Problem is, Lightforged took all the more militaristic Draenei stuff they could have done.
The set looks fine, it’s just let down by the shoulders and helmet. As a female draenei main, I can tell you with confidence that helmets are extremely hit or miss on that character model anyway. There’s almost always some funky positioning, or strange overlaps around the back/base of the neck.
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wooooooww… this is a huge disappointment to not use the traveler looking version they had in concept. does anyone have that link?
this is awful
There are parts I like, and parts I don’t like. I actually like the crystals. The leggings though… they look so frumpy in the back.
probably would look better if the chest gem thing was attacked too the sleeve and not the sleeve going over it.
and maybe make it into a belt instead of having a big belt over it.
The boots, belts, and hat are really really bad and I hope they change them. If they’re going to make heritage armor can they please just create it on the actual race that is going to be wearing it instead of making it on male humans? Is that too much to ask? Because those pieces clearly were not designed for Draenei.
I don’t really like the legs either. They’re not horrible, but the weird butt flap is just not great. A normal set of pants version of it would be fine though.
The chest is fine. There should be options with and without the sash. Also a long sleeved version.
Gloves and shoulders are good.
huh, been awhile since i seen you adelphie.

but ya i agree with you here.
Bad feeling they’re going to make the troll heritage armor look amazing and people are going to rant about how Blizz favors the Horde and hates the alliance when…it’s the opposite. I mean more armor in the trading post was alliance color, the expansion pre order armor is alliance colored, the toys and pet alliance colored… not hard to see they love their “hero” alliance and only throw the “Villain” Horde side a bone now and then.
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It does ring true to the original design concept.
But goodness does it not appeal to me at all. 
When I first saw the data-mined versions I was kind of like eh but I think it’s growing on me. I kind of wish it was asymmetrical though.
if they got rid of the purple cloth thing thats draped over the chest and tucked under the belt itd probably look slightly better.
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I’m trying to like this set because I love heritage sets but damn. I mean DAMN.
It’s hideous.
Reminds me of MoP, where all the belts on any race except Panda made the character look pregnant/beer gut.
I like it and I feel like it fits the race pretty well. I’ll never use it on my Draenei Warlock because she is a red demon babe so the Dreadlord set is her heritage armor.
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should be a pile of hay. giant tin can for helmet.
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lol the WWE looking belt thickness has happened since cataclysm, and even with a MoP they still couldnt fix the mess…
Horn clipping, I mean come on really.
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The shoulders are missing something but otherwise i like it.
They did take inspiration from the concept art for it, and that’s good.
Edit: On second thought, i’d just wear it without the shoulders.
I think it looks great honestly. I was hoping for a more simplistic, clothing type thing. That second colour looks like it will go beautifully with Akama’s sickles on my shaman.
That’s what I plan to do. Or see how it looks with one shoulder on and one off. Also, minus the head piece.
I don’t have a Draenei but I will be making an ele sham for this, I think the set will complement the totems nicely. Not a bad set but I’ve only seen it on my phone so far.
It really makes me wish they’d find a way to start making these cloak/jacket things separate from the character model’s legs. Like…attach them to the waist or chest model so that they can hang down and move independently. Maybe that’s asking too much from the 20 year-old system, though. /shrug
From the sounds of things, you can just wait till this Panda event and level a new character then. I think I read that they’ll become regular retail characters when it’s over.