Draenei Heritage Set

I’m really excited for it! I’d agree with your points, though. The boots especially feel a bit uninspired so far, and I would like them to model the armor around the tail and horns better. I’m just ecstatic they didn’t go for another bulky crystal armor look.


I was so worried it would look like plate but I actually quite like this.

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Since the dawn of time RPGs have had class specific items and race specific items.

If you want to transmog a Tauren to look like they grew up with Draenei people then there are plenty of armor transmogs to do that already.

And yes it absolutely would be immersion breaking to see humans, worgen, or whatever running around wearing Tauren totems or Orcs wearing human plate armor.

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A design decision that games have been moving away from, least in the mmo sphere since it impedes the thing that matters the most. Fashion and customization.

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what did people expect? This is Blizz, they have always don’t bother making the alliance side of heritage quest of sets as good as the horde, we have always been an afterthought with this stuff.

The set itself is mostly fine. Just need to remove the random mail as well as the table glued to the chest since those screams over design.

Also hide the shoulder and helmet.


It’s very beige. Basing the idea on the male variant of an old concept is… okay? In theory? But in practice just looks old and boring. I can’t see many players wearing this tbh.

Heritage sets tend to be popular when they have some flair to them - this leans more towards the (terrible) Vulpera set of blandness.


The helm could use a rework, imo. It doesn’t look great with or without the dranei’s horns sticking out of it.


To be fair though helmets look so bad on Draenei as a rule that it really is just part of the cultural experience :sweat_smile:

you misspelled boots…not that i would know anything about that. :innocent:

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Although some actually look better, funnily enough. Darkmoon Harlequin’s Shoes look fantastic on draemages because you can mix the purple really well and you don’t have the jester bells at the end. But most boots are a lost cause, lol


I mean for being on the trading post you would hope they look good on all races especially for a maxed out tender reward.

You’d hope so, but honestly they’re a disaster on gnomes :sweat:

but what about MECHAGNOMES?

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Nah this is OG Draenei drip. Vet players appreciate this approach to the heritage armor. Don’t yuck my yum!

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Here’s the thing. Is it draenic? 100%. Does is fit these Draenei? I dont think so. I think it would be far more fitting for broken.


Idk if it fits. I mean if i think about tbc draenei, sure it fits. I think their roots should go back to argus instead. The set seems more like some kind of sand tribe draenei.

I am strongly inclined to agree.

That’s a pretty firm fail, at least in my opinion.

I don’t know, Draenei have been a nomadic race for thousands of years. If anything, they were so advanced in WoD that it made all the complaining about Argus just feel really awkward and nonsensical. And ever since then they’ve been in a constant state of technological decline; nowadays young Draenei would have grown up in Telredor or some other ruins, and the closest thing we have to homes (right now) are made from pieces of scrap from the Exodar, and the ruins of the ship itself (which was briefly repaired in a short story but I’m confident that’s all but retconned).

My guess as far as the Heritage questline is that it’s going to be a reunification of Eredar, so they might join with Broken and Man’ari to try to create a joint society. I saw rumors floating around about a new Draenei city, so it wouldn’t surprise me. I think they’re intentionally evoking Broken here, though.

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Well, hopefully, the quest line for the set is top tier, and I’ll wear this appearance for a while and probably never again.

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