Draenei Heritage Armor

A severe let down,
I dont want my toon to look like a forgettable NPC from WOD.

Not even going to bother collecting the set.
Looks absolutely terrible, Who in their right mind OK’d that helm?

The concept art is right there and they still managed to make something unfathomably ugly. How do you miss the mark by so so much.


I like it.

I just wish there was a Fel version for the Man’ari Draenei.

We are people too! :frowning:


Have you seen the concept art from 18 years ago?
The Exodar Peacekeeper outfits look better than this attempt.

My Draenei does not identify as a conehead.


Yes. I like the bikini lady.

But I think the Heritage Armor set looks good. It’s not the concept art, and it’s not trying to be. But it takes some inspiration from it, as well as from other Draenei stuff that came out long after that concept art was released, to create something in line with Blizzard’s current vision of what a Draenei is like.

I think it looks good. You are free to disagree. Aesthetics are subjective.

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I too am not too impressed with it, but I will collect it because I am just crazy. Might put it on my shaman if it looks decent on her. My pally is going to keep rocking his BC tier set.

I agree that the helm is kind of meh, especially on female draenei. But the overall set I like a lot. It walks a middle ground between the Light/Paladin/Tech-focused crystal aesthetic, and the more earthy Rangari look. It also looks (again, aside from the helmet) kind of like something the draenei might wear in their everyday lives, rather than on a battlefield.

The draenei we play as are exiles from the majority of their race, settled on what was, for them, a wilderness planet on the edges of space. Their heritage armor kind of gives me that vibe of a people settling out past the edges of (what they knew as) civilization, exploring and settling a new world. It’s not heavy armor, but it looks sturdy and rugged for going out and surveying land, clearing forests, building temples. It’s frontier clothing with a bit of a draenei crystal aesthetic. I like it.

edit: looking at it again, I don’t much like the shoulders either. They’re fine but don’t mesh with the vibe I’m describing. Everything but the helm/shoulders is great though.

I’ve been hopeful the blue recolor is related to Outland. Wishful thinking I suppose. :8ball::robot:

But it is. It’s clearly heavily inspired by the male version of the concept art. It’s just a very poor attempt


It’s based on the concept art. Just don’t use the helm and shoulders


Fixed that for you. I suppose dressing females up like a male is typical for 2024.

Putting that aside, Its a forgettable armor set that will blend in with the rest of the armor pieces we all have. Very lackluster.

What was once my most anticipated of heritage sets, has become the biggest let down.


But it isn’t.

The boots and gloves are completely different from the concept art. The helm and shoulders are new, since the concept art doesn’t have any, and while the belt is inspired by the idea of the concept art, with the big wheels, it was turned into a WWE belt, which is a welcome change.

Only the chest and pants (2 parts out of 7) look like the concept art, and even those are full of changes. They added chainmail and gold highlights to the fabric, and also some pieces of Draenei tech and crystals, none of which is present in the concept art. They also removed the long coat.

The Heritage Armor isn’t trying to be the concept art. The Heritage Armor is trying to represent the Draenei Race’s heritage. That includes the concept art, but it’s not limited to it.


Not really sure what people were expecting. It’s very similar to the outfits worn by the Draenei in concept art by Glenn Rane.

So true, A lways disliked this rig for belts, always found something else when a set used these chunky things.

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What? You don’t wanna walk around looking like space junkyard hobo people?? :upside_down_face:

(Seriously it is pretty horrendous)


It’s obviously not a 1:1 recreation, but I think you’re underplaying the similarities and overstating the differences. This set very clearly used the concept art as a base.

The gloves and boots are not completely different. The gloves have additional features, but those added features are built on the same cloth hand wraps from the concept art. The boots, too, both have vertical tooling on the front and an embedded element that points down into the cleft of the hoof.

As for the belt, the emblem on the face plate is exactly the same. It even has nearly the same groove placements on the bezel, and so do the smaller plates. These smaller plates also have the same hanging elements.

Sure, the helmet and shoulders are new, but I’d wager that was motivated more by an arbitrary need to design a complete set utilizing all armor slots than anything else. In fact, I would suspect that most of the changes were made to avoid any accusations of the set being too plain.

Personally I would have preferred that though. There’s at least 11 different colors and eight or nine textures at play here, compared to the seven colors and five textures in the concept art.

The set is very busy. There’s like four different highlights, and the inlaid purple cabochons don’t even color match the raw crystals on the shoulders.

What is meant to be the base color? Is it the green tunic, the brown leather, the red sash, or the beige linens? What are the highlights? The gold trimming? The two different purples? Maybe the red is a highlight? The green? Or the blue-green collar? You can’t really tell because all of these colors and textures are being used in almost equal proportions. I’d probably say that the green tunic is the base, but with so many other elements in the set it becomes muddled. I’m not saying that all designs have to follow a formula of base color with compliment highlights, but to me it looks like a Draenei went into a dark closet and came out wearing four different shirts at the same time.

As an added note, this set has features that remind me of the Solemn Watchman’s Garb ensemble, especially in the tunic below the belt. The chain mail looks the same, and it’s layered on the tunic in the same order. Makes me wonder if the designers used that as a starting template… but that is just baseless speculation.

Regardless, one thing that I noticed while examining the concept art more closely is that the Draenei has horse shoes on his hooves! I would love to have that as a customization option. Give us horn caps as well.


I disagree. That’s a shame it’s not doing it for you though. I know the feeling of being disappointed in a heritage set. Hopefully it grows on you.

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You clearly haven’t seen the Worgen HA. Trust me Draenei at least somewhat looks like old art that was out there.

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I actually don’t mind it, but they need to fix the belt and head, the head should be a hat of some sorts.

I like it. I probably won’t use it on Kaioon, but maybe on my paladin. I’m really interested to see how the 3d elements on the chest interact with a tabard.

If that cloth shows over a tabard it’ll be a really unique look. The set has a lot of mix and match potential, which is more than I can say for a lot of heritage armors.

Anyway the real goal is the questline. Orc and human set a pretty high bar. It’s not like draenei are hurting for themed armor. Between TBC, WoD, Legion and like 4 paladin tiers and a shaman tier or two I feel like they’re one of the easiest races to transmog. Even more if you count all the fel-themed arms and armors with the man’ari options.

The antigrav tech exhibited by the floating shoulders is interesting.

(sarcasm alert)