t very dexterous and there’s just too many for me to play with comfortably. Used to love enhancement though. From WoD through BFA and a little bit of SL (in SL i was using a mostly passive build).

I feel like it has twice as many buttons now.

The set looks good, but the color palette is atrocious lol.

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I think it looks pretty good and is exactly what I was expecting. Not a fan of the shoulders or the helm all that much, but it looks pretty good without those.

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They just need to recolor this- it’s way to ununified and busy. One of the choices is: green ( why??), purple, orange, gold, copper, brown, cream, and a pale yellow!

I’m usually all for WOW’s art team, but this is not a W. You could make these colours work together- but they have not accomplished that.

The back view looks particularly poor on the male- the orange drape just ends at the belt- the tail just looks stuck on, and the hairless, featureless back of the helmet accentuates a 'pinhead ’ look.

Positive note- the drape is really cool and a nice addition to transmog, I hope they use it more often!


Throwback to the concept art. I posted a picture a little bit above.

Hmmm, it fits the Draenei really well… Hmmm but what about the reform Eredar?
I wonder they add a variant to match their eredar color skin and eyes too.
:crossed_fingers: :grimacing:

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Thing about the Eredar is that they basically abandoned their “heritage” when they threw their lot in with the Burning Legion. It would be cool if there was a darker version with like fel green crystals or w/e, but I wouldn’t count on it.


The problem I have is the heritage set has random crystals all over it that contrast the main cloth/leather and base. The set has two conflicting themes in it tribal and crystal. It also looks very low res compared to the troll set right next to it that has very sharp colors and edges to it.

It looks like random protoss crystals on all your extremities. The gloves make me think Psi-blades are gonna come blazing out.


Guessing the crystals are there just for a silhouette. Most of the outfit silhouette in that art is the cape part. Looks cool sure but usually with stuff like this you want something to be easily recognizable with a silhouette.

I get it. Looks fine to me.

I think this set looks amazing, reminds me of BC designs of Draenei when you go to Outlands and not the ships. Glad they didn’t try to ham fist it to look like paladin tier or the awful Army of the Light designs.

improves the set 100%.

Troll heritage set is worse, its quality of vendor whites.

Texturing on the troll cloth and leathers is at least better; its higher res overall compared to the Draenei set.